The environment and place of manifestation of the national outlook is the national culture. Culture manifests itself in the works of the people for millennia, they accumulate the spiritual research of society and the individual, the wisdom and morality of the people. In each culture, ideas about the world, the surrounding world, are formed. Because each culture, depending on the time, mentality, moral norms, forms its own system of views on a person, life death, human deeds, beauty and other basic values that exist in every nation. From this point of view, language is a visible, widespread, preserved instrument. In modern linguistics, the cognitive direction and linguoculturological foundations indicate that the search for our culture and history in the Kazakh language, deepening into the national language to determine the place of our nation among human culture, knowledge of its spiritual source is the right path from the point of view of science.
The words are composed of sounds, while physically, sound is waves. The words we speak out are composed of sounds of certain frequency. This means that when we listen to words of a certain unknown language, it is impossible for us to pick out every spoken word. This is because all those words are usually tied with one another to form a word flow. It will be difficult for the listener to identify every word, every phrase and every sentence if he/she does not understand their meanings. The delimitation tools, units and components of the Kazakh word flow are discussed in the article. Such units of the Kazakh sounding speech as a phonetic word or accent group, rhythmic group, syntagma and statements are described, their differential signs are revealed. Motivated and unmotivated deviations from the norm of partitioning of the Kazakh sounding speech are also described.
The nationally-cultural element usually has no formal indicators in linguistic sign and is determined implicitly on the basis of association with the inner form and content of the aggregate value of one or another linguistic unit. A specific complex nature of its consolidation and synthesizing in the content of linguistic unit of the nationally-cultural element are found in phraseological materials and in a literary text. The phraseology in the literary text and in poetry and lyrical discourse is thatsphere of language in which the nationally-cultural element is exposed in the widest, richest and distinctive form typical for one or another national language. The noeticlogical aspect of linguistic signs as a form of thoughts is a well known fact. Another distinctive feature of noetic categories is their uniqueness. The article reveals the representation of ethnomarking concepts and analyzes the methods of communication of ideas and feelings of people. In the present work the author focuses the main attention on different types of lingocognitive mechanisms which form the national world-views of the Kazakh people and effective methods of conceptual models which show the background knowledge of the nation and their skills of abstract concept verbalization.
The article explains the meaning of the word “Bilge Kagan”. Also given a deeper understanding of the meanings of words, the circumstances set out in the named grave (monument). The similarities and differences between the memorial language and the modern Kazakh language, the significance of the valuable heritage in the development of the modern language are studied. This article gives the definition of the word “Kandy Kagan”, analyzes the structure and meaning of words and statements of the monument, studies the important influence of this heritage on the development of the modern Kazakh language, identifies the features of the language of the monument and the modern Kazakh language.
Turkology as a science emerged as a branch of Orientalism. Turkology studies Turkic peoples, their languages, literature, history and ethnography. The science received special development after the opening for the entire Turkic world of monuments of Bengo, namely in the second half of the 18th century. In the article, which speaks about the transition of Kazakhstan to the Latin alphabet, about the problems, the alphabetical reform, about the experience of the transition of other Turkic-speaking peoples to the Latin alphabet, it was said that this step of Kazakhstan would lead to the great development and breakthrough of the brotherly Kazakh people. Of course, the alphabet was not by heart, during 1929 - 1940. Also, a large fund of science and literary heritage in Kazakhstan was prepared with the Cyril alphabet, which has been operating since 1940. Of course, he always remembers this. To become the leader of the nation in the future is a huge step towards the people of Kazakhstan. There may be obstacles and difficulties on the road, but the experience of brotherly countries, the Kazakh people intend to save all the difficulties of such a transitional period. Studied Turkology, the alphabet of the Turkic peoples, the alphabetical history of Kazakhstan, the alphabetical reform, the transition to the Latin alphabet. In Kazakhstan, issues of transition to the Latin alphabet, the experience of other peoples are highlighted.
The historical study of the facts of the language, knowledge is necessary for both science and practice. Indeed, despite the fact that any phenomenon, past, historical development, it is impossible to understand its current state, history. The research method does not remain in one position and can be several in each science. The change in the method depends on the nature of the object under study, the degree of development of science. With the development of science, new secrets are revealed, new phenomena that have not previously been noticed by the object. For a comprehensive and deep definition of it, previously applied research methods become invalid and there is a need to apply new methods and research methods. In this article, all the decisive values of the study, knowledge of the paths of the historical development of ancient linguistic categories are observed. This article reveals the importance of methods and techniques of language research in modern language research.
