No 1 (2015)
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3-9 460

In the article, the history of the formation and development of Kazakh lexicography is considered, and also scientific-theoretical significance of the scientist’s works in the field of explanatory dictionaries of the Kazakh language is defined.

Professor M. Malbakov is a leading expert in the area of Kazakh Linguistics history and an experienced scientist who made comprehensive research of the theoretical and scientific methodological bases of Kazakh lexicography. As a result, he studied in detail the structural basis of explanatory dictionaries of the Kazakh language.

In this aspect he defined the principles of presentation and selection of words in the explanatory dictionary, i.e. of register words, determination and interpretation of word meanings, specification of polysemanticism and semantic fields, distinction of homonyms, the ways of interpretation of voice forms.

All these questions undoubtedly have exceptional value for subsequent editions not only of explanatory dictionaries, but also of dictionaries of various type of the Kazakh language.

10-20 326

In the article, the linguistic and cultural semantics of agionyms as an integral component of the mytho-religious world outlook of the ethnos is considered in close interrelation. As sources, works of religious content, legends, hagiographic works, as well as materials from the collections of the Central State Museum were taken, code information about hagiophraseological units in the Kazakh language, cultural and linguistic semantics of hagionymic names was revealed, their semiotic status, place and functions in the ethno-cultural and linguistic space were determined. Words, phrases, phraseological units and proverbs, and precedent names were taken as linguistic representatives of discrete units in the mental structure of religious and mythological cognition.

21-29 997

This article discusses the basic concepts and terminology of Corpus Linguistics, as well as outlines the technological processes related to their design, the selection and processing of linguistic material, the metamarkup ways. The brief description is given of corpus managers providing the search in the corpus of linguistic units necessary for users. The author of the articles tries to acquaint readers with the concepts of Corpus Linguistics, so that they can learn the basics of corpus technologies, acquire skills to work with the corpus, determine the place of the branch of science and corpuses in the series of information technologeis.

The article describes the possibilities of using corpuses for receiving a variety of information and statistic data on language and speech units. In particular, on the basis of corpuses, data on the frequency of word forms, tokens, grammatical categories can be obtained, changes in the frequency and contexts at different times can be traced, data on co-occurrence of lexical units, etc. can be received. It is also evident that a representative array of language data for a specific period allows us to study the dynamics of the processes of changing of the lexical structure of the language, to conduct the analysis of lexical and grammatical characteristics of different genres and different authors.

30-34 249

The modern level of research of linguistic facts and the wide functioning of the Kazakh language in the status of the state language reveals the literary, cultural and social essence of Kazakh dictionaries. They, as a mirror of the Kazakh word, reflect the culture and language in the context with its native speakers. Due to the cumulative nature of the language, they perform a cognitive and communicative function.

35-42 254

The article describes the contribution of the outstanding linguist M. M. Malbakov to the development of linguistics in Kazakhstan and the Turkic world. The article examines the formation of the middleturkic language, the system of common language for related language groups, the language of the Middle World and the system of consistent global writing based on the oikumental theory of the nation and the concepts of ethnism and ethnolinguopanism. The article considers the heritage and prospects of development of the Altai and Turkic civilizations in the system of Eastern and Western civilizations.

43-53 291

In the article the fact is established that the second half of the XX century is characterized by achievements in the field of Turkic lexicography, i.e. there is a sufficient basis for the inventory, for the creation of the general electronic base, and also for compiling bilingual, multilingual, etymological, ethnolinguistic and other dictionaries.

The author considers as perspective in this area the creation of complex dictionaries based on comprehensive intrepretation which reveal the deep sense and functioning of ethnolexical, phraseological, paremiological units. Such work will serve as the mechanism providing the spiritual identity and correlation of the Turkic peoples.

54-63 261

The article states that the theoretical (phonetic, phonological, lexicographic and super-segmental: intonation, prosodic) foundations of Kazakh orthoepic norms, laid down in the” Orthoepic Dictionary of the Kazakh Language “of academic nature, published under the state program “Cultural Heritage”, are not only the fruit of long-term scientific research of scientists-linguists, but should also be included in the content of the program of teaching various languages in adapted form.

The author believes that the presented knowledge, first of all revealed earlier and refined in the practice of word-making, including the system of knowledge that makes up the corpus of Kazakh orthoepy, should necessarily be reflected in the content of the textbook in the form of educational and visual exercises and tasks adapted for the chidl.

64-69 257

Currently, online dictionaries, due to their accessibility, ease of use and the full volume of information are in great demand among users in translation and educational activities. Therefore, the possibilities of the world wide web are used more and more often and successfully in lexicographic work. In this article, we want to share our experience of using online dictionaries in preparation for the release of the multi-volume ‘Academic Dictionary of the Bashkir Language’.

70-75 303

The article considers the importance of illustrative materials in explanatory dictionaries of the Kazakh language. Considering drawbacks in compilation, addition and edition of the explanatory dictionary and insufficient use of illustrative material, it is proposed to increase and improve the illustration of interpretation of language facts by interesting data from various cultural-historical and newspaper texts.

