No 2 (2023)
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3-13 583

The research paper discusses the features, structure, and linguistic nature of the syntactically created Kazakh terms on artificial intelligence approved by the State Commission on Terminology. An overview of the opinions provided by scholars and research papers on terminological phrases is given in the paper. Taking into account the criteria underlying the grouping of syntactic phrases and terminological expressions, their similarity and differences are indicated. The correlation of terminological expressions with the syntax of phrases, the definiteness, and preservation of meaning in the process of lexicalization, and the ways of isolation from free and other stable expressions are studied.
A statistical analysis of the content of artificial intelligence terms adopted in Kazakh is carried out. It is determined that the number of binary term combinations is greater than that of multicomponent ones, and the number of term combinations is greater than that of single terms. The importance of considering term phrases not only from the lexical-syntactic point of view but also from the morphosyntactic point of view is mentioned and its need for modern linguistic research is mentioned. A number of features that reveal the definition and nature of term phrases are shown, and term names and definitions are offered.

14-21 402

Ideological discourse refers to the new areas of linguistics that have been studied recently. This problem has been sufficiently investigated by foreign scientists, but as we see, it has not become an object of special study in the works of Kazakhstani scientists.
The purpose of the scientific work is to analyze the nature of ideological discourse during the pandemic. To this end, the article examines the role of Kazakhstan's ideological discourse during the pandemic, its form, and distribution channels. During the scientific work, the authors applied the following research methods: the method of discourse analysis (analysis of texts constructed for ideological purposes, with extralinguistic factors in a communicative situation) and linguistic analysis of the text of ideological content as a product of ideological discourse. During the research, the following features peculiar to the Kazakh ideological discourse during the pandemic were identified: 1) updated genres of Kazakh oral literature, including conspiracy songs "badik zhyr", which is proved by the analysis of conspiracy songs of this period); 2) the dissemination of ideological discourse was carried out mainly through the media (TV channel, newspaper, magazine) and the Internet; 3) forms of dissemination were mainly of the nature of various videos on social networks, sound recordings, mixed format recordings, etc.; 4) it was noticed that due to the restriction of direct communication, people had a feeling of loneliness, so the participants of the discourse preferred artistic discourse (including poetry); 5) it was determined that in accordance by the goal of protecting and saving the population from the disease, the discursive strategy of the authorities changed; 6) alternative metaphors of the coronavirus appeared: taz tazhal, kesel, zhaman auru, aty oshkir auru, zhaman virus, tazhal.
The scientific value of the article is associated with the separation of ideological discourse from political discourse as a separate type of discourse, the proof and classification of its specific features, the provision of scientific conclusions following its changes during the pandemic, the practical value is determined by the significance of the analysis of the structural and discursive nature of this discourse for use in such scientific research.

22-31 969

Abstract nouns are one of the little-studied lexical layers in Kazakh linguistics and Turkology. Nouns that fall under the category of abstractness include a huge vocabulary layer of the Kazakh language, which denote abstract concepts, abstract properties and qualities, and different levels of action and state. A distinctive feature of abstract nouns is also the transfer of the native speaker's relationship to the surrounding world and the world of truth.
The purpose of the study is to develop proposals on ways to identify, distinguish structural and semantic features of abstract nouns in the Kazakh language in order to supply the National Corpus of the Kazakh language with lexical and semantic meta–tags.
Based on the classification of Akhmet Baitursynuly and other leading Turkologists, the article examines the ways of structural, semantic classification of abstract nouns in the Kazakh language, recognition of semantic features, and definition of their lexico-semantic meta-descriptions. The relation of abstract nouns to national philosophy, national culture, and conceptualization of integral and differential semantics in the consciousness of the language used is analyzed.

32-38 367

The paper discusses the role of phonetic-phonological transcription in modern linguistics and its scope of application. The aim of the study is also to identify and present the transcription and prosodic specificity of the text as a sample. After all, in modern linguistics, the prosodic side is not taken into account when transcribing texts. In general, the ratio of prosody and intonation was different in modern Kazakh linguistics. The research is guided by the research works of academician Z.M. Bazarbayeva, who for the first time comprehensively studied the problem of intonation in Kazakh linguistics. Also, in the process of analyzing the text, 8 main intonemic models are given. I.e., along with phonetic transcription, intonation(al) transcription of the text will also be transmitted in order to identify prosodic features. Also, in the process of transcription of the text, each sentence is divided into a syntagma, a rhythmic group in which such components as intensity, melody, pause, tempo are distinguished and described.
In the study, models of intonemes of each sentence were created. The results of the research will be useful for conducting research on the prosodic development of the oral sub-corpus database and for the research of master's and doctoral students.

