In the second half of the ХІХ century, due to progressive transformations in Kazakh society (opening of Russian-Kazakh schools, publishing books and newspapers in the Kazakh language), there was a need to create a new written literary language instead of the existing written language, clogged with numerous borrowings from other languages and grammatical forms from the Chagatai language. This mission was undertaken by the great enlighteners I. Altynsarin and A. Kunanbayev, who laid the foundation for the new written literary language in their works. This foundation continued to be developed by their followers. Giving additional facts, the author traces this process in the article.
The article is devoted to the development and formation of the system of plurality affixes in the Turkic languages on the basis of comparative historical analysis. Changes in all grammatical forms of the Turkic languages, as a result of which variants arose, were not fully preserved either in the written monuments of the Turks or in the modern Turkic languages. Which form is preserved, in which language, directly depends on the specifics of the development of this language. Differences in grammatical forms between the language of the Kipchak monuments of the XIV-XV centuries and the modern Kazakh Language originate form these regularities
Basically, most of the Turkic languages that adopted the Latin alphabet belong to the Oguz group of languages. As for the Turkic languages belonging to the Kypchak group, only the Karakalpak language uses the Latin alphabet. We believe that in the future, if the Kazakh, Bashkir, Tatar, Karachai, Kumyk and Nogai languages switch to the Latin alphabet, they should have the common basic alphabet system. Therefore, the article discusses the differences in the alphabets of the Kazakh, Nogai, Bashkir, Karakalpak, Karachai, Tatar, Kumyk languages differing little in the phonetic and phonological system based on the Latin graphics of the 30s and later - the Cyrillic graphics; the possibilities of solving these problems when switching to the new Latin alphabet are analyzed.
Continuing the experiments of the linguistic and stylistic study of the poetic word, the article is directly related to the problems of artistic speech, as well as to questions about the principles and methods of their research, which attract the active attention of modern philologists. The interest of researchers in the word usage of poets is due to insufficient study of the verbal art of the outstanding masters of the Russian literary word. The observed desire to create works of a generalized nature (for example, the "Dictionary of the Language of Russian Soviet Poetry") does not, however, reduce the relevance of VV Vinogradov's well-known recommendations that "the scientific and linguistic study of modern poetry should begin with an intensive analysis of the individually closed systems of language means ". This provision served as the starting point for this study. In this article, we use the term functional significance. Each work of art is a set of of speech components united by the author's intention, the author's vision of the world, and the author's attitude to the word. Thus, functional significance is the enzyme that transforms the totality of all structural components of an individual work of art into context.
Currently, research is being conducted on the discourse; its features are being clarified. In this regard, it is necessary to study the speeches of public figures from a prosodic point of view. The speech of public figures refers to political discourse. In other words, the basis for the emergence of political discourse is the political situation in the country, an attempt to resolve problematic issues that can arise between the people and the government. To resolve these problematic situations, it is necessary to discuss and analyze them. Thus, political discourse will be implemented through politics and will become the basis for optimal resolution of people's problems through discussion and analysis.
In artistic discourse, the peculiarities of intonation components are particularly evident, such as observing delays, correct setting of logical stress, and reading with the reduction of intonation rhythm. Accordingly, all intonation components such as delay, intensity, melody are widely used in artistic discourse; and when the text is read expressively, its color and effect are enhanced. In this regard, the article provides an audit analysis of a short text from S. Muratbek's story "Wild apples", which tells about the life of the village during the war, hard life and hard work, moral attitude; the analysis reveals the features of the intonation components.
This decision was supported by the entire Kazakh society. The immediate response that followed ought to take into account the fact that it should be a process that does not require campaigning or haste. It is difficult to inspect thousands of submitted alphabetic projects, discuss them and choose the best project that is convenient for accurate marking of sounds; and this is not a campaign that supports someone's position and prestige. It is advisable to study the experience of Turkic-speaking countries that in the past switched to the Latin alphabet.
There are special features of writing foreign names in Latin script. Their correct spelling in the new alphabet of the Kazakh language requires linguistic literacy. This spelling has its own regularity and order. The article deals with problems related to transliteration of names of foreign-language localities in the Kazakh language and peculiarities of their spelling.
The article reveals the latest methods of teaching the Kazakh language. In the process of learning to read, students repeatedly read the text, freely master the rules of reading and pronunciation. Therefore, new technologies in teaching and upbringing are the object of updating, introducing innovative ideas.
Particles are distinct words that perform a lexico-grammatical function in a sentence. The article discusses the functions and semantic role of particles ‘да/де’, ‘та/те’ of the Kazakh language. In the course of the research, we have found that the views of researchers on the functions and lexical-grammatical value of particles ‘да/де’, ‘та/те’ differ significantly. We have carried out an investigation of their studies and performed comparative analysis with examples.
The article examines the lexical and stylistic features of English legal texts, in particular texts in the field of contract law. As well as the main techniques and examples of their translation into Kazakh. Legal texts differ from other literary texts primarily in their lexical composition.
This article describes the diversity and features of the methods of terminology work in the study of all sections of the Russian language. The practical significance of the study of terminology is in exposing the term as an element of the dictionary system. It has a positive effect on the awareness of students to the specifics of other units of language that influences the acquisition of orthographic skills, being the basis of enriching students' vocabulary. Learning the terminology develops students’ focus on the meanings and use of words.
It is known that in the modern Kazakh language, complex sentences and complex sentences or complex sentences and even more complex syntactic structures are based on, the source of which is historically only simple sentences consisting of a beginning and a narrator (or one of them). The complexity of linguistic structures arises during speech and depends on the needs of the speaker. The article considers genetic proximity of adverbial modifier and subordinate participle clause. The ways of their formation are discussed.
A comprehensive understanding of the meaning of language and the discovery of the deeper meaning of the word requires not only the function of language as a means of communication, but also a deeper look at the history of its emergence, the complex stages of change. S. Kondybay's four-volume research work "Argykazakh mythology" written in this direction can be considered as an "encyclopedic treatise" with great significance and prospects for the Kazakh linguistics (as well as for the science of Kazakhstan in general). The article is devoted to the problems of studying mythologems in the works of S. Kondybai. The mythologems that reveal the "human soul" are defined.
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)