The paper discusses the relationship between language and culture, modeling the geographical landscape through one of the cultural codes in cognitive linguistics - anthropomorphic code. When we talk about the geographical landscape, we cannot leave toponyms out. The toponyms reflect the worldview of a nation. Anthropomorphic culture code is transmitted through anthropomorphic metaphors, legends, myths, and phraseological units. In this paper we consider legends and myths. Myths and legends about the environment and nature reflect the worldview of every nation. One way of forming knowledge is to know oneself, which means by knowing oneself, one knows the other, by knowing the inner world, one knows the outer world. Man projects his knowledge of himself into the outer world and thus reflects his worldview about the external world. A developed worldview is expressed through language. Legends and myths describe the worldview of the nation. The types of myths represented by anthropomorphic codes are analyzed and their role in the formation of the geographical landscape is discussed.
Creating a linguistic corpus that can automatically set the word-formation markings in the Kazakh language texts requires conducting word-formation analysis in a linguistic system in a clear formal system. The reason is that the computer distinguishes language units depending on the formal markings embedded in the memory. Therefore, in our research work, we have considered the issues of word formation and described the ways of word-formation affixes transfer in the National Corpus of the Kazakh language. Our research work aims to create a linguistic basis for the inclusion of word-formation markers in the corpus of the Kazakh language. The scientific and practical significance of the work is that the linguistic markup will be introduced and implemented in the creation of the National Corpus of the Kazakh language. A brief description of the research methodology: in our research work we have used the descriptive method in reviewing the problems of word formation, word-formation markers, method of analysis, and systematization in determining the functions of affixes that perform partially word-formation functions. Main results and analysis, results of research work: To create linguistic corpora that can automatically put word-formation markings on texts in the Kazakh language, we have taken steps to translate word-formation analyses into a clear formal system, revealed word-formation functions of functional affixes (-лық/-лік, -дай/-дей, -ша/-ше, -сыз/-сіз, - лы/-лі, -ғы/-гі) that do not fully meet the requirements of word-formation. The value of the study: the results obtained in preparing the development of wordformation markers in the Kazakh language, contribute to the addition and development of theoretical problems in the areas of word-formation, morphology, and corpus linguistics of the Kazakh language. The practical importance of the results of the research work: they can be used in lectures and seminars which are held in higher educational institutions on the following subjects: "Modern Kazakh Language", "Word-Formation", "Corpus Linguistics", "Computer Linguistics".
In this paper, the study of language and culture is presented bearing in mind the concept through cognitive and lingua-cultural approaches. The main subject of linguistic research can consider Numerals, which have turned into an important element in showing the cultural code of a nation, its values, beliefs, history, and traditions through the language. Ancient culture and values, which could be found in the numerals, are preserved in widely spread beliefs and superstitions, in taboo language, in the spiritual cultural vocabulary, and the concept and background knowledge of the language system. The numbers include metric vocabulary and quantitative and numbering vocabulary. Moreover, numbers can be considered as the bearers of cultural information. Having learned the cultural meaning of numbers, one can get acquainted with the traditions and ancient customs of a nation and its beliefs. Using this kind of method we can find significant information about the traditions of the nation, their life, people, traditions, and culture. We can see that the numerals contain national codes which tell us about, the way our forefathers lived, the culture, and traditions across generations. In conclusion, we can state that the lingua-cultural study of numerals in the Kazakh language which contain national codes helps the young generation respect the elderly people and feel proud of their history, tradition, and culture.
In the presented article, the historical phenomena of the system of vocalism of the Kypchak group of related languages will be determined according to the main stages of the development of the Turkic languages. When comparing the vocalism of the Kypchak Turkic languages, common and distinctive features of phonological systems are revealed.
The purpose of the scientific research is to carry out a phonetic-phonological analysis of vowel sounds (vocalism system) based on the Kypchak group of Turkic languages.
