No 2 (2019)
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3-8 225

The concept of «Space» is found as theartistic content of Shahkarim’s works in a vast, field-intensive, self-portraying character. Spatial reception is the acceptance of the picturesque image of the surrounding environment, the size and breadth of objects and phenomena, their proportions and their correlation. In the article, the artistic discourse is studied by Shahkarim’s author’s image.

9-15 237

Тhe existence of a language, its rapid development is closely related to its ability to be a means of communication. There is every reason to call this function a communicative function. A person learns a language through the environment, from the community, from daily life to language communication, communication and debate. Language is not only a means of communication, but also a manifestation of the historical, cultural, intellectual and cognitive wealth of people, groups of people living in a particular society.

16-21 215

The authoress researches terminologies existing in the Azerbaijani press of the Independence period. She pays special attention to the shaping of terns, the terminological norm. She takes into account loanwords, the existence or lack of their equivalents in the Azerbaijani language. Abuses of certain times in tıe press have been indicated, a concrete solution to remove them has been suggested. While carrying out the analysis of the lexical-grammatical composition of the language of the contemporary newspapers and magazines, the authoress refers to the history of the Azerbaijani press.
On the basis of the analysis of facts the authoress indicates properties of the contemporary means of arıas information that contribute to the enrichment of the terminological basis of the literary Azerbaijani language and accelerate its structural-semantic development. The authoress emphasizes the fact that the process of forming terms in the literary language has an escalated character.

22-30 358

The article was dedicated to the important problem of the cinematic language. There are interesting factors about semantic level of the visual speech, metaphorical elements of language. Therefore, the fact on getting of objects other meaning in addition to their original ones,gives ground for speaking about proximity of poetry and film in semantic plan.
It is stated that, various comparisons made in horizontal direction both in poetry and screen texts always give the same results. Words connected to each other in horizontal line are turned into phrases; combination of phrases generates sentence in the cinematic language; sentences are turned into concrete idea.

31-34 297

The paper is dedicated to the process of borrowing loan words in Azerbaijan language. The improvement of relations with all Turkic peoples and the European states improves interlanguage communication.
At this time, the terms passes from one language to another languages. This process is also in Azerbaijan language, in particular, words and terms of European origin are involved.

35-40 281

From the positions of the terminals in the beginning of the twentieth century, there are plenty of places for Kazakh language education to date. You will be able to re-examine, analyze, and differentiate more extensive terms that have been adopted at that time.

41-48 730

In the article, the works of the Turkish scholars who lived between the 9th and 12th centuries as well as main sources of the Turkic-speaking scientific style which would start in the 13th century are analysed. Scientists such as Ibn Wase ibn Turk, Al-Farghani, Al-Khwarezmi, Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi, Ahmed ibn Al-Hasan Abu Sa’id al-Bardai, Abu Ali Bardai, Abu Hussein Yakub ibn Musa Al-Ardavili, Abu Abdullah Al Hussein ibn Abdul- al-Urmawi, Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Bakuwei Bakuvi wrote in Arabic in accordance with the requirements of the period, but historical sources and the comments in their works prove their Turkic identity. In subsequent years, their compatriots interpreted these works in Turkic languages and these works were considered main books of various scientific fields for centuries in the East.
Turkish scholars take significant places in world science. Outstanding scientists such as al-Farabi, al-Biruni, al-Farghani, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and others were leading representatives of the Middle East scientific school as well as authors of significant works related to mathematics, astronomy, geology, geodesy, medicine and other sciences. Subsequently, these works stimulated the development of the science in Europe and became the main source of the formation of the modern science.

49-57 354

The problems of intergeneration and intrageneration transmission of the Kazakh language have been considered in the article. The meaning of the concept «the native language» and its correlation with language identity by the example of the Kazakhsrespondents has been revealed.

58-75 352

This work deals with the alphabet construction in changing of the writing type conditions; it is suggested the principles of alphabet construction; realised it’s analysis and description conserning to synharmonical Turkic (kazakh) language.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)