39-48 435

The topical issue today is the study of the pragmastylistics of Kazakh radio. Despite the fact that the history of Kazakh radio has been studied well enough, the pragmatics and stylistics of the programs did not become the object of research. Another reason for the relevance of the study of pragmatic radio broadcasts is that recently radio journalism has departed from the classical canons. Genres are being transformed, the relevance of broadcasts, and news reports is losing, an increase in thematic and musical programs as a result, an increase in dialogues, and the prevalence of oral style over journalistic. The linguistic features of radio programs form the pragmatic basis of the genre. Therefore, this paper examines the linguistic features, pragmatics, and stylistic features of modern radio in the example of Kazakh radio. It is discussed what language techniques the presenter uses to achieve the pragmatic goal of the audience (addressee). The paper provides for pragmastylistic features of modern Kazakh radio and characteristics different from other types of mass media. Programs transmitted on Kazakh radio provide for compliance with the linguistic features of today's radio, pragmatics of programs, and style features. It is discussed that the driver carries out the pragmatic purpose of the audience (addressee) using which language approaches.

49-61 662

The research paper gives a brief overview of the history of the creation of linguistic corpora, describes their classification according to various criteria and types of parallel subcorpuses. The original Kazakh text of M. Auezov's epic novel «Abai Zholy» and its Russian translation, made by A. Kim, were manually aligned at the level of a paragraph (sentence) in a parallel subcorpus being developed as part of the national corpus of the Kazakh language.
During the development of the parallel subcorpus, Microsoft Office Excel, Notepad++, Python, Django, MySQL software tools were used. The software architecture and the order of operation of the parallel subcorpus can be represented as follows: 1) texts in two languages were collected using the Excel office program and aligned manually at the paragraph (sentence) level; 2) aligned texts were loaded directly from an Excel file into the MySQL database management system; 3) the downloaded texts were sorted using the Notepad++ word processor program, their statistics were obtained; 4) the Django web server was used to publish the sorted texts on the Internet and provide user requests; 5) the program written in Python and equipped with a search function was used to connect the Django web server to the MySQL database management system; 6) the parallel subcorpus software architecture was developed using client-server and MVC (Model-View-Controller) technologies.
The parallel subcorpus consists of a database of aligned texts, markups, metamarkups and a search engine, information about the text entered into the subcorpus (metamarkup) includes the following parameters: author, translator, work title, translation title, publication date of the work, translation period, original language, translation language. The search engine allows users to find the desired word by parameters: word, phrase, sentence, and capital letters (in Kazakh and Russian). The paper describes the interface of the parallel subcorpus in Kazakh and Russian and the interface of the results after searching for the desired word through one of the search parameters, the total and non-repeating number of words used in the text in two languages, the number of sentences, as well as numerical and percentage values of the ten most commonly used words in both languages were determined.
In addition, in the process of aligning the original Kazakh text of the epic novel with the Russian translated version at the paragraph (sentence) level, the following features were identified: 1) from the point of view of structure, that is, the words used in the paragraph (sentence) are approximately equivalent in number; 2) from the point of view of content, they approximately coincide; 3) do not coincide in structure and content: some paragraphs (sentences) in the original text in Kazakh are translated into Russian incorrectly, superficially or briefly, their approximate meaning is given.