Phonological phenomena influencing the development and formation of phonetic systems will be considered in a diachronic aspect. When analyzing the sound system of the Turkic languages by the comparative historical method, the Kazakh language is compared with the Tatar, Karakalpak, Nogai, Bashkir, Karashai, Balkar languages belonging to the Kypchak typological group. We hope that in the future, taking into account the historical development and typological features of each group of languages, coupled with their universal properties, it will be possible to reconstruct the phonological model of the Proto-Turkic language. In the proposed article, the sound changes of the Kypchak group of languages are considered from a new angle, which will contribute to the further development of linguistic science, the identification of general patterns for other levels of languages, the explanation of the changes taking place in the language, and the prediction of the ways of its development. The study of the historical phonology of the Kazakh language in a comparative historical aspect with other related Turkic, in particular the Kypchak languages close to us, testifies to the theoretical significance of the work. The work is also of great practical importance: historical phonology opens the way to solving unexplored problems of historical grammar, historical lexicology and etymology.
Thе paper prеsеnts аn аnаlysis with thе аim of crеаting а complеtе thеsаurus of dеnominаtions of positivе chаrаctеr trаits in thе Kаzаkh lаnguаgе, dividing into lеxicаl-sеmаntic groups, idеntifying concеpts rеlаtеd to thе chаrаctеr to dеtеrminе thе linguoculturologicаl bаsis of dеnominаtions of thе chаrаctеr trаits. In thе coursе of study, dеnominаtions of positivе chаrаctеr trаits of thе Kаzаkh nаtion wеrе collеctеd bаsеd on publishеd works, including thе opinions аnd viеws of psychologists, tеаchеrs, philologists, thinkеrs аnd philosophеrs, аnd systеm of linguistic concеpts wаs crеаtеd. Currеntly, thе words аnd phrаsеs, provеrbs аnd phrаsеologicаl units аrе collеctеd, rеvеаling thе concеpt from thе 15-volumе "Dictionаry of thе Kаzаkh litеrаry lаnguаgе" publishеd in 2006-2013, аnd othеr sourcеs. Wе аnаlyzеd thе collеctеd vocаbulаry in а linguoculturologicаl contеxt. Thus, wе еxаminеd thе dеnominаtions of positivе chаrаctеr trаits of thе Kаzаkh pеoplе in rеlаtion to othеrs аnd to thеmsеlvеs within thе frаmеwork of linguoculturologicаl concеpts. Duе to thе volumе of thе аrticlе, wе hаvе considеrеd only linguistic rеprеsеntаtivеs of concеpts such аs modеsty, humаnity, rеsponsivеnеss, modеsty, humility, bеnеvolеncе, libеrаlity, kindnеss, gеnеrosity, dеcеncy, courtеsy, intеlligеncе, consistеncy аnd courаgе.
Аs а rеsult of thе аnаlysis, it wаs found thаt thе Kаzаkh pеoplе put morе vаluе on such positivе chаrаctеr trаits аs:
sincеrity, rеstrаint, prudеncе in rеlаtion to othеrs, аnd not to thеmsеlvеs, thаt in thе first plаcе is thе obsеrvаncе of еthicаl stаndаrds thаt tаkе plаcе in thе vаluе systеm, idеnticаl to systеms of concеpts in rеlаtion to thе humаn chаrаctеr, аnd positivе chаrаctеr trаits of thе Kаzаkh nаtion coincidе with spirituаl vаluеs in Islаm.
The paper substantiates the need to include in the national corpus of the Kazakh language the names of material culture in the system of ethnocultural units of the Kazakh language through their description, as well as the need for their marking in the corpus.
Ethnocultural units are linguistic symbols with a large cumulative function, reflecting the national identity of the Kazakh language, preserving the language, traditions, worldview, and spiritual world of the nation. Therefore, the language is supported by national culture.
Currently, intensive language study is being conducted in an anthropocentric direction. In this regard, the deepening and expansion of the process in this direction are determined by the relevance of the assembly of national buildings. The national corpus of the Kazakh language is a modern innovative and informational tool that serves as a guardian of such national cultural units in a broad way, a carrier of them for generations.