In the article, lexemes that express the notion of length and distance in comparative aspect with the material of the Kazakh language are considered for the fi time in Yakut linguistics. It is established that these units in the compared languages, being characterized by common typological features, have certain structural differences.As you know, theTurkic peoples have their original units of measurement, which can be partially heard to this day. We will start the systematization of these length measures with the shortest lengths and compare them with Kazakh similar examples. The number of lexical means of expressing the concepts of length or distance includes phraseological turns. As it turned out, in the Yakut and Kazakh languages, the lexical means of expressing the functional and semantic microfi of length, distance are, fi , the main layer, the primordialYakut parametric terms. This includes both primordialYakut and terms borrowed from Russian and other Turkic languages. The second peripheral layer is represented by parametric adjectives and phraseological turns. For the fi time inYakut linguistics, the article considers lexemes expressing the concept of length and distance in comparison with the material of the Kazakh language. It has been established that these units in the compared languages, characterized by common typological features, have certain structural differences.
The article examines the nature and peculiarities of ergourbonims as the object of the latest scientific research of national linguistics. The author presents urbanonyms, including ergurbonyms, as a branch of onomastics, reflecting the evolution of Kazakhstan’s toponymy, analyzes examples concerning the city of Atyrau. In general, ergourbonimic nominations of the city of Atyrau are divided into levels and reveal the ways of their creation and content. This article will help to identify the cultural and linguistic structure of the cities of a sovereign country, including, to analyze, predict the place and role of the state language - the Kazakh language in the urban linguistic space. In his speech, he noted that the current state and prospects of the Kazakh language, both an urban (urbanization) language, and its functioning in the social and communicative space of the city, its significance requires extensive linguocultural, cognitive research. The essence and features of ergurbonyms are considered in Russian linguistics, which become the object of new scientific research.
Focus is one of the functions of intonation, that is the information highlighted in the sentences. In many languages, the acoustic manifestation of focus is accompanied by a scent of pitch, lengthening of the duration and increase of energy.This paper studies acoustic manifesta-tion of pitch of different focuses in Kazak declarative sentences. The study finds that acoustic manifestation of pitch of different focuses is that prosodic words extend the pitch range through variation of top line and bottom line on the location of the focus. Behind the focus, top line of pitch declines sharply, causing obvious compression of pitch range, which makes the focus more prominent.
This article discusses the peculiarities of punctuation in advertising texts and their role in promoting the quality of advertising. This article discusses the specifics of punctuation in ad copy and their role in promoting ad quality. Advertising is a message distributed in order to inform about the consumer properties of goods, services and increase demand for it. There are many types of advertising in retail outlets; institutional (in order to form a positive opinion); informative; trade and transport network; street advertising (poster, billboard); oral; publishing, etc. In order for the advertising language to be convenient, rational and clear, ethno - cultural words should be used that are accustomed to the minds of the people. If we are talking about terms, then it can be replaced by words familiar with the concept of the people, or in the same term can be effectively used. And punctuation marks in accordance with various intonation components (melody, delay, tonal range, tempo, etc.) present in a speech conversation, develop the quality of the contribution, highlighting the stated text. This is the specificity of the use of punctuation marks in advertising texts, their role in improving the quality of advertising.
The eternal stones “Kultegin”, “Tonikok”, “Bilge Hagan” are the only historical heritage left from the Second Turkic Kaganate. In this monograph, the authors consider the latest scientific and philosophical concepts of the problem of consciousness. However, scientists mainly pay special attention to the linguistic features of the text, in which the spelling of vowels, consonants that do not coincide with the spelling, their number is not studied at the proper level. In this regard, the article contains a Turkish scientist - Dr. In particular, he noted that at present, Kazakhstan is actively working to improve legislation, including in the field of education, health care, education, health care, culture, sports, social protection of the population, health care, education, culture, sports, health care, social protection of the population, education, healthcare, culture, sports, social protection of the population, healthcare, education, culture and sports. Ancient Türkic Kulpytists are the noble heritage of our ancestors. This article tells about the spelling rules of the ancient kulpytas, an in-depth study of the patterns of the language in it and the spelling of vowels, consonants.
This article deals with the types of violations of linguistic norms, which are a common occurrence in colloquial speech; judgments about their correction are given. This article reveals the orthoepy in which the norm of the spoken language was calculated, with specific examples, such phenomena as the violation of the norms of the spoken language in everyday life, as well as the author›s first thoughts on how to fix it, are given. The article discusses the violation of language norms in colloquial speech.
This article considers the old words validate in the way of phonetic and also considered them in the orthographic way, also adding them into orthographic dictionary. During the transcription of our written heritage into the Russian letter, several sound versions emerged due to the fact that many of the old book words were subjected to transcription and graphic design. All such bookish words, which are designated by several persons, sound separately, but in use do not have semantic independence. There is an inherent reason that the variants of the old book linguistic units, especially the ancient forms, do not enter into a single system. The problem of studying the appearance of variants of words and recognizing one of them as a norm still remains among the serious problems in language education. Variant phonetic and spelling analysis in old book words and the issue of their inclusion in the spelling dictionary is considered.
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)