No 2 (2021)
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3-11 530

The basis of the conceptual position of the scientist in the transformation of the culture of writing into the heritage of the nation was, firstly, a deep knowledge of the rich oral literature, folklore heritage; secondly, a clear awareness of the linguistic identity and intransigence of the Kazakh people who inhabited the boundless Great Steppe. Therefore, in terms of continuity in relation to the teachings of Akhmet Baitursynuly, one of the urgent issues is to give it a national character through a radical reform of the Kazakh script.

12-21 536

The article is dedicated to the scientific heritage of the outstanding linguist, academician N. Sauranbayev. The scientist is especially known as a specialist in the syntax of the Kazakh language. His works on phonetics and phonology have long gone beyond the scope of research. The article discusses the position of the scientist on segmental phonetics. Differential features of phonemes, their classification, articulatory characteristics of vowels and consonants, the ratio of sounds and letters, accents and syllables are analyzed.

22-33 546

The article analyzes the pedagogical works of Akhmet Baitursynuly. In the innovative works of the great teacher of the nation, who was born on the Kazakh land, each scientific concept was given a nominal value, and the integral terminological system of Kazakh linguistics and literary studies was formed.

34-39 331

The article examines one of the periods of the development of ethnolinguistics, as well as scientific works written during this period. In particular, the article considers the role and contribution of Professor E. Zhanpeisov in the study of Kazakh ethnolinguistics. The article analyzes the scientist’s works, including his last monograph «Қазақ ескіліктері». Some lexical units are described in detail.

40-47 360

This article provides a scientific and analytical description of the works of famous linguist, turkologist K. Omiraliev, dedicated to the study of sources of professional Kazakh poetry, traditions and continuity, and tendencies of innovation on the basis of Kazakh poetry samples of the XV-XIX centuries. The complex system of research, philological character, and historical-linguistic principle of the scientist’s works are evaluated from the perspective of the anthropocentric paradigm of linguistics.

48-52 371

One of the important problems in Kazakh spelling is the spelling of complex words (adjectives, pronouns, adverbs).

The article analyzes complex adjectives formed from the word «әр», as well as the spelling of pronouns and adverbs formed from two words. On the basis of the structural-semantic analysis, a number of recommendations are put forward for the unification of their spelling.

53-56 363

Reading the comprehensive step-by-step analysis of ancient texts carried out by Kulmat Umraliev, the unique scientist who devoted himself to the inventory of texts, their historical, literary and linguistic analysis and writing important scientific works, we get to know unique methods of studying ancient Turkic written monuments of the XV-XIX centuries and later eras, which can serve as an example for modern researchers.

57-62 393

The article analyzes the structural features of the first Kazakh spelling rules. The structure of the Kazakh spelling, supplemented in 1914, 1918, 1920, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1927 is described and compared with modern spelling articles. Spelling articles based on the principles of Akhmet Baitursynuly are considered to be the beginning of the spelling on the basis of the Latin script of 1929, as well as the spelling based on modern Cyrillic graphics. The article compares the spelling articles supplemented in different years and analyzes the structural features of the spelling articles.

63-67 306

The article considers various points of view of outstanding scientists on the problem of belonging of state category words to an independent part of speech. An attempt is made to determine the status of the words under consideration at the level of semantic syntax.

68-75 36857

The article discusses the types of analytical method, their word-forming abilities and functions. It is known that the analytical method of creating complex words performs a very productive function in linguistics. The article describes the features of the method of repetition in the formation of complex adverbs of the word-forming system. In the study of complex adverbs, the theory of repeated words in linguistics was taken as a basis. Despite the fact that repeated words were studied in science comprehensively, in word-forming systems of parts of speech, complex words were not fully studied. In the word-forming system of adverbs of the modern Kazakh language, complex repeated adverbs created by the method of repetition are defined, and their features are presented.

Complex adverbs created by repeating the same root word in different forms have also been defined. On the basis of compound adverbs conisting of two words, their types are indicated.

76-82 587

The article describes methods and techniques for replenishing vocabulary in foreign language lessons. Knowledge is the only force that can make the  future brighter than it is today and move human society forward. Definitely, the future of today’s multilingual youth will be perspective, but the main requirement of today is to provide quality education to the younger generation. Information and communication technologies, various simple games and role-playing games, dialogue, that is, the communicative method, as well as the use of various visual aids are of great importance in the development of students’ vocabulary.

83-88 429

The article reveals that there are 23 proverbs and sayings with the names of animals that are similar in structure, similar in meaning, and 9 proverbs in which there are names of animals that semantically resemble  each other with a shift of some words  in the composition. At the same time, 33 names of animals have been identified, which, despite the fact that their phonetic form in the modern Kazakh language has undergone minor changes, are now completely preserved; 11 names of animals that are identical in meaning, whose phonetic form in the Kazakh language has completely changed; 2 names of animals that have not survived from the Middle Turkic period to the present day. which have fallen out of use.

89-93 636

This article is devoted to the main directions of teaching disciplines in    a foreign language. One of the most successful methods of language teaching is Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), which allows combining learning, for example, English or German and a specific subject, i.e. expanding the overall educational space through the functional approach to learning a foreign language. It also significantly increases the motivation for language use. The need to update and improve the learning process using this method is considered.

94-97 967

Although there has been a lot of research on related names in Kazakh and Japanese, there are very few papers that have investigated the specifics of related names in both languages. In this work, we identify the similarities and characteristic features of the national traditions, customs, language and culture of the two peoples, comparing separately the research works on related names in the Kazakh and Japanese languages.

98-104 334

In order to popularize, promote, and present the scientific heritage of Kazakh linguistics, the article reviews the scientific life and works of the scientist-professor, doctor of Philology Yerbol Zhanpeisov; some idioethnic units are etymologically analyzed. The article identifies the novelty, place, purpose, contribution of the professor to the development of etymology of the Kazakh language, word formation, functional grammar as a scientific discipline, as a result of which the value of the scientific linguistic heritage of the scientist is determined.

105-113 436

The article considers genre features of ancient Turkic written monuments. Studies, opinions and conclusions of scientists related to this genre have been analyzed. The definition of the genre of ancient Turkic monuments consists not only of the analysis of their artistic power and poetic value, but also the evaluation of the historical, strategic significance and the main ideological mission of these works. For more than a century, many historians, literary critics and linguists have been commenting on this problem from the scientific point of view. The article analyzes and compares the evidence of scientists who recognized this monument as poetry and prose, and provides examples and evidence from the text of the monuments. At the same time, the features of the main conclusions and arguments of K. Omiraliev’s research on this problem are considered and their scientific significance is revealed.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)