Professional texts are a complex communicative unit containing lexical minima related to the specialty and giving professional knowledge necessary for mastering a certain specialty. Students in each field, when working with texts related to their chosen specialty, perceive the terms very well and work with them with pleasure. In this regard, in Kazakh language lessons, they often work with professional texts related to the specialty. The purpose of working with a professional text is to adapt the student to the formation of communication skills through the practical assimilation of the text. Professional texts are characterized by content, thematic focus, built on the norms of effective vocabulary, full of information necessary for the specialty, saturated with professional terms, and must correspond to the level of knowledge of students.
The article presents the types of official duties for the development of professional language competence. Professional texts are a section of joint professional training , which includes vocabulary minima related to the profession, necessary for the development of a particular specialty. Students who have been educated in each field are well versed in working with texts related to their chosen specialty, and work with them. Content, thematic interest of professional texts should correspond to the level of taught knowledge, created in the norms of effective vocabulary, with detailed information, necessary for the specialty and professional terms.
The general trends in the formation and development of Yakut orthography are characterized by a very complex, disproportionate periodicity, active critical development of the experience of previous stages in the development of spelling principles, the transition from objectively spontaneous normalization to scientifically grounded stabilization of the language of written literature. Comprehension of the qualitative uniqueness of each period in the development of the Yakut orthography indicates that there is currently no need to reform the Yakut orthography.
The Article is devoted to the current state of the Yakut orthography. Special attention is paid to the new edition of the spelling dictionary of the Yakut language, designed to meet the modern realities of the language situation in the Republic.
Thousands of words rapidly used as the result of language contact and bilingualism in Kazakhstan make Kazakh linguists worry about the vitality of the Kazakh Language. The economic, political, scientific and technical development and the opportunity of using different technical tools and its expansion, mostly via media, directly effects on the usage of borrowings in languages in the process of hybridization... In the process of hybridization, two types of languages can be involved: donor language and recipient language. The article presents several examples and types of hybrid words in the Kazakh language.
This work provides a description of whole cascade sets created on the basis of the developed programming software in the form of system tables of sounds of whole cascade sets by A. Baitursynov and E. Omarov and a package of applied programs for computer research of the phonetics of the Kazakh language with Latin script.
By speech culture we mean the correctness of speech, communication, accuracy, reasonableness, clarity and comprehensibility, purity, expressiveness, variety, pleasantness and appropriateness of speech. Purity of speech is the absence of superfluous, unnecessary words, immoral and indecent words. A person who is able to speak correctly, is able to fully convey their thoughts and ideas to the listener. Speaking fluently in public requires a lot of work, study and learning.
The Article is devoted to the problem of the culture of public speech as one of the problems of modern social demand, it is considered as an important means of selfexpression of the speaker.
A symbol is something that is recognized by the senses. It carries a certain idea that can only be recognized intuitively. The symbol can retain its meaning for a long time and has become permanent for many people. There is a certain rational initiative based on the intuition of the symbol, which has a general and constant character in the symbol and makes it understandable. Considering the rational nature of the symbol begins first of all, with its consideration on the basis of the «linguistic symbol», that is, language, speech. In this case, it is considered as a language target. In this article , the author shows ethnocultural peculiarities of symbolic characters.
The formation of new terms allows to find information with two-sided content. In the formation of terms there is a combination of two methods of term creation - lexical and semantic, with a single terminological unit and a multi-component term derived from a foreign language. Terminological eponyms of a particular field or science are formed in accordance with established word-formation models, based on the terminology of words derived from the common language, their semantic transformation - the distribution or expansion of meanings, revision of meaning, mastering or searching a foreign language. The article is devoted to the study, description, systematization and multidimensional classification, as well as the features of the functioning of eponymous terms.
It is impossible to say that the toponyms of the East Kazakhstan region are not studied at all, but they are not studied regularly. Therefore, in the future, government agencies or universities will jointly publish an ethnolinguistic dictionary on the topic «Names of lands and waters of East Kazakhstan», considering this problem as a research project, through expeditionary work, scientific analysis of the collected materials and studying them in connection with history. The publication of an ethnolinguistic dictionary is one of the tasks solved collectively. Onomastic names are a well-known concept, like ordinary words, although they do not have an independent lexical meaning, but they contain a lot of information.
The topographic system of the rich onomastic fund of the Kazakh language contains a huge amount of ethnocognitive information about the Kazakh ethnos. Regional toponyms are a source of rich material in ethnocognitive, linguo-historical, ethnocultural attitude not only to this region, but also to the Kazakh topo-system as a whole. The names of this group give extensive information about the life of the local population in this region, in the historical, social, and in the historical and linguistic aspects.
Over the past two decades, about ten Kazakh-Russian dictionaries of terms in the field of geology have been published. These dictionaries have their own peculiarities , as well as some shortcomings. The article gives a brief overview of these dictionaries, describes difficulties in terms of lexicography of new terms and terminological usages, their unification. The article discusses bilingual Kazakh-Russian terminological dictionaries in geology, issues such as the composition and volume of terms and terminological phrases, the introduction of new terms, their obsolescence, changes in comparison with subsequent dictionaries, competition.
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)