In modern Kazakh linguistics, in the established anthropocentric studies, special attention is paid to the study of behavior, human being through language. It is possible to indicate the following theoretical and methodological scientific paradigms that implement specific research in this direction: the pragmatics of the text (the language of a literary text), discourse, the theory of «linguistic personality», etc. In this regard, it is important to study the communicative-pragmatic and cultural-social activities of the Kazakh word in newspaper lexicon, literary text, scientific works.
The article is devoted to the problem of research of the communicative- pragmatic function, characterizing the potential of words in the artistic texts of Kazakh writers.
The study analyzed the Latin alphabet used by Kazakhs in China and the changes made by A. Baitursynov to the direct spelling, as well as the previously used and current spelling rules.
Language features and stylistic features of the periphrasis once again emphasize that our language is rich in artistic and visual means. At the same time, the syntactic semantic unit of the periphrasis represents synthetic and analytical forms. Unlike words formed in the language of periphrasis in a free combination, it is ready to complement the word that stands behind it, and peripheral combinations are limited in number than simple phrases. The use of periphrases in the language helps to understand the nature of artistic language, to understand the relationship between tradition and novelty, the artistic world of the author, and the complex development of the culture of highly artistic words.
Structural and semantic periphrases are described in the article. Types of combinations of grammatical periphrasis.. The types of combinations of grammatical periphrasis were also shown.
In connection with the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet, the article examines the factors affecting the historical choice of letters by different peoples, as well as various types and systems of writing. Particular attention is paid in the article to the Latin alphabet, which prevails in the world and, in essence, became the world alphabet. According to the author, the introduction of the Latin script would allow the Kazakh society to integrate more with the Turkic-speaking peoples and connect to the global information space.
The article examines the factors influencing the choice and development of writing. Each writing system is charachterized by its purpose (function), its type, for example, syllabic or letter-sound, as well as letter composition, meaning, form and basic principles of the use of written signs.
In this article, we would like to discuss conditionally oriented derivational markups of the Kazakh language corpus, as well as word-formative markups and their practical capabilities provided for corpus users. To ensure the operation of such a linguistic analyzer, it is necessary to prepare linguistic bases for each type of markup. A linguistic database has been developed to enable the linguistic analyzer to work. Now a text program that describes how words can be used to break the root and word-formation of derived words is being developed.
At present, it is actual to study the grammatical features of linguistic units with the point of view of national self-consciousness. In this connection, the article is devoted to the analysis of stable verbal word combinations formed with the help of the theonyms. Most often used in modern society. The authors consider the genesis of complex stable units on the basis of religious sources.
The process of language development is an uninterrupted phenomenon. New terms enrich the lexical base of the language and contribute to the development of terminological vocabulary. Any term used in society requires social support, linguistic systematization. Therefore, the creation, formation, systematization of terminology, regulation, definition of directions of development of general and technical terminology - current issues of modernity.
This article provides information about the theoretical and practical foundations of domestic and foreign terminology, comparing their advantages and disadvantages.
In recent years, an increase in interest in the anthroponymic system of the language is explained by its importance in creating the cultural unity of the individual and the nation. The anthroponymic system has a close relationship with the socio-economic, cultural development of society, is assessed as a means of representing national culture, and plays a large role in its social character.
The article discusses the place, the role of anthroponyms in society, and as an object of study in linguistics, as well as the importance of correct registration of the names and surnames of persons of Kazakh nationality in accordance with the norms of the Kazakh language.
The essence, knowledge and fate of the people, formed over the centuries, lie in the names of settlements, lands and reservoirs. The names of modern settlements, cities and streets have become Kazakh. The names of the place names symbolize our independence, propagandize our historical and spiritual values.
The article says that the names of modern settlements, geographical objects, streets and villages were given new names, that is, they got rid of Russians and received Kazakh names.
In modern linguistics, learning a special language has taken a long time. Depending on the needs of different traditions, the use of a special language has a socio-historical character. The linguistic aspect of special purpose has been separated from the linguistic aspect as a result of the division of historical work. «Special purpose language» is a special purpose language - linguistic aspect. The article examines the formation and development of a special-purpose language that has recently appeared in linguistics.
The article considers the history, development and history of a special- purpose language that has emerged in linguistics recently. There are special lexical and grammatical units in the field of linguistics, certain communication criteria, professional terms, therefore the relevance of this field is in demand by the public.
The article analyzes the use of ommand sentences in the form of sentences that express an emotional reaction..In these sentences there are examples that the modality of the modality is heterogeneous, that the modality is used as explicitly, so and implicitly.
One of the first examples of the classification of words in the Kazakh language was the work of such scientists as Y. Altynsarin, P. M. Melioransky, I. O. Terentyev. The positions of these scientists in the unification of words in the Kazakh language were analyzed. The contribution of scientists’ works to the linguistics of the Kazakh language was also noted as the first examples of word classification.
The given article concentrates on the first patterns of word classification in Kazakh linguistics. also the article discusses the work of an educator-teacher Y. Altynsarin as the first scientist, classified words in the Kazakh language. The article also defines the basic principles of word classification proposed by the scientist.
The language of humanity is a special phenomenon. This is a living phenomenon that characterizes and marks the broadest kind of human culture, consciousness and mind, logic, psychology. In world linguistics, a new stage of development, focused on the cognitive direction, has formed on the basis of such concepts as emotion, symbol, linguistic consciousness, cognition, has revealed new approaches to the linguistic study of human knowledge. The anthropocentric paradigm is aimed at a person, language problems are explained by the phenomena associated with the human soul. Special attention is paid to the fact that the consciousness, spirituality of a person is manifested in the language. We cannot consider any linguistic unit from a lexico-semantic point of view directly with the human soul. We stop at the concept since concepts at the concept level give wider opportunities for a person and his being and life . In particular, we try to explain the linguistic representation and semiotic features of the concept «fire» using various examples.
The article deals with the linguistic representation and semiotic features of the «Fire»archetype the concept give more opportunities for a person and his life. In particular, we try to explain various examples of linguistic representation and semiotic features of the concept of «Fire».
The degree of study of comparative phonetics and its place in linguistic knowledge are studied, the phonetic difference of the Kazakh language from the Karakalpak, Tatar, Uzbek, Uyghur, Azerbaijani, and Turkmen languages is studied. In addition, the following issues were considered: the place of comparative phonetics in linguistic knowledge; the degree of variation of the indigenous vowels of the Turkic languages.
The article discusses the level of variability of archetype vowels. As a result of a comparative study of vowels with other Turkic languages, the reasons for the need for a more systematic study of comparative phonetics are revealed.
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)