62-73 378

Loanwords are often found in the works of the great Kazakh poet Abai. Abai, uses such words more, especially in words of edification. The thinker, who has a good command of the Turkic-Chagatai written language, uses Arabic-Persian borrowings in his works in a version close to the original, as in a book style. Therefore, borrowed words from Eastern languages are much more common in Abai than Russianisms. Words borrowed from the Russian language are few, and many of them occur in a form adapted to the Kazakh spoken language, as in the written language of the late XIX century. Since the poet often used Russianisms for stylistic purposes, he tried to give his spelling the form of the language of the people. However, in all collections of Abai's works published in Soviet times and published at the present time, some words from the Russian language are presented in the same version as in the original language. Note that Abai's works in the Mursei t manuscript of 1907 and in the collection of Arabic writing of 1909 of the St. Petersburg Publishing House are not written as in Russian, but adapted to the law of pronunciation of the Kazakh language. The article analyzes the spelling of Russianisms in Abai's works based on the materials of the original manuscripts.

74-81 452

The research paper examines the system of replenishment of the lexical layer of words that entered the lexicographic structure of the Kazakh language during the pandemic of 2020-2022. In the space of institutional discourse, terms that have actively entered the field of medicine have been identified. With the help of an electronic resource "" the frequency of covid lexemes was determined. The lexico-semantic word-formation structure of new complex words, which are dominated by the covid words, crown, quarantine has been studied. The creation of new periphrases describing diseases that arose during the pandemic was discovered. The topics of media articles and poems of poets written during the quarantine period were analyzed. The new terms were divided into thematic groups: therapeutic term, sanitary and hygienic term, socio-political term, educational term, and psychological term. The activity of occasional words and the pragmatic motive of new figurative expressions were also considered. It is established that a number of neologisms were translated by hybrid words. It was revealed the frequency of words of condolence during the pandemic, and an increase in phobic emotional vocabulary. It is confirmed that changes and global situations in society are primarily clearly expressed in language. As the materials of the paper, new covid lexemes from the media and the social network were collected.

82-89 465

Language is the main tool that constitutes human capital, as language can influence the economic, social development of the individual as well as influencing economic decisions. The economic relationship between languages in the economy is holistic as the national language of a country with a developed economy gains status and expands, followed by positive changes in the economy. Research into this phenomenon has, in turn, contributed to the emergence of a new branch of science called linguoeconomics.
The purpose of the paper is to show the transformation of contemporary Kazakh national economic consciousness in comparison to the periods before and after independence. As well as to provide an insight into the concept of economic discourse. In the study economic discourse was considered as a type of institutional discourse, first of all, the concept of "economic discourse" was defined, and the main differences and characteristic features of economic discourse from other types of institutional discourse were identified.
The importance of economic consciousness nowadays, its linguistic study actualizes the paper, because economic consciousness, like any other type of consciousness, its transformation, and improvement is carried out only in connection with language. The expression of consciousness is systematically represented in language, these representations are universal, especially because changes in the lexical layer occur faster than in the other layer. Therefore, lexical units have been taken to the subject of the research discussed in the paper.

90-96 312

The attempt to describe phonemes and phoneme systems is one of the main features of modern linguistics. The study of the combinatorics of phonemes is very actual in phonology, because the description and comparison of the results of languages that are not only related but also differ significantly according to their typological characteristics, is one of the main issues that syntagmatic phonology is facing today. Phonemes in each language combine in syntagmatic relationships according to intra-linguistic laws and form the basis of its phonological system. By studying the sequence of phonemes in the act of speaking, it is possible to determine certain regularities that constitute the essence of combinatorics of segment units. This study is dedicated to revealing the main syllable patterns in the English and Azerbaijani languages and determining the principles of syllable formation in speech. The paper states that syllabic patterns are universal and common to all languages. It is also noted that the syllable is one of the most mysterious and complex phenomena in the sound system of the language. As a result of the statistical analysis, general and specific syllable models were found in the compared languages. Besides, with the help of statistical analysis, quantitative indicators reflecting the frequency of development of syllabic models in the compared languages were obtained.

97-106 351

This paper describes the essence of courtesy Ethics in Kazakh and Chinese proverbs, the connection of the history of origin with folk culture and traditions, and the originality and principles of national traditions that are inherent in the people. There have been explored the thematic series of «respect», «dignity» and «gratitude». The study emphasizes that ethics in Kazakh and Chinese society is based on basic verbal principles and laws in accordance with the national traditions and respect relations with each other.
The history of the origin and the usage of Proverbs are diverse. In this regard, the study describes the ethnocultural and spiritual cultural similarities (gratitude, respect, understanding, attention, etc.) of the manifestation of relations between the Kazakh and Chinese peoples, which differ in religion and mentality.
The long-established history and the habitat of the Kazakh and Chinese peoples are still inextricably linked with folk wisdom, lifestyle, and behavior in society. So, the proverbs and sayings on the topic of politeness are closely related to the internal factors of these countries, the principles of the management of the families, the countries, and the principles of respect for the older and the younger have survived to this day and are of great importance in the role of the state and society. The paper contains examples of proverbs on the topic of etiquette related to the place they occupy in the upbringing of future generations, covering the customs and practices of ancestors.

