The Department of Applied Linguistics of the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov conducted a frequency analysis of the Kazakh language to determine the most frequently used letters on the keyboard.
As a result of the analysis, the most common letters in the Kazakh language and the most common letter combinations have been identified, and the statistical information necessary for the effective placement of letters on the national keyboard has been provided.
In addition, based on the results of this frequency analysis, a pilot keyboard project was presented which was developed taking into account the frequency of the use of Kazakh letters and letter combinations.
The article describes the statistical foundations of the location of the national Kazakh alphabet on the keyboard. For the convenient arrangement of the letters of the Kazakh alphabet on a computer keyboard, statistical studies were conducted to identify frequently used Kazakh letters and their combinations, bothtaking into account their place in the word (at the beginning, at the end of the word), and without taking them into account. For this purpose, the keyboard itself was conditionally divided into an active (central) section for high-frequency letters and a passive (extreme) area for low-frequency letters of the Kazakh language.
The article also provides statistical data for separate Kazakh language letters and gives a brief explanation of the reasons for choosing their places.
Currently, it is important to comprehensively consider the borrowed words for the phonological laws of the Kazakh language and its principles. The phonetic and phonological foundations of words written in borrowed letters are analyzed. Nowadays it is not difficult to speak and write “broken”, who own some borrowed words, are inclined to the Kazakh language. In this regard, recently there have been several approaches to marking introductory words associated with the transition to the Latin alphabet. In this regard, the article gives an example of how to write an introductory word.
The article discusses how to transfer borrowed words in the Kazakh language. The words in which there are borrowed letters are analyzed. The phonetic and phonological foundations of previously borrowed words and words that have recently entered the Kazakh language are determined. Discusses the status of some borrowed letters.
In connection with the translation of the Kazakh script into the Latin alphabet, the question of transliteration arises in relation to many areas of onomastic names. In particular, onomastic names do not contradict the main orthographic principles of “the spelling rules of the Kazakh language based on the new alphabet.” However, the spelling of onomastic names in the Latin script has its own peculiarities.
The article discusses the innovations associated with the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script and the rules developed on its basis. The peculiarities of transliteration on the basis of Latin graphics of foreign language borrowings and onomastic names are indicated.
One of the most difficult problems causing different social attitudes in the implementation of the reform of writing is the threat that we could lose our Scriptures, written within the Cyril line. As you know, in the era of development of modern computer technology, solving this problem cannot be difficult. In the electronic version there is an opportunity to preserve literature, written heritage. This is called automatic translation. The program that implements such an action is called a “converter”. For automatic translation of texts, the spelling of words is very important for the program. The articleт is devoted to working with computer programs that translate from Cyril’s font to Latin graphics.
The department of applied linguistics in the process of approval of the alphabet developed several versions of a computer program for automatically translating Cyrillic texts into Latin graphics. In 2017, we developed a program with apostrophes, and in 2018 with acute. In order to develop a converter, linguists have prepared instructions for the program. The article describes the structure of instructions and the operation of the converter.
This article examines the forms and directions of organizing mass holidays, examines the ways of the future teacher-organizer work with the public, adapting holidays to the stage. It also analyzes samples of the celebration of the holiday among different nations, determines the forms of emotional impact. During the event, the features of a mass holiday and the nature of its celebration were considered, the significance and significance of folk holidays were analyzed.
Today, the legality of staging, bringing scenarios to the public, creating scenarios, creating positive impressions for the general public is being transformed in a new way. The future organizer must know the stages of writing a simple script and the elements of directing, taking into account the modern requirements and desires of the general
Before referring to the work of a large dramatic work, we can say that the organizer - the screenwriter must know the genres of small drama; For example, the legend must know the structure of the fairy tales recited on the stage.
Input a word in this article, the level of emotional impact on public holidays, events. Also, the ways of preparing the directors of national holidays.
The article deals with the effectiveness of the transition to Latin alphabet. The Latin alphabet is the language of the world space, which will give us many advantages. The article analyzes these features.
Along with the similarities between the Turkic peoples, there is also a difference. The scientific article examines the history and reasons for the emergence of false alternative words that complicate the relationship of the vocabulary of the Turkic and Kazakh languages. In addition, false alternatives regarding plant names have been fully studied and comprehensively analyzed.
In the scientific article were examined the causes of the origin and characteristics of the words, which are identical in their writing, but the concept of having a family of semantic features (false equivalents) occurring in the Turkish and Kazakh dictionaries. According to a greater extent in this work were taken as a basis for such words, which revealed false equivalents in the names of plants.
Currently, the comprehensive study of oral speech is one of the topical problems in linguistics. It is especially necessary to consider changes in vowels in the syntagmatic system with the help of speech data, such processes as the transformation of non-labialized vowels into labialized ones, as well as the voicing of voiceless consonants. Based on the works of researchers considering the variant and variation of the phoneme, the weak and not weak position of the vowels was considered.
The article discusses the function of vowel sounds in syntagmatics. The texts in which the vowel sounds of the Kazakh language are present are analyzed. Thephoneticsarethe phonological characteristics of vowelsounds.
In order for a term to appear and form in a language, it must be reflected in textbooks, scientific literature and stabilized within the framework of oral use. In this regard, textbooks occupy a special place. In the first half of the twentieth century, the work of the leader of the nation Alikhan Bukeikhan, who made a huge contribution to the formation of the National Scientific Language of Astronomy, is to be studied.
The oldest vocabulary of the astronomical books was analyzed and analyzed by the twentieth century; considered as astronomical terms in Alikhan Bokeyhan‘s manuals in the context of nationalterminology.
The oldest vocabulary of the astronomical books was analyzed and analyzed by the twentieth century; considered as astronomical terms in Alikhan Bokeyhan ‘s manuals in the context of national terminology.
In April last year, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev voiced a message to the people “Looking into the future: modernization of public consciousness”. This message was received differently than any other. Because here is a fatal historical appeal to the fate of the Kazakh people, its future as an eternal people. This is a translation of the Kazakh writing system into the new Latin alphabet by 2025. This event caused a great resonance in the society. The new national Kazakh alphabet based on the Latin alphabet is one of the unique signs of spiritual rebirth, a kind of colored pattern, national appearance, a brand that reflects the image and essence of the Kazakh people.
This must be a process that does not stand in a hurry.To properly select fromincomingt housandsofprojects, considerthem, choose among them the best project that approaches the correct naming of words,visual perception itismoredifficultfrom complex one and it is not appropriate to give priority to someone stitle,authority.Inthis work, the experience of the Turkicspeaking countries that previously switched to the Latin alphabet is alsoinvestigated.
Any language in the world develops according to certain laws. Although the linguistic structure is one of a kind and usually corresponds to the general language laws, there are fewer deviations from these laws, depending on the specifics of each language. Consequently, it is impossible to explain different phenomena in related languages by one general law and rule, the article discusses the features ofpaired words and combinations of new fluent Russian words in the Kazakh language.
The article discusses the role of spelling rules in the correct spelling of Kazakh onomastic names and foreign geographic names. The question of compiling onomastic dictionaries based on the developed rules based on the Latin script is also raised.
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)