The research paper describes the ways of introducing ethnocultural units into the National Corpus of the Kazakh language: coding, modeling, and using algorithmic and programmatic approaches when introducing ethnocultural units into the National Corpus. First of all, collecting ethnocultural units that are the basis for creating the corpus base, determining their cultural and semantic groups and compiling a list of words related to this the group. Transfer each of them to professional programmers only after applying the markup code. Programmers must work on a certain algorithm and carry out further processing. Works to be done in the future are considered as well.
The research work is dedicated to the consideration of the issues of inclusion in the corpus of the Kazakh language of markings defined based on the National corpus of the Kazakh language (morphological, word-formation, semantic, lexical, phonetic, and phonological markings) as cultural and semantic markings.
People are increasingly using the Internet as a number one means of communication in the current world. It is used by every second person and is where they spend the majority of their time. The Internet and other global computer networks, as well as the ability to communicate in a variety of chat rooms, forums, and blogs, all contributed to the fast-paced improvement of information technology and laid the groundwork for the emergence of Internet language, which is now used outside the world web and is a big part of younger generation‘s speaking culture. Being a unique medium for communication, the Internet has given rise to unique forms of discourse, linguistic devices, and behavioral stereotypes. As a result, it is impossible to avoid seeing how the Internet influences the speech of those who use it: spelling errors, numerous typos, and a disregard for punctuation standards. This article is devoted to identifying the features of the speech culture of modern youth and the influence of the Internet language on its formation. The purpose of the paper is to find the features of the formation of the speech culture of modern youth and to determine the role of the Internet language in this process. Following our goal, we have identified the following tasks: To identify the origin and characteristics of the Internet language as a means of communication for the younger generation; Determine the reasons for the use of the Internet language by modern youth outside the Internet; Consider slang expressions frequently used by young people that originate on the net; To identify the features of the influence of the Internet language on the literacy of today's youth and their speech culture in general.
The interest in the concept of sacral has been growing rapidly in science in recent years. The first definitions of this concept began to appear in the 80s of the 20th century. There is a lot of polemic in the definitions given to the concept of sacral. The term ―sacred‖ was described in various ways by the English philosopher D. Hume, and German thinkers F. Schleiermacher, M. Scheler, E. Cassirer, and M. Heidegger. Representatives of the French school of sociology as M. Moss, L. Lévy-Bruhl, J. Bataille, and M. Leiris interpreted the term diversely. Therefore, to reveal the meaning of the notion of ―sacral‖ thoroughly it is of paramount importance to explain the concept in the integration of religious studies, philosophy, cultural studies, art studies, archeology, ethnology, folkloristic, and philology.
This research paper clarifies the concept of ―sacral‖, and shows both well-known and unfamiliar aspects of the sacred as well as its typology that is made from the point of view of the aesthetic category. We also conducted a comparative analysis of definitions in different languages. Considering that the Latin word ―sacer‖ cannot be translated like many international terms, it was suggested to use it as sacral in the Kazakh language as well.
The relevance of the topic was determined and a conclusion was made through comprehensive research, differentiation, and systematization of the concept of sacral.
The paper summarizes and etymologically analyzes onomastic units in the group of Talas monuments belonging to ancient Turkic monuments. Although ancient Turkic monuments have been studied in terms of genre, written language, and alphabetic features, in terms of literary criteria, the onomastic space in ancient texts they have not been fully considered. In particular, the relevance of the topic is determined by the absence of proper names in the Talas monuments, which are small in size.
The purpose of the study is to identify the onomastic space in the Talas monuments, which was not previously considered, and to conduct an etymological analysis of each onomastic unit. In connection with this goal, it is planned to perform the following tasks: provide information about the discovery and study of Talas monuments; dial all the proper names in the Talas monuments and divide them into onomastic types; group the found onomastic units by type and perform an etymological analysis of each; identification of common features of proper names in the Talas monuments with the Yenisei, Orkhon onomastic units.
