No 3 (2023)
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3-14 657

This scientific article studies methods of transferring full word-formation affixes in the National Corpus of the Kazakh language. Affixes play an essential role in the forming of word formation and semantics of a language, and the study of their transmission is crucial for linguistic theory and practice. The purpose of the study is to analyze and systematize approaches to word-forming affixes in the corpus of the Kazakh language.

The main areas of research include the analysis of the morphological features of affix transfer, as well as the identification of contexts in which various transmission options for transfer are possible.A short description of the scientific and practical significance of the work: the study allows us to better understand the proc esses of word formation in the Kazakh language and develop effective methods for automatic processing of texts in this language. It is also of practical importance for the creation of linguistic resources and the development of language applications. Brief description of the research methodology: the research methodology includes the analysis of textual material from the national corpus of the Kazakh language, as well as the use of linguistic tools and data analysis to determine the features of the transmission of affixes. The main results and analysis of the research work, conclusions: the study revealed various ways of transmitting wordforming affixes, including morphological constructions, in the corpus of the Kazakh language. The analysis made it possible to identify the features and frequency of these methods. Value of the conducted research: this study contributes to the linguistic theory, and enriches our knowledge about the mechanisms of word formation and ways of transmitting linguistic elements in the language corpus. In addition, the results obtained can be useful for the development of language technologies and resources for the Kazakh language. Practical significance of the results: the study can be used in the creation of automatic systems of text processing systems in the Kazakh language, and the development of language applications, such as in linguistic training and translation. The obtained results and conclusions can become the basis for further research in the field of linguistics and computational linguistics.

15-24 622

The study of the phonemic basis of the letters of the alphabet is an urgent problem. This is because it allows us to better understand the structure of language and its sound composition. The study of the phonemic basis of the letters of the alphabet is necessary for the correct pronunciation of words, as well as for the development of reading and writing skills. The phonemic basis of the letters of the alphabet in Kazakh linguistics originates in the works of A. Baitursynuly.  One of the good deeds of Akhmet Baitursynuly for the people is the creation of the Kazakh alphabet in accordance with the sound approach of the Kazakh language. It is known that the first Kazakh phonologist, who specially studied the system of sounds of the Kazakh language and compiled the alphabet, spent his entire adult life cleaning the Kazakh written language from the lexical, syntactic influence of other languages.  The phonemic basis of the letters of the alphabet is determined by the sound composition of the language. A. Baitursynuly is a scientist who first of all accurately determined the sound composition of the Kazakh language to create the alphabet. Therefore, the scientist's alphabet corresponded to the nature and laws of language. In this regard, the paper examines the phonetic and phonemic basis of the letters in the alphabet of A. Baitursynuly and it turns out the letters in the alphabet compiled were created according to a certain grammatical principle. It is established that the letters in the alphabet were chosen according to the phonemic principle and there are linguistic principles for obtaining signs, depending on the general, distinctive features of phonemes. In addition, the study reveals that the alphabet of A. Baitursynuly is formed depending on the systems of sound formation, pronunciation, and audibility, distinguishing not only a sign but also a sign with phonological content. 

25-37 415

Knowledge of the worldview, thinking, civilization, and culture of certain people through language, and its information is one of the urgent problems at present. The study of the system and status, level, ethnolinguistic character, meanings, internal and external sources of development of titles and positions of the Kazakh society in the past, which has developed in the course of historical development, is the main purpose of the research work. Therefore, of particular importance is the disclosure of the ethnolinguistic nature of the original names of positions in the Kazakh language, and the definition of their ethnocultural meanings. The studied language lexicon stores not only cultural information related to the governance of the country, and its official title, but also valuable data reflecting the culture, mentality, views, and worldview of the Kazakh people, and its identity, therefore they are a valuable heritage with a spiritual chronicle character preserved throughout history and time; names of titles and positions in the formation of the Kazakh ethnos shows the continuity of culture, characterizes the state of Kazakh society in different epochs, trends of formation, development. In the modern information society, the main source of the transfer and preservation of cultural values to future generations is the introduction of cultural concepts into the database of National Corpora. Information about what any word means also creates the necessary query for the user. Therefore, along with the lexical meaning of the word sought in national corpora, the provision of information about the cultural semantics of cultural units is of paramount importance for native speakers. Linguistic and cultural units and the system of cultural knowledge about them, as well as the bank accumulator of cultural texts, this is the Linguistic and cultural sub-corpus of the Kazakh language. Since this type of sub-corpus is an extensive cultural and linguistic fund of the Kazakh language, the texts and themes of cultural units included in it are becoming more diverse. Cultural and semantic markup is a system of knowledge about the culture of a nation encoded in the semantic structure of words. The unit that stores the system of cultural knowledge in its internal form is the word, that is, the so-called units of culture.

