No 3 (2017)
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3-8 282

   Due to the fact that the national sounds in the new alphabet differ only in the characters – apostrophes - on the computer and within the Latin alphabet, programmers do not require the creation of new special fonts, drivers, sorting programs and information retrieval programs when using the computer, which makes the alphabet effective for computer programs. The new Latin graphic alphabet will make it easier for foreigners interested in the Kazakh language to learn the Kazakh language. In this regard, the new alphabet also has methodological effectiveness.

9-15 266

   The transition to the Latin script is a requirement of time, a necessity of the language. There are no grounds for fear that in the process of switching to the Latin alphabet, we will lose valuable things and writings, as well as literature and scientific achievements. On this basis, we translated the work of Zh. Balasagun «Kutadgu Bilig» into Latin graphics. We tried to show that this is clear in Latin graphics, too. When switching from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin script, it is necessary to approve the spelling and orthoepic rules of the Kazakh language. If we conduct it systematically, then our graphics will be flawless. If the Kazakh script is created without shortcomings, then there should be no problems with the transition of Kazakh literature and fiction, written monuments into Latin graphics.

16-21 230

   With the strengthening of the information flow, it is necessary to radically change the types and essence of the methods of education and training of students and specialists. The purpose of education is not only to give and assimilate this knowledge, but also to prepare professional goals based on the new knowledge gained. At present, since the possibility of full-time higher educating cannot meet the needs of the population, it is necessary to start solving the issues of further improving the level of professional training of students of correspondence education. During the transition to the new millennium, the education sector will become the only source of human capital and the main valuable strategic resources of education. And one of the key mechanisms for its promotion will be informatization.

22-27 266

   The scientific activity of Askar Kudaibergenovich Zhubanov is multifaceted. With his fundamental research (he published more than 200 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 4 textbooks and 5 frequency dictionaries), he made a significant contribution to the development of such areas of Kazakh applied linguistics as quantitative and statistical study and formalization of the content of the national text, automatic analysis of written speech, computer lexicography, development of linguistic databases of the Kazakh language.

28-31 260

   Previously acquired knowledge in the field of a foreign language has a great impact on further mastering it, which is a positive factor in the process of mastering the language. However, in some cases, with a certain methodological inaccuracy, previously acquired knowledge can lead to errors. The errors that are being analyzed now cause some doubts, being the result of real false judgment.

32-35 271

   The relevance of this problem is determined by the significance of the formation of the thesaurus of a specialist in terms of its relationship with the ways of organizing foreign language vocabulary and authentic texts in the specialty, and, on the other hand, the lack of theoretical research and practical developments in this area. The use of the context-centered approach in teaching terminological foreign language vocabulary will allow a new approach to the technology of forming the thesaurus of a customs specialist, which will become a powerful means of presenting knowledge for oral and written communication in the specialty, and can also effectively serve to enrich the individual lexicon of a future specialist.

36-42 287

   One of the prerequisites underlying the determination of the direction of semantic development in the structure of word combinations is the communicative process. The consideration of semantic and structural changes in word combinations based on the material of the works of Abai and Shakarim allows us to determine their purposeful use, focused not only on solving semantic problems, but also on the issues of linguistic semantics. Thus, the communicative meaning arising from the composition of phrases is the basis for the differentiation of the function of the semantics of the phrase, forming a set of linguistic and extralinguistic information knowledge.

43-49 539

   The etymological nature of the names of people stored in the language of ancient Turkic written monuments is analyzed. Proper names, including anthroponyms, are made up of common names of the lexical fund and pass by function to the next stage of language use. In this regard, the definition of the origin of anthroponyms and common names has its own characteristics. In the course of the analysis, a peculiar approach to these features is used, i.e. the motives of the origin of names are taken into account. The grammatical and lexical-semantic relations between the ancient names and their variants in the modern Kazakh language are also determined.

50-53 244

   Teaching the Kazakh language in the Russian audience is based on clearly outdated and conservative methods, based on memorizing the given texts. Therefore, in the practice of language teaching, the development of oral speech should occupy an important place. This is facilitated by games of various kinds: role-playing, producing, games-competitions, phonetic, lexical, etc. Game methods of language learning have prospects for development and give good results. Playing, you can learn the language. Games should correspond to the level of preparation of students for mastering a certain grammatical or lexical material.