The author compares the previously expressed opinion, and conclusions about the meaning of historical names, and then offers his own conclusions. The study used retrospective analysis, description, grouping, and comparativehistorical methods characteristic of linguistics. Due to the peculiar difficulty of deciphering the etymology of historical, ancient names, the author notes that the predictive nature of the conclusions proposed by him prevails. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to see that etymological analyzes have been made quite successfully. In the introductory part of the research paper, small information about the discovery and study of Talas monuments, the specifics of the appointment, and the timing of the appointment are given. Scientists who read and translated Talas monuments include V. V. Radlov, P. M. Melioransky, G. Geikel, S. E. Malov, Yu. Nemet, H. N. Orkun, A. S. Amanzholov, etc. He was a turkologist-scientists, mainly engaged in such things as the correct reading of texts written in stone, transcription, translation into modern Turkic languages, the definition of the genre, and comparison of historical data. And the onomastic units in the Talas meters have not been studied separately. Some researchers leave only comments on open proper names, the meaning of which is clear. For example, Professor A. S. Amanzholov adds his own etymology to the anthroponym Udun ("Skverny") at the monument to Ayyrtam-Oi. The anthroponym was not isolated from the text and did not make a separate analysis.
The translation of proper names found in the Talas texts was taken by professors I. A. Batmanov and A. S. Amanzholov. The correct names found in about 20 monuments found in the Talas River Valley were analyzed etymologically. In particular, anthroponym, ethnonym, and toponym types of proper names were typed. Since most of the ancient Turkic monuments are written in the epitaphic genre, it is quite natural that the share of anthroponyms among these texts prevails, so 17 antroponyms were identified and linguistic analysis was carried out. In addition to that, two ethnonyms, and one toponym, met. Not all ancient monuments have proper names, however, even this small group can provide quite rich linguistic and historical information. In the final part of the paper, the specific features of the onomastic space in the Talas monuments, their connection with proper names in the Yenisei and Orkhon texts, and valuable conclusions were made regarding the history of ancient Turkic writing. It is proved that the Talas-Yenisei-Orkhon written monuments were written in one language. These findings are a novelty of the paper.
Any speech act is based on the communicative purpose of the speaker and is aimed at expressing the communicative strategy and tactics, pragmatics, and emotional and expressive point of view of the addressee. At the same time, the paper aims to determine the pragmatics of the interrogative speech act and the communicative strategies conveyed by interrogative sentences.
In the course of the study, the following communicative strategies of the interrogative speech act in the Kazakh language were identified: request (exchange) of information, clarification of information, greeting, search, knowledge of another person's opinion, knowledge of someone else's intention of approval/disapproval, demonstration of one's numerous knowledge, striving for understanding, attracting attention (interest), determining the winner, request, consultation (advice), proposal, request for permission, verification, investigation, counterattack, justify, warning, refusal, accusation (reproach), ordering, forbidding, intimidation and mixed strategy.
The communicative strategies used in the interrogative speech act in the Kazakh language are not limited to those listed above. Since all human language communication consists of informative, interrogative, and imperative sentences, interrogative sentences make up a quarter of these speech acts. Of course, informative offers carry a lot of weight. Nevertheless, interrogative sentences also have the great function of establishing universal language communication.
The results of the study are of great scientific and practical importance in the field of pragmatics, theory of speech act, etc., which are new areas in Kazakh linguistics.
