No 1 (2017)
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3-8 328

   Since the problem of writing and the alphabet is closely related, first of all, it will be necessary to determine the sound foundation of each language, and then label each sound with letters. Written language can be called a graphic representation of the spoken language.
   The article discusses the necessity of the transition of the Kazakh alphabet from Cyrillic script to Latin graphics and possible difficulties of such transition, as well as possible ways of the transition to Latin graphics. The statistical analysis of frequency of occurrence of graphemes of the Kazakh alphabet and the percent of their coverage by example of 3 written texts of the Kazakh language has been conducted. Statistical data should be taken into account in the process of the transition of the Kazakh alphabet from Cyrillic script to Latin graphics

9-12 319

   Kazakh society is ready to switch to Latin graphics. The transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script can be perceived as part of the development of education and science. The article is devoted to the problem of the transition of the Kazakh language to Latin script. The experience of the transition of European and Turkic languages to Latin script is analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of two types of project on the transition to Latin script (linguistic project and Internet project) are revealed.

13-18 312

   The article is devoted to the problem of transliteration of onomastic names based on Latin script. Because if we want to join the ranks of developing countries in the near future, we must have our own national transliteration. In this regard, based on international experience, it is necessary to bring geographical names and anthroponyms as close as possible to the original, while preserving national identity. Currently, there is a great discrepancy in the transliteration of geographical names and anthroponyms. In this connection, the article provides examples of inconsistency, inaccurate transliteration, and a brief analysis of international experience on this issue.

19-23 233

   At this time, writing plays an extremely important role in human society. Because, although oral conversation is favorable for direct communication of communicants, communication at a distance relies only on the help of writing. The writing system also developed along with the human mind and was formed according to the syllabic, alphabetical principle.
   The main issues of the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script are considered in the article. Latin graphics provides language accuracy, but not simply by replacing letters, but by reducing excessive symbols and aligning letters.

24-30 350

   The article dwells upon the issues of transference of modern Kazakh alphabet to Latin script. Linguistic and extralinguistic reasons for the transition to the new Kazakh-Latin alphabet are considered. The issue of the draft projects of the alphabet proposed by Kazakhstani scientists and citizens (as the citizens take active part in discussion of the issue as well) has been discussed from 1993, and special attention has been drawn to the problem of choice of the letters referring to the specific Kazakh phonemes. Having analyzed the proposed projects of the alphabet, the authors of the article choose the design proposed by the scientists from the Institute of Linguistics named after Akhmet Baitursynov. Pointing to the letters, advised to be removed from the Kazakh alphabet based on the script of the Russian language, the researchers propose to introduce new alphabet graphemes ф, в, һ. The article demonstrates the adoption of the alphabetic script, referring to the specific phonemes of Kazakh language.

31-35 233

   The article analyzes the spelling of some letters related to the transition of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin alphabet.The orthoepic rules are proposed taking into account the phonetic-morphological structures of the Kazakh speech. Orthoepic texts and texts on the basis of the new Latin graphics are presented. And the analysis of the sound base of these texts is fulfilled. A number of problems with the transition to the Latin alphabet have been identified in the sound system of the Kazakh language.

36-39 361

   The concept of the brand name in advertising texts and slogans, the everyday sphere of the individual’s consciousness, special literature on marketing, advertising, branding has not been sufficiently studied to date from the point of view of the linguistic unit. While the linguistic analysis of the brand name is extremely important for both the advertising business and
the language personality. In the era of high level of advanced technology and new technologies, linguistic, semantic definitions of brand names are developing well. This article is devoted to the sociolinguistic characteristics of brand names, as well as the problems of brand naming. Since the semantics of the brand is formed in the mind of a person, providing an emotional connection between the linguistic perception of the brand and its semantic functionality.

40-45 273

   If the choice of the alphabet is the first priority when switching to the Latin alphabet, then after choosing one of the alphabet options, you can say that the work becomes even more difficult. Translation of the state language into the Latin alphabet, first of all, in the modern developed, globalized, mature period, does not lag behind the trends of the time, creates the need as one of the ways to enter the world space. This event called for the revival of national values in accordance with the idea of «Rukhani zhangyru».