54-57 479

   The article is devoted to the analysis of the structure of proverbs and sayings in the Chinese language. The main purpose of our article is to distinguish proverbs and sayings in Chinese structurally. In the course of the analysis, the author summarizes proverbs and sayings in Chinese, dividing them into three groups according to their structure. To skillfully use proverbs and sayings in the Chinese language, first of all, it is necessary to perfectly know the written culture of China, that is, hieroglyphs. One of the main difficulties in translating a hieroglyphic text is the ability to correctly analyze the translated text. Knowledge of the history, traditions, literature, customs and peculiarities of understanding the surrounding world of people opens the way to understanding the meaning of proverbs and sayings of this people.

58-62 246

   Modern linguistics and science put forward the need for a comparative study from the linguistic point of view of various languages, both related and unrelated. The era of globalization actualizes the adequacy of translation, serving as a means of understanding, able to accurately convey the beauty of thought, art, the depth of science and education, and the content of literature. Today, a new system structure is being formed in the country’s education sector, aimed at entering the global educational space. The most urgent strategic direction in the society is the issue of establishing relations between states on the basis of integrate cooperation, as well as creative international solving the problems of science and market economy, establishing effective spiritual, cultural, socio-political ties between them.

63-71 301

   With an in-depth study and differentiation of the vocabulary of the native language, related to the plant world, and classification of its thematic and semantic groups, it is obvious that these names can determine the richness of the language, the life, and the unity of our people. The Kazakh people not only from the earliest time paid attention to the plant world and the surrounding nature, but also in everyday life people clearly distinguished each plant species. Thus, we can ethnolinguistically determine the names of plants in terms of customs, beliefs, economic traditions, historical events, national characteristics, etc.

72-77 410

   The present study analyses the way Happiness is contextualized by young native speakers of the Kazakh language who were asked to write an essay on the topic «What is happiness?». Idioms with colour components of Ақ [aķ] white and Қара [ķara] black are evidence of the fact that the conceptual base of Kazakh colour terms reflects the specific perception of the world by nomadic Kazakhs who lived in close relationship with nature. Their written works have been analyzed and the basic conceptualization of that notion has been elaborated. In Kazakh, there are more than 1,000 terms that designate colours; this is mostly reasoned by Kazakhs’ traditional engagement in breeding.

78-83 412

   In the world linguistics, a language has become a trend in the direction of new trends. These new areas of anthropocentrism [Greek. anthropos-man, centrum-center] are the core of this science, which puts a man at the center of the world. It is important to determine the place and function of linguistic paradigms for the study of the Kazakh language in the XXI century. Most innovations in the Kazakh language are considered within the framework of this anthropomorphic paradigm and are presented to the scientific community. Researcher Zh. Mankeeva identifies three traditional scientific paradigms in the history of language development: comparative-historical; system-structural; anthropogenic.

84-88 250

   Destanlardaki kalıp ifadelerin yanı sıra belli kalıplar içerisinde hareket eden, sergilemiş olduğu davranışlar ile karakteristik niteliğe sahip olan kişi(ler) tip olarak değerlendirilir. Destanlarda baş kahraman özelliğini taşıyan merkez figür arketip olarak adlandırılırken, destan kahramanları sterotip olarak adlandırılan kalıp olayların merkezinde yer alırlar. Göstermiş oldukları davranışlara göre dâhil oldukları tip özelliği de değişiklik göstermektedir. Bilge, alperen, kadın, anne, yardımcı, karşı kahraman (düşman/rakip), hain, merkez kahraman, trajik tipleri gibi sınıflandırmalar destan yapısı içerisinde zıtlıkların varlığına da işaret etmektedir. Yardımcı tipin karşısında düşman ve hain tipinin olması iyi-kötü karşıtlığının varlığına ve zıtlıkların birbirlerini tamamlayıcı özelliği ile ilişkilidir. Bu çalışmada Türk dünyası mitolojik destanları ile Kalevala destanının tipolojik açıdan benzer ve farklı yönleri ortaya konulmuştur. Benzerliklerin farklılıklardan fazla oluşu da destanların genelinde şablon davranış ve karakterlerin ortak özelliklere sahip oluşu ile açıklanabilir.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)