


Toponymic names, in addition to language and a specific historical situation, have other common features that to a certain extent reflect the social, economic, and geographical aspects of human society. We can reveal this feature inherent in geographical names in the process of semantic analysis of toponymic vocabulary. This paper is dedicated to the study of the semantics of geographical names of hydronyms of the East Kazakhstan region, the Altai territory.

In this study, an attempt will be made to systematize the hydronymic identification by defining the semantic features of the names of rivers, streams, sources, and lakes flowing through the Altai region of the East Kazakhstan region, because the saturation of the hydronymic system with names is determined primarily by the requirements of the nomadic economy for natural water sources. It follows from this that the significance of water in the nomadic lifestyle of our ancestors and the hydronymic names that had a very early place in history were determined and comprehensively analyzed from a linguistic point of view. One of the main problems identified during the analysis of the semantics of geographical names of hydronyms of the East Kazakhstan region, the Altai region, is the absence of ethno-toponyms in this region characteristic of the Kazakh nation. The study discusses and analyzes its main causes. Also, as a result of a comparative analysis of the names of geographical objects of other regions facing the East Kazakhstan region, the main difference between the hydronyms of the Altai territory from the names of hydronyms of other Kazakh regions was revealed. Hydronyms were classified with systematization on a semantic basis into 14 groups, including names indicating physical and geographical features and characteristics; hydronyms containing phytonyms; hydronyms containing zoonyms; hydronyms associated with the social life and spiritual culture of the population; hydronyms containing anthroponyms, and hydronyms with an emotional connotation.

About the Authors

Sh. B. Seiitova
Alikhan Bokeikhan University


B. A. Abdykhanova
Shakarim University of Semey



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For citations:

Seiitova Sh.B., Abdykhanova B.A. SEMANTIC COMPOSITION OF HYDRONYMS (BASED ON HYDRONYMY OF EK, ALTAI DISTRICT). Tiltanym. 2023;(3):173-183. (In Kazakh)

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