The article explores the formulaic nature of epic repetition in the oral tradition of the Kazakh Zhyrau XV–XVIII centuries. It manifests itself in its two main functions – expressive and pictorial. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the aesthetic and functional nature of epic repetition, to identify its features as a technical acceptance, and to trace its initial origins – rhythmed spells, suggestive magical realities, and its primary transformations. In the course of the research, we used historical-genetic, structural-semantic, hermeneutic methods and the method of the oral theory of Parry-Lord (oral tradition). The theoretical value of the methods used lies in the fact that they made it possible to reveal the genetic nature of epic repetition and the peculiarities of its functioning in traditional poetic art. The formulaic and stylistic patterns of various types of sound repetition – anaphora, verbal rhyme, monorym, rediff, etc. – were studied for the first time on the material of the individual author's oral poetry of Zhyrau of the XV–XVIII centuries. The practical value of the article and its justification lies in the writing of the monograph "The Poetic word in myth, ritual and ritual" and the preparation of a "Poetic Dictionary of the frequency of formulaic units" within the framework of the scientific project "Research of the artistic-determinative system, "formulaic stylistics" and grammar of poetry of Zhyrau XV–XVIII centuries. Frequency dictionary" (under the Program of grant financing of scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2021-2023 by the MSHE RK, IRN AP09261377).
The appeal to the religious picture of the world is due to the fact that religion, being a traditional form of worldview, is acquiring a new spiritual beginning in world space today. The religious picture of the world proceeds from the difference between being in itself and existence i.e., a world possessing being by its creation. The religious picture of the world is dualistic, since it contrasts the absolute, supernatural being, solemn with God, to the whole variety of natural things endowed with being. By recognizing the existing role of religious consciousness in the life of mankind, as well as analyzing religious vocabulary, one can determine the national values and consciousness of the people. The basis of religious consciousness is the religious picture of the world, which serves as a criterion of the essence of language and religion. In this regard, theolinguistics requires an analysis of sacred religious vocabulary and religious texts.
The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the reader with infographics as the modern method of education and teaching English based on a review of scientific articles on this topic. Infographics is a graphical way of presenting information that allows to convey data in a concise form while carrying significant visual material in the form of illustrations, graphs, charts, and diagrams. In addition, the use of infographics in teaching increases the creative potential of the teacher, diversifying the possibilities for conducting lessons. The infographic method significantly improves the quality and efficiency of the lesson, in particular the English lessons, which was demonstrated by the authors of the reviewed studies. A scoping review of 10 articles written for the period from 2014 to 2022 was carried out. The documents were analyzed, and the elements of the research were distributed according to such classifications as the level of education, the level of students' knowledge, the number of students, the form of studying, skills for the development of which infographics and research results were used. Case studies were conducted by the authors in both online and blended classrooms at various educational institutions. The document also includes feedback from students, as well as suggestions for developing the use of infographics in the future. The paper will be useful to anyone interested in modern methods of teaching English and the introduction of infographics in education.
The creation and approval of a writing system on a national basis is the most important prerequisite that serves as support for preserving the national character and uniqueness of the language. The writing system formed by the first reformer of the Kazakh script A. Baitursynuly is also highly appreciated from this point of view. Since the issue of spelling is always relevant, it is extremely necessary for Kazakh linguistics to determine the main provisions of the spelling rules that formed the basis for the spelling reform of the scholar. The article analyzes the rules of spelling – the integration of the principles of writing and grammatical patterns, which for the first time were fully reflected in the work "Til-Kural".
The purpose of the study is to identify the relationship between spelling rules and grammatical problems formulated by A. Baitursynuly.
The practical significance of the study is manifested in the analysis of the importance of substantiating the grammatical position in the construction of spelling rules. The paper makes comparisons in diachronic and synchronous aspects and examines the nature of the development of the spelling of the Kazakh language in texts of the XVIII, and XIX centuries and the reflection of grammatical units in writing. In particular, based on the methods of comparison, description, and systematization, historical data were demonstrated, including the reason for the violation of grammatical patterns in the materials of the ancient Kazakh written language and its influence on writing. As a result, in the work, the connection of morphological rules with spelling was classified into three different groups: "Word form and spelling", "Word composition and spelling", and "Punctuation and spelling".
In accordance with the anthropolanguage paradigm considered in modern linguistics, the communicative function of language comes to the fore, the tendency to use a linguistic unit is intertwined with the personality of a native speaker, leads to the study of the categories of the image of the author, the linguistic personality, the author's modality in a literary text, distinguishing their features and clarifying the status. The relevance of the research work is determined by the lack of research considering the category of the author's modality in the context of a literary text.