76-80 387

The Bashkir people have a very complex system of kinship developed in ancient times. From the terms of kinship in the Bashkir language, two large groups can be distinguished: 1) blood relatives; 2) relatives with whom there is no blood connection. The first group includes distant and close relatives on the mother’s and father’s side. The second category includes all the others who are related only by property, that is, they include the relatives of the husband and wife. To a fairly wide range of terms of kinship of literary language, various dialect names are also added. This rather complex system of kinship was studied in detail byN . V. Bikbulatov.

Kinship terms refer to the lexical and semantic group of words that is mostly common to many modern Turkic languages. This can also be seen in terms of non-blood kinship. These lexemes have been preserved in theT urkic languages, while expanding the semantics.

81-86 430

In the Kazakh traditional mode of life, hides of livestock and various species of animals were used as the main source of raw materials. Their role as a raw material does not lose its relevance to the present day. Products made from the processed raw material are widely used in everyday life of Kazakhs, such as clothing, utensils, housing, harness and household items, etc. They testify to the high level of processing of raw hides.

In the article, the ethno-linguistic analysis of one of the ancient household articles “sypyra” is given. “Sypyra” is translated from the Kazakh language as a tablecloth for rolling out dough; it is usually made of raw sheep or goat hide.

87-91 462

The article is devoted to the history of the development and formation of punctuation marks in Kazakh Linguistics. In the opinion of the author of this article, the founder of definition of rules of punctuation in the Kazakh language and formation of terminological lexics was A. Baitursynuly.

Researches on punctuation problems in general and Kazakh Linguistics in the article are considered in three directions: 1) articles devoted to problems of punctuation marks; 2) school textbooks; 3) special monographs and researches.

92-96 284

The article considers the cognitive part of advertising, as well as its role in the development of the State language and record-keeping. It is known that advertising from year to year is gaining momentum and becoming a popular type of marketing. In addition, a reader is given an opportunity to get to know advertising as an integral part of literature.

Expanding its borders in the years of independence, advertising has become an important part of the economy of each country, business and entrepreneurship. In particular, it has become popular for the promotion of ready-made products and goods. The peculiarity of advertising language is the use of literary words in solution and promotion of concrete tasks.

Advertising as part of the standard language has great psychological impact and influence on the society. Owing to modern communication technologies, advertising has become a part of not only marketing but the daily life of each person.

97-102 256

This article deals with the scientific analysis of writing based on the Latin alphabet that was used by the Kazakhs in China in the period of 1965-1983. Foreign terms, names of cities, countries and places were used as materials of the analysis. The purpose is to define the practice of spelling of foreign words which came into the language.

During the study several phonemes that are extrinsic to the Kazakh language were used to write international terms and other foreign words with double consonants. However the irregularities in the law of synharmonism peculiar to the Kazakh language have been revealed in writing foreign words.

The author of the article has made the following conclusion: “During the transition to the Latin alphabet and elaboration of spelling rules, first of all, it is necessary to consider the issue of the Kazakh language recovery in accordance with the former regulation.”

103-106 276

The article deals with the fact that the syntactic complication is determined not by homogeneous members of the sentence, but by single-component sentences.

The article is devoted to syntax, including the complication of a simple sentence. The author clarifies that a number of already recognized complex units are expressed by separate types of words. For the first time, the function of interjections and appeals in the complication of a sentence is highlighted. The conclusion consists in summing up and summarizing the existing scientific opinions.

107-111 356

This article is aimed to consider the problem of applying some of the most important methods and strategies of simultaneous interpretation, such as speech compression, forecasting, simplification. The article expounds in detail the problem of significance and necessity of applying speech compression in the process of simultaneous interpretation from the Chinese language into the Kazakh language while interpreting structural complex sentences or phrases. The article presents concrete examples of the used speech compression in the course of simultaneous interpretation with some analysis. During the interpretation an interpreter can use many of the translation strategies at the same time. The article also discusses some grammar peculiarities and differences between the Chinese and Kazakh languages. All of these approaches could help an interpreter to improve the quality of translation.

112-125 2322

At the present stage of development of sovereign Kazakhstan when the country has intentions to join the top 30 countries of the world, to move into Latin script, the problem of working out scientifically proved general rules of transliteration of Kazakh onomastic names in the English Language is sharply raised. It is time to standardize graphical forms of onomastic names by accepted rules and to ban misspelled or disorderly spelled Kazakh names in any foreign languages.

126-136 1389

Official documents setting the rules for functioning of the State language and record-keeping in the State language in the Republic of Kazakhtsan are classified in the article by different characteristics. Peculiarities of official documents setting the rules for functioning of the State language and record-keeping in the State language are demonstrated.

137-141 593

The present article discusses peculiarities of terminology in the field of architecture and construction. Architecture being an ancient science still leaves many questions open. The problems of studying terms have always attracted attention of prominent scientists. However, terminology in the field of architecture deserves even more attention today, as the modern world dynamically develops and architecture adapts all the changes taking place. Due to what new notions appear and they are certainly, reflected in the language. The word-stock of any field of the language enriches and architecture is not an exception. Terminology in the mentioned field has its own peculiarities. In addition to that, modern word-stock in the field construction was originated from several sources which are stated below as well.

The present article is devoted to features of architectural terminology. The author has presented the main components of this language layer and basic characteristics.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)