107-116 735

The research paper considers the speech etiquette in the Kazakh and Chuvash languages, belonging to a family of Turkic languages, from the point of view of the genealogical origin of the language, based on the formula of welcome. Speech etiquette is an inextricable part of the culture of any country. Its basic structure consists of special lexical units - speech formulas used in situations that take place in different contexts. Functional study of speech formulas allows to classify models of speech etiquette with equivalents in the Kazakh and Chuvash languages. The purpose and objectives of the study - functional-linguistic analysis of the use of greeting formulas in Kazakh and Chuvash, to consider the theoretical aspects of speech communication, to describe some parameters of etiquette formulations, to analyze thematic themes and also to reveal speech formulas by different methods. Research methods include analysis, synthesis, and linguistic analysis based on culturological, ethnographic, and social features. As a result of the research, the authors come to the conclusion that the speech formulas of two languages have general drawings and inconsistencies, conditioned by different factors. The similarities and differences in speech behavior in these languages are reflected in the basic welcome models.

117-126 562

The research paper is dedicated to the neuro-linguistic study of the relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication. The authors differentiate the features of verbal and nonverbal communication and describe their relationship from the neuro-linguistic and psilinguistic points of view.
The aim of the study is to prove on the basis of experiments the neuropsycholinguistic features of verbal and nonverbal communication, the main neurobiological reasons for their parallelism and synchronicity. The paper analyzes the conclusions and judgments of world and domestic scientists on the study of verbal and sign language at the intersection of cosmetology and neurobiology, semiotic sciences, on the synchronicity of verbal and nonverbal signs. In order to clarify the synchronicity of verbal language and non-verbal means of communication a number of experiments, neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic experiments were conducted by foreign neurolinguistic scientists and psychologists to verify scientific assumptions about the parallelism of speech and gestures. According to ballistic understanding, information exchange occurs only at the stages of planning a speech act and non-verbal movement, but as soon as they begin the communication process, the two systems become independent. As a result, the authors differentiated and determined the mutual influence, the ratio of verbal and nonverbal communication, synchronicity, and the close connection of language and gestures.

127-136 496

In Kazakh phraseology, a special group consists of phraseological units of religious origin. The specifics of the study of such phraseological units is the need to focus on religious sources. In phraseological units of religious origin, both religious and secular worldviews are represented in the Kazakh language. Therefore, such phraseological units were considered in the paper not as «religious», but as «based on religion».
The purpose of the study is to describe the structural and semantic features of phraseological units of religious origin. In this regard, the tasks are set to show the space of their use and their connection with religious sources.
One of the peculiarities of the connection of Kazakh phraseological units with the Quran, hadith is that phraseological units are not reflected in the Quran, hadith in the same lexical composition, i.e. they are not extracted from religious writ ings, but are semantically related to their texts. Phraseological units related to religious rites, religious personalities, religious folklore, religious morality are referred thematically to this group. The figurative and situational motivation of such phraseological units is connected with the religious folk knowledge of native speakers of the Kazakh language.
Phraseological units of religious origin in the Kazakh language are structurally divided into phraseological units in the form of a phrase and phraseological units in the form of a sentence.
In Kazakh phraseological units of religious origin, only three lexemes act as the lexical core: Allah (God, Tengri), iman, and sacred numbers.
Religious folklore, especially religious epics, has a special place in the formation of Kazakh phraseological units of religious origin. Therefore, linguistic facts were collected and analyzed from religious epics, as well as from the phraseological dictionary.