   The main content of the article is the problem of the syllable in the process of transition to the Latin sript. The whole people took part in the choice of the new alphabet of the Kazakh language; and in the further realization of the problem of spelling, a complex and responsible role is allocated to linguists.

46-51 231

   In the Kazakh language, with the penetration of Cyrillic graphics, there are linguistic phenomena that contradict the natural sound and legitimacy of our language, which penetrates the vocabulary and subordinates the rules of spelling. We are not deprived of the sounds «ю», «я», which came from the Russian language, and we can not perceive them as alien to the usual vision, if we write «Йу/Йу, йа» by ear in the Kazakh language. Such changes, which seemed «wrong» in the Cyrillic alphabet, do not catch the eye when transmitted in the Latin script, and create ease in the visual perception of the population. In this regard, an urgent problem is the implementation of an effective reform of the Kazakh written language in accordance with the national sound system and pronunciation style. The article deals with the rules for automatic translating of words with phonemes я, ю in the Kazakh language into the Latin script.

52-59 1060

   Today, research in cognitive linguistics is intensifying the search for the description of the manifestation of knowledge in language. Despite the fact that it is described as a new direction in general linguistics, research in this direction in Kazakh linguistics begins with the works of A. Baitursynov. In the works of the scientist, the issues of language and consciousness, language consciousness, language and cognition, concepts, conceptualization and categorization, lexical and grammatical meaning of a word, the nature of grammatical meaning, etc. were covered. The information accumulated as a result of the knowledge of reality is reflected in the language. This article examines the works of A. Baitursynov from the point of view of cognitive linguistics.

60-64 847

   The article discusses some technical aspects of the introduction of the Kazakh alphabet based on Latin graphics. The relevance of using only 26 characters of basic Latin in the alphabet is analyzed. The possibilities of using technically extended Latin characters are considered. Unicode-overview of the international character encoding standard. It describes the Unicode versions, publications, languages, and writing systems, and the common character set.

65-69 283

   The culture of the people is one of the most stable phenomena in the world. According to the research carried out in line with the theory of mentality, stereotypes are formed very quickly – within 15-20 years. Such changes of mentality in the diachrony of language are illustrated in the article with examples from proverbs and sayings, as well as the days of the week. For clarity, the material is taken from both Russian and English and German languages. The article emphasizes the fact that stereotypes are deeply embedded in the minds of native speakers and are almost not noticed by them.

70-74 350

   A. K. Zhubanov was engaged and is engaged in the problem of creating a national corpus of texts of the Kazakh language. He devoted many articles to this topic, and also spoke at many scientific conferences, both in Kazakhstan and abroad. He successfully passes on his knowledge to postgraduates and undergraduates. This article analyzes the research of Professor A. K. Zhubanov. Professor of Kazakh Linguistics A. K. Zhubanov is a worthy successor of the work of his father, the largest Kazakh scientist, the first professor of Kazakh philology Kudaibergen Kuanovich Zhubanov.

75-77 385

   Sentences are the main syntactic unit with communicative grammatical
independence. It appeared to publish the opinion. Opinion has two members: it consists of a subject and a predicate. The predicate in the opinion connects the qualities, actions, actions inherent in the member subject through the predicative relation. This article discusses the structure of a two-part sentence and its place in the syntactic system.

78-83 627

   One of the main means of communication and the tool, which help us to conduct our social life is language. When it is used within the context of communication, it bounds up with culture in a multiple and complex way, so we should consider the language as the way of expressing the language portrait of the world through the language and the culture of the nation, the way of thinking and expressing people’s disposition. The overview of different scholars’ researches allows to identify the connection between mythology and symbols in other words and the symbolic perception of the world. The nature of the symbol is stable and kernel idea of symbols is transferred from generation to generation. Most of mythological heroes are described as symbols and nowadays they can have an influence on people’s mentality and feelings as a national code.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)