No 1 (2016)
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3-7 919

In the legislative documents related to the language strategy, attention is paid to the relevance of regulating the terms used in the daily activities of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies. As it is known, due to the historical circumstances of the last century, under the influence of the general and dominant policy, the main part of military-legal terms in the Kazakh language began to include names from other languages. Since at present the formation of the Kazakh terminology is guided by the principle of using the potential of the native language, this principle is given importance in the formation of military ranks.

8-13 327

This article emphasizes the importance of proverbs and sayings in teaching a foreign language for cross-cultural communication. Language is considered as a mirror of culture, which reflects not only the reality, the current state of life, but also the social consciousness of people, their mentality, national character, traditions, customs, and value system. Language creates its own specific picture of life. It transmits the national culture from one generation to another. The language stores cultural values in the vocabulary, in grammar, in folklore, in proverbs and sayings, in oral and written form. Cross-cultural communication cannot be achieved only by mastering foreign languages: it requires overcoming the cultural barrier. This barrier is intangible and is only felt when two or more cultures collide. Cultural differences can provoke major conflicts, even wars. The article pays special attention to the works devoted to the problems of American-Russian and Kazakh intercultural communication.

14-19 373

The article defines the models of argumentation of oratory speeches that occupy a special place in the history of the Kazakh people. There are several reasons that distinguish the oratory of the Kazakh people. First, the owners of public speaking skills-beys participated in the management of the people, coordinated relations between countries, between individuals, performed the functions of accusers, defenders and punishers. Thus, they interfered in the settlement of the political and social situation in the country. Secondly, they spoke to the people deep philosophical propaganda words about the meaning of life, good and evil, honesty and meanness, courage and cowardice, heroism and weak will, about the eternal and temporary, denoted the spiritual world of society and showed the directions of the right life. The Kazakh oratorical word was spread orally among the people. The authorship of some speeches is known, of some speeches is unknown; sometimes the content and structure of the speeches changed.

20-23 257

Nowadays there is a rise of interest to the concept in modern linguistics. Hundreds of works dedicated to this notion were published in recent years. The concept represents a constituting element of culture. It is a cognitive unit which produces, accumulates and broadcasts cultural experience. In this article the concept of «journey» is taken as it is differently represented in Kazakh, Russian and English cultures due to the differences of their world view. One way to represent the concept of ‘journey’ is the usage of proverbs, aphorisms, sayings, in which the centuries-old wisdom of different languages and cultures is stored.

24-28 284

The article deals with the modern view of ethnoculturological problems. The short review of linguoculturological models of the language is carried out in which the problems connected with the national and cultural specifics of semantics are considered.

29-39 357

The article «The Epoch and Language features of «Kutadgu Bilig» explores the interrelations among Ghaznevids, Samanids, Karakhanids, Seljuks and Karakitais dynasties, famous public figures of Yusuf Balasagun’s time of life, as well as several issues of historical geography. Attention is paid to peculiarities of inestimable monument of Turkic people. Brief comparative vocabulary in the form of table of words from «Kutadgu Bilig» in the Turkish and Kazakh languages is given at the end. As a result, many parallels between the language of the medieval monument and some modern languages are revealed.

40-44 246

The article focuses on the fact that the purpose of linguistics in the anthropocentric paradigm is to study and identify the manifestation of the features of the worldview of a language subject as a semiotic system at all levels of language. These areas have made great changes in general linguistics: the main values in linguistics have changed, the range of research has expanded including punctuation. In order for communication to be successful, the narrator and the recipient should not only use the same communication tools, but also understand the meaning of this tool. The reader who knows how to correctly understand the punctuation marks, along with understanding the text, gets aesthetic pleasure from it. The reader, who is deeply versed in the author›s punctuation, clearly notices what the writer wants to say. Consequently, the function of punctuation and the nature of anthropocentrism should now be redefined.

45-48 268

The general semantic proximity of the «sary» component in the composition of stable phrases in the Kazakh and Turkish languages can be explained by the continuity of the worldview of the two peoples. The semantic proximity in stable word combinations that arises in connection with the ‘yellow’ color indicates a deep interweaving of the worldview of the two related peoples. The differences in units in the new layer at later stages of language development are also obvious.