The purpose of the research work is to identify the means of transmitting the category of the author's modality in a literary text in the Kazakh and Kyrgyz languages.
In the article, the category "author's modality" is considered the basis for the formation of the concept of a literary text. The implicit ways of transferring the category of the author's modality to determine the author's statement and linguistic personality in a work of art are investigated.
In a work of art, the author's modality is conveyed through themes, images, concepts, mythologemes, symbols, and anthropomorphism underlying the plots. When considered within the framework of a literary text, modal meanings acquire a subjective-evaluative character. Since the research work was carried out on the analysis of a literary text, the method of complex text analysis was used, i.e., descriptive, analysis, synthesis methods, deductive and inductive methods, semantic-stylistic, contextual method.
The author's modality can be determined by the correct interpretation of the information underlying the text (subtext) in a work of art.
The paper aims to identify the level of usage of information technology terms in the Kazakh language. Research within the fields of sociolinguistics and applied linguistics was conducted to accomplish this goal.
As part of the sociolinguistic direction, a survey was conducted to determine quantitative indicators of the level of public use of terms. Representatives of various fields took part in the survey. The survey questions are based on the basic terms of the IT industry: тінтуір ~mouse~тышқан~мышка, пернетақта~клавиатура~keyboard, қатқыл диск~қатты диск~жесткий диск~hard disk, software~программное обеспечение~бағдарламалық қамтым~бағдарламалық жасақтама~бағдарламалық қамту~бағдарламалық қамтамасыздандыру. Approved terms, such as related and competing terms, were also selected.
A feature of the survey is that 88.4% of the participants are native speakers of the Kazakh language. The results of the survey revealed such difficulties as: ―the level of use of terms in the Russian language is higher than in the Kazakh language‖, ―some terms in the Kazakh language are not used at all‖ and ―several variants of the same term appear and synonyms are formed‖.
In the context of applied linguistics, an analysis was made of the use of approved terms in the textbook "Computer Science", written in Kazakh for grades 4 to 7. The study showed that the established terms related to the field of computer science in the database is not used in textbooks; instead, other terms are used that denote the same concept. Some terms in textbooks related to computer science are not covered by databases. Other findings include the use of certain terms concerning other industries, the primary spelling of terms in Russian, as well as the indication of terms in Kazakh in brackets.
The paper reveals the extra linguistic factors underlying the identified problems and analyzes the research papers written to date related to the terminology of information technology.
Summarizing the above, based on the results of the research, the authors conclude that terminologists create highquality terms, and pay attention to the use of these terms in the field of education. It is necessary to work in the direction of promoting the language of science through social networks.
The paper analyzes the graphic and lexical-grammatical features of the use of the medieval written monument «Khusrau ua Shyryn» Kutba. The main feature of this monument is the presence in the alphabetic system of harakats (super-letter and sub-letter signs) and their use instead of several sounds. Not only Arabic but also Persian graphemes are also used. The lexical composition of the monument is very complex. It contains Kypchak, Karluk, Oguz, Arabic, Persian words, as well as archaic elements. Arabic and Persian phrases are used. From a grammatical point of view, the Kypchak or Oguz vocabulary prevails. The parallel use of grammatical endings of the Oguz and Kypchak forms is used. Which of the dialects (Kypchak, Oguz, or Karluk) the language of the monument predominates is determined on the basis of a linguostatistical analysis of each grammatical form? To this day, there is no consensus on the linguistic affiliation of this monument. Some scientists claim that the monument was written in Kypchak-Oguz, and some believe that in the Oguz-Kypchak language. the article discusses these issues in detail and analyzes specific examples.