137-147 492

This paper presents the country‘s image analysis through the persuasion prism. Any event‘s relevance and value are determined by the media‘s meaningful focus on the event. Knowledge in the information shape points to the country‘s awareness providing a real image. The authors focus on media discourse as a meaning-generation linguistic phenomenon with an impact function. Furthermore, media discourse reflects the addresser‘s strategic intention by the text architectonics, implemented by persuasion linguistic and pragmatic means. It is proved the media discourse space is conditioned by persuasiveness. The continuous sampling method, methods based on principles of discourse, and text-oriented and function-oriented analysis are used in this paper to solve the research question and achieve the research goal. The analysis carried out on Kazakhstan‘s image example demonstrated the specific space of verbalized media texts transforms a special world of events and processes encoded by linguistic and pragmatic means. As the analysis result, linguistic and pragmatic means of constructing the discourse strategy ―New Kazakhstan‖ have been identified in the study. The predictive model tactics are generated on the persuasive headlines basis that are described by metaphors and positive epithets, action verbs of history, and ideological content. The evaluative meaning ‗immersed‘ in the content is emphasized. The country‘s identity is constructed through the images – ―New Kazakhstan‖, ―Historical Past‖, ―Territory of the Country‖, ―Knowledge about the Country‖, and ―A Political Leader‖.

148-155 427

The research paper discusses the symbolic meanings of number and quantity in Kazakh riddles. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the study of the numerical code in Kazakh riddles as a linguocultural phenomenon. The purpose of the work is to describe in linguistic terms the features of the numerical code of the riddle in quantitative and ordinal numerals, the categories of the number of specific names, nouns used with small numerals (1,2,3,4,5), numerals denoting parts of the human body. The methods of coding in the first part of the riddle and the ways of representing the denotation in the guess are described. The analysis of the material shows that in the riddles there are usages of numerals that denote the quantitative characteristics of the denotation in the guess. The paper provides examples illustrating the use of numerals in Kazakh riddles, which reflect the universality of counting – animate and inanimate objects, luminaries, time, and space. Special attention is paid to the description of the numerical code in riddles, denoting somatisms that express a person's verbal experience and serve as a means of cognition of the surrounding world and interaction with it. The figurative semantics of somatisms is transmitted through personification and associations with fairytale characters – birds and animals.

156-163 355

This research paper considers the communicative-pragmatic function of speech inherent in business communication, which is considered part of the category of speech act, communicative situation, logos, ethos, and pathos. Psychological, communicative, and cognitive aspects of speech in business communication are analyzed as well. On the basis of social relations, a person is involved in all spiritual experiences and acquires his mind, behavior, emotions, mental process and knowledge, and communication culture. Therefore, it is very necessary to study speech as a biosocial phenomenon, which serves as a regulation mechanism between the individuality and socialization of a person. The objective of the research work is to reveal the communicative-pragmatic features of speech in business communication in the socio-functional aspect. Speech shows individuality as a biological phenomenon that is unique to a person, behind it is intuition, perception, feeling, thinking, reasoning, etc. There are cognitive and psychological components. These components allow people to recognize themselves and their environment. A person engages in speaking in order to inform others about what he knows and wants to know. The purpose of speech is to convey how one understands the environment, the world, what he knows, and how he can store, use, and change information. From this purpose, it is possible to see the process of speech "transition from individuality to socialization", that is, the socialization of speech. Socialization of speech takes place in the course of people's discussion, conversation, exchange of ideas, and communication in the public environment. From this comes the social function of speech. Social service determines the importance of influencing others, thinking, communicating with others, and the realization of the idea of community and joint action among people.

164-173 361

This research paper examines the pragmatic nature of the concept of "Black Friday" in advertising discourse. So far, domestic linguistics has not carried out a pragmatic analysis of the use of this concept in advertising discourse, which determines the relevance of the object of research. It is known that advertising discourse arouses a certain interest among domestic and foreign linguistic scholars. The paper discusses in detail the pragmatic influence of the lexeme "Black Friday" on the addressees as one of the popular advertising creatives in the domestic media space. The aim of the investigation is to study the linguopragmatic aspect of the concept of "Black Friday" in advertising discourse. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: to give an overview of the history of the origin of the concept "Black Friday", consider its pragmatic potential, and analyze in terms of localization trends in translation studies. In the course of writing the paper was subjected to the analysis of commercials and ads on the accounts of domestic companies, posted on the platform Instagram. The scientific significance of the study is due to the expansion of the research field of advertising discourse as a branch of institutional discourse. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results of the study can be used as teaching material in the disciplines of Translation studies, such as "Translation in advertising discourse", and "Practice of written translation", as well as in the compilation of cases on the translation of advertising discourse.