49-53 304

Language and thinking are an integral part of the human race. The process of symbolization is also closely related to the thinking, consciousness, and cognition of a person. In the construction of a symbol, thinking, image, and symbol enter into the process of conceptualization, fulfilling their function and causing a lot of associations and emotions in a person›s mind. Therefore, the symbol arises as a result of object-figurative linguocreative thinking.

54-59 268

The article discusses the linguistic units of the national calendar, the relationship of conceptual categories with objective reality, the basics and meanings of the ethno-cultural code. Based on the systematization of words and phrases related to the calendar system, the problem of determining the national identity and national life, the early astronomical knowledge and experience of the Kazakh people in daily weather forecasting is posed. And research results are presented on the basics of the formation and emergence of the Kazakh calendar. The purpose of the study is to find out the role of lexical and phraseological units in the Kazakh calendar system in determining the calendar systems and to clarify the place of the Turkic calendar in the modern calendar system, - thus, to create the Kazakh calendar system.

60-64 376

The article analyzes the main functions and features, the reasons for the use of slang in literary works. The peculiarities of translating English slang into Russian are also described.

65-68 257

The work is devoted to the analysis of the rapid growth of new lexical word usages in the Kazakh language in the first years of state sovereignty, extracted by the method of continuous sampling from popular newspapers and magazines. The surge of new lexical formations caused the appearance of lexical doublets, synonyms, occasional expressions and other phenomena, the study of which allows us to establish that at present there is a process of semantic and stylistic differentiation in the semantic nature of new words.

69-73 1155

In the article, prof. S. Myrzabekov noted that it is necessary to comprehensively consider the model of pronunciation of the Kazakh word, first, it is necessary to dwell in detail on the history of the problem; secondly, to make efforts to form the scientific apparatus of research; thirdly, to create a phonetic justification for the pronunciation of the Kazakh word; fourth, to compile an orthoepic dictionary of the Kazakh language; finally, it is necessary to constantly promote in the press the ways to restore the original pronunciation of the Kazakh word.

74-79 315

In this article, the issues of the translation of somatisms related to the ancient lexical fund of any language are considered. Somatic names have a lot of meanings, and this is naturally a translation problem. The similarities and differences between the registered meanings of somatisms of the Kazakh and English languages have been analyzed: бас/head, бет/face, қол/arm, көз/eye, мұрын/ nose, мойын/ neck.

80-85 276

The article describes business communication, which is one of the examples of institutional communication considered as communication within the existing social institutions. The nature of the communicative activities of a language person is largely determined by the typical ethno-cultural characteristics to varying degrees expressed in a particular individual.

86-89 312

In the cultural knowledge of the Kazakh people, plants occupy a special place. This is clearly evident from the stable expressions formed with the participation of plant names that have been preserved in our language for centuries. Such stable expressions relating to plants reflect popular knowledge and convey a deep knowledge of people in the field of natural science. One of the most pressing issues is the disclosure of the essence of linguistic units of various levels in the folk language associated with plants, the recognition of their cultural semantics, etymological basis. The article provides a brief lexical and semantic analysis of stable phrases and proverbs related to plants that have been preserved in our language since time immemorial, and provides etymological data for some plant names. These conclusions and data are supported by the opinions of scientists who have conducted scientific research in this area.

90-94 210

This article focuses on aspects of the study of a simple sentence and shows that setting the appropriate lexemes instead of the necessary components is directly related to the construction of the structural scheme.

95-105 211

The article presents the draft rules of the Kazakh marking of anthroponyms and toponyms in the Chinese language. The rules for marking Chinese anthroponyms and toponyms in Kazakh are given with examples and phonetic transcription.

106-111 229

The monograph is devoted to the identification of the most active processes of the development of the modern youth lexicon in linguoculturological and lexicographic aspects. It is noted that the slang lexicon fully and consistently objectifies the youth conceptosphere, reflecting both the collective worldview and the individual-personal beginning.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)