The article considers the potential of creating a system of categories of consistency and valence in the Kazakh language. To distinguish the typical types of phrases that make up the valence system, an experiment is carried out. In the Kazakh language, phrases are not enough to be divided into two parts: syntactic and lexical. The issue of expanding forms, concretizing patterns, in-depth study of the abilities of the valence of the Kazakh language will be considered. Compatibility is the main property of language units based on the syntagmatic relation. The syntagmatic relation is the ability of linguistic symbols to be harmoniously combined in accordance with the regularity of the language, depending on the order of the sequential arrangement in the composition of the text, sentence, word. Compatibility is a linguistic category that functions in all linguistic areas. The stereotypical concept “compatibility is a combination of two or more words” is recognized only as a form of grammatical compatibility. Thus, compatibility is an important category in determining the phonetic, lexical, morphological, and syntactic patterns of a language. Here compatibility is considered equally with the concept of valency. Because valence itself is the main indicator that refl the ability of all language units in the structure of the text, starting with the sound layer.
The source of the traditional Kazakh saying (sөzsaptam) is fiction. Each individual text in a work of fiction is a synthesized expression of a certain idea as a result of the process of speech generation. The text is the result of the “laboratory” of linguistic activity, linguistic knowledge. The text also depends on the vocabulary of the writer. Therefore, knowing the system of words in a text is the same as trying to recognize the ways in which ideas are formed. On the other hand, thinking is a combination of words and phrases. Therefore, the article examines the main categories of text linguistics, such as coherence and integrity in G. Musrepov’s stories.
The text obtained as a fundamental component of word formation is considered not as a random set of any sentences, but as a unit of word formation organized in semantic, logical, grammatical terms. In word formation, the units that make up the text are connected to each other from the linguistic side, paying attention to the beginning, development, and ending of thought. This is also important for word formation, although it refers to the norm of the text, since word formation controls the question of where, in what place, in what environment, it is appropriate, appropriate to use not a single word, but the whole text as a whole. Determining the norm of word formation by considering the norm of the word, the text relating to the object of linguistic and speech culture, stylistics, linguistics of the text is also one of the upcoming tasks.
The article deals with the role of the Russian language in the processes of language identification of students. The results of the sociolinguistic survey, the main objectives of which were determined based on the need to obtain information on the following aspects of the language situation: the degree of knowledge of the youth in the state, Russian and other languages; the level and nature of social preferences in relation to the use of languages in various spheres of life; the nature of social and language preferences of the young population. The review of theoretical works of Kazakhstan and foreign scientists on this subject is given. The conclusions of the study noted the significant role of the Russian language in the formation of linguistic identity, which is due not only to historical realities, in particular, the language policy conducted for a long time, as well as the conscious choice of language. The conducted studies prove that language proficiency and its use are a factor of socialization of young people and determine the style of human interaction with their social environment.
The article deals with the problem of metalinguistic markup of texts within the National Corpus. The meta-markup systems of the proposed Kazakh texts are described. Meta-markup includes a link to the text of parameters that characterize the text as a whole. Meta-markup, allows the user to search and select texts to compose an internal structure with specified properties. Meta-tagged materials are an indispensable source in research work on the collection of materials related to a certain period, style, author, topic, etc. One of the main tasks when choosing a literature when creating a corpus is taking into account the genre diversity of texts. The necessity of introducing meta-markings in the manufacture of the case is not controversial. They allow the user of the corpus, especially the correspondent researchers, to quickly and easily find any information they need.
In addition, linguistic information is extracted whenever possible from all language levels. But in the corpus, the provision of linguistic information at all levels at once is extremely difficult and the possibilities are limited. Nevertheless, a program of metatext markings and linguistic markings – morphological, word-formation, phonetic, morpho-semantic markings, has been launched in the “corpus of Kazakh texts”. The article describes the types of metatext on the corpus (23 parameters), the mechanisms of functioning of the program of linguistic markup.
This article discusses the use of the letters y, i in oral and written communication. In general, in Kazakh linguistics, the frequency of occurrence of the letter y denoting a deaf, non-muffled sound is in the third place, and the frequency of occurrence of the letter i is in the eighth place. The letters y, i are found in all positions of the word: ygak, yrim, ykylas; kyran, musylman, zhumys; tary, tasy, kyrmyzy; isker, ismer, izgilik; kirispe, korik, minber; kuishi, negizi, tatti.. Despite the fact that these letters are found in all positions, opinions about the spelling of the letters y, i are different. A number of researchers claim that the letters y, i can be unwritten if they do not affect the meaning of the word, and some scientists support the spelling of the letters у, i with complete preservation. In particular, in some words, the spelling of the letters у, i with complete preservation, and in some words, the reduction of the sounds у, i requires clarification and analysis based on language data. Because in the modern practice of writing, the letters y, i are different. For example, in the words.