174-181 527

In the research, forensic linguistics was considered as a young branch of linguistics. In modern science, it is very important to reveal the paradigmatic essence of the science of linguistic expertise. The paper examines the scientific apparatus of forensic linguistics of a new direction in general linguistics, the names of concepts characteristic of this field, and describes the conclusions of research scholars who have studied it. The analysis of some judicial expert processes is also carried out. It is known that forensic linguistics began to form at the junction of language and law as a new area of expertise. This field of science is becoming very important and relevant due to the lack of a system of linguistic and legal concepts and its unified terminology and the high demand for theoretical and applied linguistics. Until the present, no comparative analysis of the subject and the subject of the study of judicial linguistics and speech education in court has been conducted. Therefore, this study creates prerequisites for the formation of the theory of Kazakh forensic linguistics based on theoretical conclusions in linguistics. Investigations on the intersection of interdisciplinary sciences open up new facets of the field of pragmalinguistics of linguistics and contributes to the deepening of knowledge.

182-189 405

Nowadays the methodology of teaching foreign languages and translation practice involves using and development of modern computer applications called parallel corpora of texts of various genres. Such developments haven‘t been developed in Kazakhstan yet, though parallel texts or so-called bitexts were used for comparative analysis in applied linguistics long before.
In teaching translation practice, parallel corpora can be applied for getting referential information, for getting samples of translation made by professionals. They can be used for studying the techniques and methods of translation. In teaching a foreign language, parallel corpora can be applied to choose the most appropriate equivalents of the studied vocabulary, trace its meaning in authentic contexts.The paper considers a number of methodological techniques when using corpora, methods for their construction, types of corpora, as well as the use of special programs for parallel texts. Currently, machine translation itself is based on parallel texts. In the future, a parallel corpus with fully aligned and marked translation units will bring translation studies in the Kazakh language to a new level. Such a corpus can act as a translation memory for the creation of professional machine translation applications, including a simultaneous interpreter program for a conference, an application for translating the spoken text into written text in another language.

190-199 471

The rationale of this study proceeds from the need to teach business language on the example of analyzing a business media text from the point of view of pragmatic-professional and linguistic orientation, considering a high level of student interest in improving business communication skills. The aim of this research is to study the scope and resources of business media texts in terms of vocabulary replenishment and formation of text analytics skills, including the author's narrative strategies through explicit and implicit meanings, hypertext links, and tone of expression. The methodological framework of this work is based on the theoretical understanding of interdisciplinary research in the field of media linguistics, comparative study of business and economic languages, structural and linguistic analysis of business media text, analysis of topics, micro topics, and key structural elements. This article proposes a methodology for analyzing text from the business field in order to form the pragma-communicative competence of students in Kazakhstani universities. It also suggests strategies for effective text analytics by structuring the stages and considering the implementation of a certain stage by the teacher on professional practice, focuses on explicit and implicit components, narratological features, the study of terminological characteristics, the lexical base for the implementation of professional activities and further implementation in the field of business communication. The materials used in this work can be applied to form new templates for media text analytics, study business language, develop technologies based on machine learning, compile terminographic sources and data corpora for teaching business language to students, introduce automatic mechanisms for the implementation of text analytics into practice, form the stages of media text analysis and develop new promising methods for the implementation of linguistic learning.

