No 4 (2022)
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3-14 670

The article deals with the problems of distinction, types, recognition by composition in Kazakh linguistics of verbal combinations of two or three words. The paper reviewed the issues of the linguistic nature, word formation and grammatical nature of compound verb expressions. There are many opinions on the problem of the compound verb and the principles of their classification. The semantic features of complex verbal expressions are revealed. In this paper, we approach the concept of a complex verb by the criterion of composition and semantic integrity. For lexicography of complex verbal expressions, examples from a 15-volume explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh language, a phraseological dictionary and a text corpus of the Kazakh language were considered.
In complex verb and analytical forms, verbs and compound verbs, as well as verb stable phrases, have semantic integrity, i.e. several syllables are connected and denote only one action, designating them as complex compound verb phrases. As with the lexicography of complex verbs, the principles of lexicography of analytical verbs and verb stable expressions are determined. Below are examples that explain the meaning of complex verb phrases (complex verb and verb of analytical form) and reveal semantic features.

15-25 486

The article discusses the technology of the morphological analyzer, which implements the program of morphological markup in the National corpus of the Kazakh language. The introduction of morphological markup is the most basic and important linguistic analysis of the National Corpus. It is also considered how language units in the intermediate layer are differentiated in the dictionary of basic words and the dictionary of grammatical forms (word forms) that we are developing. It is difficult for a computer to automatically divide words into roots and affixes and describe the relation of words to parts of speech and grammatical characteristics of affixes. However, in agglutinative languages, such as Kazakh, it is easier to automatically separate words and automatically analyze the composition of words than in inflectional languages. This is due to the fact that in agglutinative languages affixes are added in a certain system. The formal model of word forms is more understandable. The article discusses some difficulties of automatic parsing and analysis of words in the Kazakh language. The article also discusses problematic issues of functional affixes in the modeling of the morphological system of the Kazakh language, as well as issues related to categories and conditionally accepted codes included in the grammatical dictionary.

26-33 576

The article is written in order to find the necessary approaches to the development and improvement of the speech of modern Kazakh youth. Everyone knows that the quality and level of oral, public speech of modern Kazakh youth is falling day by day. Modern youth speech consists mainly of barbarisms and elements of primitive colloquial speech, the speech of Kazakh youth is becoming increasingly incomprehensible, verbose, empty-mouthed. In this regard, the article emphasizes the need to study, analyze, and practice the works of Kazakh writers written in the traditional language. Since the normalization of the norms of the national literary language through works of art began with the works of Kazakh classical writers of the early 20th century, the main purpose of the article is to take as an example the National features of the language and style of Kazakh writers, elements of traditional word processing for today's Kazakh language, especially youth oral speech. Analyzing the types of sentences in the stories of Beimbet Mailin, Zhusupbek Aimauytov, Mukhtar Auezov, Berdibek Sokpakbayev, the styles of writing and speech are demonstrated, which are examples of ruble speech. At the end, the characteristic features of the national speech of the Kazakh language are given

34-40 372

The article is devoted to the linguistic historical and cognitive study of onomastic names common to the Turkological science found in the Korkyt work, the common heritage of the Kipchak-Oguz epoch. The author claims that recently, when considering the names of names in historical songs and legends relating to each Kazakh epoch, there are still unresolved problems.
Of great scientific importance is the identification of patterns of language development, language layers, deep knowledge of the history of the native land through a comprehensive historical and linguistic study of the materials of the poem based on the opinions of domestic and foreign researchers. Therefore, within the framework of one article, it is impossible to conduct a comprehensive linguistic analysis of onomastic names in the Korkyt legend, which is a common heritage for the Oguz-Kipchak tribes.
The study of onomastic names in historical tales and legends characteristic of the Oguz- Kipchak epoch as a whole, combined with the achievements of modern science, is one of the main problems of Turkology, including Kazakh onomastics. In the article, an attempt is made to study the names of tribes and tribes found in the song "Korkyt" in a linguistic context.

41-50 693

The article is devoted to the consideration of synergetics as a new scientific direction. The disclosure of the paradigmatic essence of the concept of synergetics, which is important for modern science, seems to be a very urgent problem.
The article examines the basic concept of linguosynergetics as a new direction in modern linguistics, analyzes the views and concepts of scientists involved in the study of the concept of "synergy". Synergetics is a new interdisciplinary discipline, the subject of its research is the processes of self-organization of various complex systems, at present one of the most important problems is the definition of its methodological apparatus and the search for the most complete definition. Synergetics is a scientific direction, a methodological method, a self-organizer of complex, non-linear complex systems. Science of the twentieth century through selfdevelopment gradually formed its new paradigm, which in the early 70 G. Haken called "synergetics".
Today, synergetics has become actively used in the field of integrated humanities. The problem of synergy, as in the natural sciences, began to penetrate into linguistics in accordance with the nature of integration and organization of the internal laws of the language. In accordance with the anthropocentric orientation of modern linguistics, in the process of learning a language, the definition of the actualized synergy of the word began to be considered.

51-60 539

"Codex Cumanicus" is the first Turkic work that was written in the Latin alphabet in the late 13th-early 14th century and has come down to our time. The work consists of Italian and German sections, which differ from each other in terms of their subject and the purpose of writing. The Italian part (55 pages) is believed to have been written in the region between the lower Volga and the Crimea, by Italian merchants or Franciscan monks. The second part, the German part (27 pages), consists of a German-Kipchak dictionary, a translation from the "Bible", Christian songs, sermons, aphorisms, 47 riddles and proverbs related to Kipchak folklore. A single copy of the work is currently preserved in the library of San Marco, Italy. Examining the grammatical structure of the work not only gives us rich information about the development of the Kipchak language, their history and culture in the XIII-XIV centuries, but also allows us to study the laws of development between the Turkic languages in that period. In this article, the characteristic features of nominal combinations used in "Codex Cumanicus" are studied. At the same time, the meaning of word groups that are not included in word combinations is determined. The word combinations used in the language of the monument were divided into different types and each of them will be analyzed based on individual examples.

61-69 704

The article analyzes Yassawi research and research conducted by the scientist Rabiga Syzdyk in this direction, including the importance and role of the study «Yassawi Hikmetterinin tili» (The Language of the Hikmets of Yassavi) in science. The author reveals their essence using such concepts as «Yassavitology, Sufism, The Language of Hikmets, Tariqat. The tradition, experience of Sufi teaching, as well as the analysis and study of the conclusions of researchers belong to a very urgent problem in terms of the spiritual and religious needs of Kazakh Society of the XXI century, their recognition, study, work with the original. The article aims to formulate and substantiate the scientific and theoretical basis and significance of this problem using the " The Language of the Hikmets of Yassavi ", to identify the features of the study. The research work uses methods of comparison, analysis, description and control, and gives examples from the language of "Hikmets". As a result, it was concluded that it is necessary to identify the features of oral and written speech traditions of the people of that period, their influence on the heritage of Yassavi, as well as to determine the difference and continuity between the old language and the Kazakh language based on specific materials, and in this regard, R.Syzdyk's research works can serve as a very important scientific basis.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)