


The present «Frequency Poetic Dictionary of the Zhyrau language of the XV-XVIII centuries» is a scientific and encyclopedic publication on the systematization of lexical units and formulaic combinations of the poetic speech of Zhyrau of the XV-XVIII centuries, as well as the techniques of their oral-stylistic technique. They are wonderful creators and keepers of the ancient oral epic culture of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Crimea, the North Caucasus and Central Asia. Their names are widely known in their epic and in their lyric-epic works. The dictionary contains a rich corpus of stable units, formulas and formulaic formations (primary transformations). All this powerful oral-stylistic technique vividly testifies to the history of the development of the poetic art of the Turks, about the organic connection of oral tradition with its initial foundations – myth, ritual and ritual, where rhythmic spells, formulaic repetitions, suggestion and magic played the main role. A valuable spiritual heritage of the epic culture of the Turkic peoples is becoming today the «formula grammar», which has the greatest prospects for its research. Kazakh zhyrau, as well as ancient Turkic yrchi, played a major role in the formation and formation of national statehood and literary language. They have created wonderful oral works of various genres, which are not inferior in artistic value to many masterpieces of written world literature. The frequency dictionary includes a large number of outdated and incomprehensible terms today. But all of them are accompanied by the necessary explanations, comments, links to the opinions of famous scientists, etc. The dictionary is intended for specialists-researchers of the Kazakh and Turkic languages, folklorists, epicologists, philosophers, culturologists, translators of the poetic art of the Kazakh people, anyone interested in the aesthetics of nomads.

About the Authors

K. Zhanabayev
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


U. Islyamova
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


A. Seitbekova
Akhmet Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



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2. Abylkasimov B.SH. (1984) [Stilisticheskiye formy i sredstva v zhanre tolgau]/V kn.: Zhanr tolgau v kazakhskoy ustnoy poezii. – Alma-Ata: Nauka, 1984. S 120. (In Russian)

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5. Finnegan S. (1977) Oral poetry: Its nature, significance and social context. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1977.

6. Рarry M. (1930) Studies in the Epic Technique of oral Verse-Making. 1. Homer and Homeric style. – Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, V. XLI, 1930. – P. 80.

7. Lord A.B. (1994) The Singer of tales. – Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1960 / Perevod s angliyskogo i kommentarii U.A. Kleynerai G.A. Levintona. Poslesloviye. – M.: Izdatel’skaya firma «Vostochnaya literatura», RAN, 1994. – 368 s. – Issledovaniya po fol’kloru i mifologii. (In Russian)

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9. Bekturov J.J. (1999) Problemy semantiki ustnoy individual’noy kul’tury kazakhskogo naroda / V kn.: Issledovaniya po istorii i semantike stikha. – Karaganda ,1999. – S. 28-37 (In Russian)

10. Zhaksylykov A.ZH. (2016) Poeziya zhyrau vekov: mental’nost’ i poetika. – Almaty, 2016. – 160 s. (In Russian)

11. Ibrayev SH. (1999) Epicheskiye formuly i poeticheskiye sredstva «Kitabi dedem Korkut» / V kn.: Issledovaniya po istorii i semantike stikha. – Karaganda, 1999. – 122 s. (In Russian)

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14. Tursınov E.D. (1976) Qazaq awız ädebïetiniñ jastarınıñ bayırğı oqwları. –A lmatı, 1976. – 200 b. (in Kazakh)


For citations:

Zhanabayev K., Islyamova U., Seitbekova A. FREQUENCY POETIC DICTIONARY OF THE ZHYRAU LANGUAGE OF THE XV-XVIII CENTURIES. Tiltanym. 2022;86(2):28-38. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)