200-210 1503

The paper is dedicated to the structure and function of dialogue in the text of a work of fiction. The human traits have many different characteristics. Each person is known by his/her own character. In a work of fiction, a character remains in the reader's memory along with his appearance and character. The character of every personage in the text of a literary work can be different. That is why the character of the personage leaves a positive or negative, pleasant or unpleasant impression. In the paper, character traits are differentiated and clarified through dialogues.
The research paper defines that the structure of the dialogue in the text of a work of art can be called a complex syntactic unity. It consists of such parts as a dialogue introduction, a dialogue, and an author's introduction, and these parts are closely related to each other in meaning, structure, and intonation. The function of the remark in the structure of the dialogue in the artwork is special. It is believed that the simplest and first function of a remark is to express whose opinion it is, for what purpose, under what circumstances, and how it was expressed. Through the remark, various movements, views, and faces of the speakers are revealed, thereby revealing the inner world of a person. At the same time, the remark expresses the author's opinion and his/her point of view. The phenomenon of repeating remarks in the structure of the dialogue is illustrated by examples. The function of dialogue in the text of a work of fiction is represented by such types of dialogue as dialogue-story, dialogue-humor, dialogue-dispute, dialogue-characteristic, as well as the internal character of the personages, appearance, attitude to other characters, and the character is clearly identified. The function of the dialogue is analyzed in the paper using examples. Repetitions in the structure of the dialogue also have their place. This shows the stylistic features of the writer. The paper says that repetitions, reference words (replicas), and the connections between them show the special traits of the character, his/her own expression in colloquial speech.
The research work was based on studies related to dialogue participation in teaching foreign languages and mother tongues. The study takes into account the fact that in literary works the speech act is linguistically analyzed and the speech act of the characters corresponds to speech ethics, the communicative units of the language are clearly expressed in the nationalcultural aspect. A descriptive method is used for context-pragmatic analysis, a structural-semantic method – for analyzing the function and structure of dialogical conversations.

211-220 291

The study of linguistic units has a great interest and importance for linguists, formed as a result of the reflection process of wild birds‘ domestication. The significant impact on humankind‘s consciousness has left knowledge about the benefits and harms of birds, their properties, and their essence. Birds have a special place in human cognition, superstitions, and beliefs. People cherish them, as they are able to predict the changes in seasonal phenomena. Studying birds‘ behavior, manners, and gestures, people concluded that birds can anticipate disasters occurring in nature, thus people can be warned. Human beings understand and share the close liaison between man and bird, being a part of nature, formed in unity, who have a common habitat and air, they breathe. Linguistic data (legends, phraseological units, and proverbs, riddles, parables) evidences the fact that birds occupy a significant place in a person's life, his worldview. The wild birds‘ domestication and the areas of their application concepts are researched and discussed in this article. The birds‘ names and their origin are linguistically analyzed through the prism of the Kazakh people‘s features, characterizing their nature and cognition. The names related to prey birds were created, first of all, to fill the lack of titles in a particular nomination phenomenon, and secondly, to enrich figurative linguistic units. As for the names, some were formed linguistically, others cognitively. As a result, in the Kazakh language, there were collected the names of literary, folk, and local wild pray birds, their lexical layer, and word formation. And as a result, there were revealed their applicative features the phraseological, paremiological fund, figurative, and, of course, their evaluative properties, as well as previously used definitions, now out-ofuse terms, related to birds.

221-229 482

In this study, for the first time, the role of formula units in the organization of the style and genre of Kazakh zhyrau oral poetry of the XV–XVIII centuries is explored. The main goal of the paper is to study the poetic technique and formulary of zhyrau oral poetry, to identify and describe their connection with ancient historical and genetic sources: suggestion, magic and rhythmic incantations, as well as a description of their direct function – the organization of the style and genre of oral poetry. Formula-style units were studied for the first time on the material of the heroic poetry of zhyrau of the XV–XVIII centuries. For the first time in scholastic research, the Parry-Lord method of oral theory is also used, which attaches the most basic importance to formulas and poetic technique in the organization of the text.The historical-genetic and structural-semantic methods of studying the text were used, which made it possible to identify the patterns of emergence, development and functioning of the zhyrau art of the XV–XVIII centuries as traditional, but dominant, the types and functions of formulas and formula formations. The practical value of the paper lies in the further development of this method on the material of other carriers of the oral poetic culture of the Kazakh people, in writing the monograph ―Poetic Word in Myth, Rite and Ritual‖, dedicated to the oral poetic culture of the Kazakh people and prepared for publication within the Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ―The study of the artistic-defining system, "formal stylistics" and grammar of zhyrau poetry of the XV–XVIII centuries. Frequency Dictionary‖ (under the Program of Grant Financing of Scientific and Technical Projects for 2021–2023 by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan), [ИРН AP09261377].

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)