No 4 (2017)
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3-7 325

   The method of logical multiplication of morphological analysis, in most cases, is used in inflexional languages and it requires availability of a dictionary of basic words. The type of automated morphological analysis that we are considering is dictionary-free analysis or “independent” analysis. It is implemented by means of tables of affixes and on the basis of a list of words that do not have a special grammatical meaning. This type of morphological analysis is very rarely used in research practice.

8-13 294

   The article is devoted to the issues of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The updated program assumes a spiral model of learning, that is, the gradual expansion and deepening of knowledge, which leads to effective teaching of the subject, the purpose of which is to improve the language competence of students. In the context of this program, when studying Russian in classes with Kazakh as the language of instruction, the development of students ‘ speech is put forward in the first place; the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing are developed, which they will need to solve vital problems in the future. Special attention is paid to effective teaching methods to improve students ‘ language competence. The article offers active methods of updating the curriculum, which open up opportunities for students to use their life, educational and communicative experience in the process of solving communicative problems, developing logical thinking, imagination, memory and attention.

14-22 378

   The article presents a multidimensional characteristic of the concept «communicative competence», defines its didactic significance in relation to the linguistic training of university students. Communicative knowledge is the knowledge of communication, its types, phases, and patterns of development. This is the knowledge of existing communicative methods and techniques, the effect they have, their capabilities and limitations. This is also the knowledge of what methods are effective for different people and different situations. This area also includes knowledge about the degree of development of personal communicative skills, effectiveness and uneffectiveness of different methods.

22-25 332

   The transition to the Latin alphabet certainly contributes to the victorious promotion of Kazakhstan’s society in accordance with the requirements of modern times and the comprehensive development of the country in the future. Switching to the Latin script, we become a part of the civilized countries, clearly define the sound system in our language, get rid of unnecessary borrowed words when writing and speaking the Kazakh language. Therefore, the transition to the Latin script is important for us and for the future of our country.

26-30 306

   The article states that a person gets to know the world with the assistance of cultural space, therefore stereotypes in the language are found in the form of linguoculturological concepts. A linguoculturological concept is the experience of generations that has been preserved in the consciousness of a particular people. And stereotypes are such structures that are born in the mind of a native speaker and appear in his speech. Conceptospheres are samples of life experience, which are an indicator of the linguistic picture of the world. Ethno-cultural stereotypes are general ideas that characterize the features of a particular people.

31-37 259

   Taking into account the fact that the share of currently existing borrowed terms in the Kazakh language is 70-80%, it can be assumed that in the 60s it was also considerable. It is obvious that the share of borrowed terms contained in the Russian-Kazakh bilingual terminology dictionaries published in 1959-1963 significantly exceeds the analogous share - 18-19 percent in the Uzbek language. It is generally known that the national trend that developed in our country in the 90s began in Uzbekistan in the mid-80s. The article deals with some aspects of the terminology of historically close peoples that influenced the terminological processes in the Kazakh language.

38-42 254

   The law of synharmonism, which for centuries protected the language from the influence of other languages, became the mainstay of the teaching methods of the Kazakh language, the orthoepic norms of the language and the new national script. The main condition for the revival of national consciousness is the creation of the national alphabet.

43-47 245

   A language is a system consisting of limiting features that reflect meaning. The ultimate goal of descriptive linguistics is to determine the mechanism for expressing the meaning of a language system. There are two types of semantic signs (units) in the language system: lexical signs (units) and grammatical signs (units). The article deals with the features of two-level grammatical units in the Kazakh language. The mechanisms of revealing the grammatical meaning of units that are one of the objects of descriptive linguistics and descriptive grammar are shown.

48-52 243

   In modern linguistics, the problem of studying speech activity occupies an important place. In linguistic research, attention is paid to the construction of speech paradigms, the semantic side of the language and the semantic structure of sentences. The article deals with the command category, its semantic field, as well as the model of the semantic structure of the
imperative meaning.

53-58 358

   Research in modern linguistics may be relevant for the development of cognitive onomastics and more detailed identification of the impact of real / unreal reality on the formation of onomastic space through cognitive space as a complex mechanism for storing information and its verbalization through onymic vocabulary. Despite the various goals, tasks, methods and techniques of analyzing the proper name in the research of the last decade, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive holistic description of the functional-content characteristics of proper names, which determines the cognitive level of the study of the semantic structure of onyms.