The article discusses the section «Morphology» of the textbook «Grammar of the Kazakh language» for grades 5-6 of secondary schools, published in 1950, 1951 and 1953. The focus is on three problems: the use of terms, the classification of grammatical categories, the division of words into lexico-semantic groups. The features of the theoretical database of textbooks from the academic «Kazakh grammar», released in 2002, as well as the information necessary for the new grammar, planned for 2021-2022, are revealed.
The system of grammatical knowledge, considered in the morphology of the Kazakh language, requires a deep study in terms of terminological, theoretical and practical significance. The issues of classification of phrases, the definition of such grammatical categories as mood, person, tense, declension, etc., the assignment of words in the language to a certain lexical and grammatical group are also very relevant in the modern Kazakh language. Because morphology is the study of linguistic units that make up the language model and language structure.
On the basis of this study, such advantages as «Notes», emphasizing the features of the Kazakh language in discourse and the rational use of the vocabulary of the Kazakh language when creating terms were identified. The article analyzes the development and scientific systematization of the theoretical conclusions of publications of each year on the basis of tables and comparisons. In addition, the main purpose of writing these textbooks and their role in «education» and «science» in the second half of the twentieth century was revealed.
The article analyzes the use of legal terms in legislation, in the dictionary of approved terms, in the Kazakh-Russian, Russian-Kazakh terminological dictionaries of the branches of jurisprudence, in the office work and archives of economics and finance.
Legal terms were considered and the following general points were highlighted: 1) the use of one term in Russian in two or more variants in the Kazakh language (these variants in the Kazakh language are also used as the equivalent of another term in Russian); 2) the use of one term in the Kazakh language as the equivalent of two or more terms in the Russian language (these variants in Russian are also used as the equivalent of another term in the Kazakh language); 3) the use of one-root or terms formed from the same root in Russian in different versions in the Kazakh language (in addition, there is a translation of the same word with different endings or without them).
The article identifies and establishes the reasons for some inconsistencies in the use of legal terms, which are explained by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors (for example, some scientifically grounded conclusions of industry experts, such as: «the factor of tradition», the semantic potential, the descent of terms and etc.); bringing to the forefront the argument about the invariability of the terminology used in the legislative documents; Reflection in approved terminological dictionaries of approved terms, and at the same time not subjected to appropriate unification work; in the research article the main necessary systemic works for eliminating such gaps and shortcomings, which are fundamentally important for the terminology, are listed.
There can be seen from the article that the Kazakh national units of measurement are on the same level with the national measurements of other peoples in terms of origin, purpose, viability and success. However, for various historical reasons, our ancient terms with measurable meaning could not go beyond the borders of the nation and had no real meaning. Тhe peculiarity of measurement in the system of popular measurements, In the system of popular measurements is that from the point of view of the meaning and scope of the topic, it is applied not only to one area of measurement, but also to their various areas (quantitative, qualitative, periodic, almost complete, long, long-short, high-low, etc.) in the description of any concept in a generalized, projective and abstract form.
Thus, we can identify a variety of phenomena in the natural environment and a variety of objects of our way of life, people and animals, size, scale, quantity, quality and phenomena related to social relations. We decided to systematize some linguistic units formed from a figurative description of the features of spatial cognition.
This article discusses the phonetic-morphological, grammatical problems of the letter F. Since there are different opinions among linguists about the borrowed letter – Ff, which is part of the new Latin alphabet. A number of scientists believe that borrowed words with the letter f do not correspond to the sound features of the Kazakh language, i.e. the letter must be mastered by the letter p according to the phonetic principle, and some scientists suggest that the letter f takes place in the articulatory base of the Kazakh language and therefore should be included in the new alphabet. It is known that words with the letter f used in our language are found in loanwords from Arabic and Persian, and in European words that entered through the Russian language. Therefore, our research work analyzes the use of religious and European words with the letter f in normative dictionaries (the 15-volume dictionary of the modern Kazakh literary language and the 30-volume dictionary of industry terms) based on the methods of linguistic and statistical analysis. The specifics of this letter in religious discourse and its application in onomastics are determined. The proposed research work can be used in works devoted to the problems of adapting borrowed words.
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)