The problem of determining cultural components, folk knowledge, and information in onomastic names, including the semantics of toponyms, which are in a "hidden" state for most linguistic domains, become relevant due to the current linguistic situation. The cultural semantics of onyms is represented in rational and irrational knowledge and information. The paper aims to show the representation of rational and irrational folk knowledge in the cultural semantics of toponyms and mythonyms, consisting of the names of species-colour attributes, plants, and numbers. The main idea of the study is to use examples to prove that the type of rational knowledge concentrates on cultural empirical information relating to the practical life of the population, while the type of irrational knowledge concentrates on esoteric knowledge representing religious, animistic, mythological, and folk beliefs. In the introductory part, the close relationship between language and culture was substantiated based on the works of renowned authors. It was shown that toponymic names are a product of cultural thinking, which accumulates the knowledge of the ethnos in the process of mastering the environment, as well as a variety of information. The main method used in the work is the anthropogenic direction. Considered within the framework of topological space as a research method, the language matrix method reveals deeply rooted cultural semantics. The method of extrapolation shows that the folk toponymic patterns are based on the motivation for natural naming common to the Kazakh linguistic culture as a whole. In the section, main results toponyms are divided into several subsections. The representation of cultural information in the semantics of the names of speciesflowers, plants, numbers, and sacred names, their implicit properties are analyzed. The processes of objectification of the types of rational knowledge in the cultural semantics of toponyms as a product of the subject's (individual and ethnocultural collective) mental activity are considered.
It has been established that the semantics of sacred names reflects the moral and ethical values of the ethnos. The scientific value of the study is explained by the fact that linguistics expands the theoretical base of the field of linguocultural studies and contributes to it.
The practical value of the findings is due to the fact that they can serve as material to enrich the base of linguocultural dictionaries, corpus linguistics, and culturally representative texts.
Syncretism has become the subject of various fields of science. Especially, its properties in the field of aesthetics, art criticism, and cultural studies have been studied to the maximum. It means that linguistics will also need to rethink the function of syncretism. The author of the paper touches upon the problem of syncretism in linguistics. The main purpose of the research is to draw attention to the fact that syncretism refers both to the morphological structure of the phenomenon and the syntactic construction. Most scholars in Kazakh linguistics recognize syncretism as a one-sided phenomenon. And its traces in the syntax remain unnoticed. In this regard, the definition of the term in the syntax indicates the relevance of the paper. And increases the theoretical value.
This issue was raised as a separate issue not only in Kazakh but also in other languages. The author proves this by the conclusions of scientists of the Russian, German, and French languages. The features of the connection of the speech structure in the paper on the path of narrowing or expansion determine the syntactic function of syncretism.
Particular attention should be paid to the phenomenon in the connections of sentences, namely, a simple sentence from the point of view of formality, a complex object sentence from the point of view of conveying judgments, or, conversely, determines the importance of this task. And this defines a new direction of the syntax of Kazakh linguistics.
The study also pays attention to the diachronic nature of linguistics. The reflections of Russian and other foreign scientists indicate that the topic has remained at its initial stage. This is proof that the issue being raised is still important.
The conclusions set out in the paper will contribute to the further development of the field of linguistics. The application of the results of work in educational institutions is of practical importance. After all, any language unit must reach the consciousness of the recipient.
The paper is dedicated to the study of the concepts of stereotypes, cliches, stamps, and standards widely used in linguistic science. In world linguistics, these terms are used concerning the problems of word culture and stylistics, affecting the issues of cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology and word usage. In linguistic research, definitions such as a model of stable stereotypical thinking or ready-made speech turns, the reuse of language units in a ready-made form in relation to the concepts of a stereotype, cliche, and stamp in the language are often used. The main reason for this is that in the course of communication, public experience tries to simplify the process of information exchange, standardizing the form of content, transmitting information, and fixing it as a speech form. In this regard, the views and conclusions of some scholars in world linguistics are described and analyzed to determine the complex nature of these concepts and their representation in language. Based on them, an attempt is made to differentiate the mutual similarities and differences between the concepts of stereotype, cliche, and stamp in the language. The features of their use in functional speech styles are also analyzed to identify the positive or negative impact of the phenomena of stereotypes, cliche, and stamps on the speech process.
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)