59-64 327

   One of the aspects of mastering the language culture is the special role of stable expressions in the formation of skills of correct and expressive speech. Within the framework of communication, phraseological units that differ in their imagery and special significance can be considered special expressions of the national language. Their use in a work of art indicates a clear sign of a national character. In scientific works, it is noted that stable expressions are one of the most striking and expressive spheres of any nation, the mirror of people’s life, the main feature of national and cultural life.

65-70 292

   This article examines the uniqueness of communicative texts that provide the creation of stylistic speech in accordance with its functional features, taking into account the fact that the journalistic speech reveals the actual problems that arouse the interest of society. Scientific and business speech is focused on the intellectual reflection of reality, artistic speech on its emotional reflection. A special feature of the late XX-early XXI century in the field of education is the revival of national consciousness and increasing interest in native culture, language and literature in all regions of our country.

71-74 344

   When we discuss the stylistic expression of sentences, we take into account not only the number of units in their composition, but also their quality. As a rule, if the words in the sentences are as compressed as possible, the words have many meanings, or the same word is repeated over and over again in the same and adjacent sentences, then the presence of a stylistic error and lack of vocabulary are evident.

75-79 583

   The new communicative approach to language learning offers a new way to describe linguistic units. Undoubtedly, the conducted studies to a certain extent contributed to the formation and further development of the new approach, and also now can serve as an impetus for new initiatives as the main direction. Ultimately, both style and discourse are expressed on the basis of stylistic and discursive texts. If in functional stylistics the text is considered as a high language level, then in the communicative approach the text is considered as a language product of purposeful communication which is sent from the sender to the

80-83 409

   The vocabulary among the structural parts of the language is more susceptible to change, and also retains the ancient origins. The article discusses and analyzes the lexical features of the official business style.

84-86 228

   New historical turning point, enthusiasm and willingness of the scholars and intellectuals, the writing model,the power and strength of language – all these notions are touched upon in this article.

87-92 316

   Akhmet Baitursynuly is the scientist who founded the Kazakh writing system, taking into account four different properties of the Kazakh alphabet. At the congress which united true linguists one of the longest discussions was the problem of whether the sounds ‘u’ and ‘y’ are vowels or consonants. In addition, it is obvious that he attached great importance to other issues, going deeper into them, giving concrete evidence. At present, the language problems raised in 1924 during the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script are one of the most important historical and valuable sources. The article discusses the proposals made at the first congress of Kazakh enlighteners, held in 1924, regarding the spelling of the Kazakh language. When discussing the report of Co-Chairman Omarov, the commission members approved the resolution consisting of 11 scientifically-grounded points.

93-100 280

   It is known that the graphics of the Kazakh language used the Arabic alphabet until 1929, the Latin alphabet - from 1929 to 1940, and the Cyrillic alphabet - from 1940 to the present. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in his article «Looking to the Future: modernization of public consciousness» noted that Kazakhstan intends to fully switch to the Latin alphabet in 2025 and invited experts in the field of science and education to express their opinion. In this regard, different scientific meetings are held in different parts of Kazakhstan, and the topic itself is actively discussed.

101-108 290

   Modern English language has a particularly large number of combinations of postpositions with verbs. Their number is growing steadily. This is evidenced by books, dictionaries, dedicated to phrasal verbs and their use. Along with the increasing number, the frequency of their use is also growing. This means that they perform a desired function due to their greater brevity and expressiveness. The study of phrasal verbs is one of the most difficult tasks for a person who wants to improve his or her level of the English language. Phrasal verbs that are more frequently used in conversation have already moved to the language of the media, business and economy.

109-114 277

   The issues of correct spelling in accordance with the norms of the modern Kazakh literary language of surnames, names (surnames, names, patronymics) written with distortions, spelling errors in the documents of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. During the analysis of the collected certificates, depending on the motives and reasons of the citizens, the certificates were grouped into several files. The norms of the Kazakh literary language, the rules of spelling were taken as a basis, when writing Kazakh names, names of localities in accordance with the norms of the Kazakh literary language.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)