38-46 528

Chinese vocabulary with national and cultural specific meanings - words unique to Chinese society, expressing objects, concepts or phenomena with their own characteristics of time, era. Such vocabulary covers all areas of the political, economic, cultural, and social life of Chinese society. In comparison with the vocabulary of other languages, you can see that some words in Chinese have their own cultural connotation. At present, in connection with the development of interethnic relations, the role of translation is increasing. The purpose of the study is to reveal ways of translating vocabulary that has a cultural connotation that is unique to Chinese and not found in other languages. Words with Chinese characteristics reflect the historical, cultural characteristics inherent in the country itself. Their correct translation is one of the urgent problems of the translation process. The idea of the study is to implement and improve intercultural relations. In the process of translation, it is important to be able to approach the problem in a macro-and dynamic way, without clinging to a certain fixed form and combining many translation methods with each other. Various cooperation with China, various exchanges and communications are carried out through language. And the accuracy of the translation of words and political terms with Chinese characteristics directly affects the understanding of their policies, which is the practical significance of the study. In connection with the development of interethnic relations, the role of translation is increasing. The practical significance of this study lies in the fact that the ways of their correct solution are considered, it is shown how to designate and translate the words of this lexical group. As a result, it was revealed that in the process of translating words only from Chinese into Kazakh, it is necessary to use all its types – transliteration, interpretative translation, literal translation and free translation to correctly express the connotations of Chinese culture.

47-53 433

The paper deals with the phonetic and phonological character of the vowel phoneme /e/. Also, the vowel phoneme /e/ is presented in modern textbooks, and scientific research, as open, compressed, and semi-open. In this regard, the present study analyzes the vowel phoneme /e/ based on scientific conclusions. Because the vowel sound /e/ is classified differently. There are also studies in which the vowel sound /e/ is treated as a diphthong. In the general Kazakh phonetics, the phonetic and phonological content of vowel sounds, and their distinctive features are considered in detail in the works of researchers. When dealing with the issue concerning the vowel sound /e/, the paper considered the research of A. Baitursynuly, K. Kemengeruly, K. Zhubanov, I. Kenesbayev, S. Myrzabekov, A. Zhunusbek, and N.Uali. Their scientific conclusions about the vowel phoneme /e/ were analyzed. The study's results will be effective for students, undergraduates, and doctoral students to determine the phoneme of the vowel e, which is described differently in textbooks, and scientific papers, for further research.

54-62 489

The article is devoted to the study of genre and stylistic features of epistolary of Kazakhstan scientists. Epistolary heritage is an important component of the tradition of science and culture of any country. Its research allows to understand more deeply the development and features of this genre in the context of academic environment of Kazakhstan. The purpose of this study is to analyze the epistolary works of Kazakhstani scientists. The main directions of the work are classification of epistolary texts, identification of stylistic features of modern epistolary genre. The main idea of the research is to reveal the role of epistolary genre in scientific communication and to identify its contribution to the development of scientific discourse in Kazakhstan. The scientific significance of this work is to expand the existing knowledge about the genre and stylistic features of scientists' epistolary in the conditions of Kazakhstan's bilingualism. The study allows reconstructing the scientific picture of the biography of Kazakh scientists, revealing the typical features inherent in the epistolary genre in the academic context, which contributes to a better understanding of the linguistic situation in Kazakhstan in the context of two eras: Soviet and modern. The study was based on the analysis of epistolary works of Kazakh scientists, including scientific articles, letters, electronic correspondence from personal archives, as well as archives of academic institutions, in particular, A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics.

63-71 512

One of the priority tasks of modern linguistics and the humanities is the study of language in the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm. The purpose of this article is to determine the degree of study of the concept, which is the main unit of cognitive linguistics and cultural linguistics in modern Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish, Uzbek). The article also touches upon such a complex phenomenon as the concept sphere, which has a national character. The importance of the need for in-depth conceptual research in the comparative aspect of the Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish, Uzbek) is determined. Nowadays, fundamental research is carried out in the study of the concept in Kazakh and Uzbek linguistics, but Turkish linguistics cannot yet be included into this list. However, the issue of the theoretical study of the concept in the Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek) in general, diachronic and synchronic analysis of the structure of the concept, identification of the concepts of the ancient Turkic worldview found in the written heritage and the problem of the need of their comprehensive analysis were considered. The importance of supplementing the linguistic reservoir of Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish, Uzbek) with comparative research was identified. During the research, the works of domestic and foreign scientists were analyzed, works on the study of the concept and the concept sphere in modern Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish, Uzbek) were selected and the obtained scientific information was synthesized. Research on this direction in the Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek linguistics has been classified. The results of the study are used in comparative research in the field of cognitive linguistics in the Turkic languages, giving lectures on the discipline of «Cognitive linguistics» for students and applicants of the specialty of philology and Turkic studies.

72-77 402

The numeral is an important object of study in linguistics and serves as a basis for demonstrating the cultural values, thinking and history of a nation. Each number conveys ancient cultural value, superstitions, cultural taboos and symbolic meaning through the conceptual system of language and linguocultural units. Since numbers have become the most important object in linguistics, these numbers with linguistic and cultural codes should be explored more through the conceptual system of language. The numbers include metric vocabulary, quantitative and numbering vocabulary. Moreover, numbers can be considered as the bearers of cultural information. Having learned the cultural meaning of numbers, one can get acquainted with traditions and ancient customs of a nation and their beliefs. This article draws attention to the most valuable information about numbers, starting with “1” and further about the culture, superstitions and ancient culture of people. The importance of studying phraseological unities with numbers from an ethnocultural point of view is also shown.

78-84 458

The main purpose of the paper is to disclose the present-day situation of the Kazakh oral speech. To do this, it is first necessary to find out what oral speech is, why Kazakh oral speech has become less audible, why it sounds wrong, how the assessment of the Kazakh oral language has decreased, what was the traditional Kazakh speech, how we lost the traditional Kazakh speech, what is the modern oral language, who is to blame for the mistakes of the speech of young people, what are the prospects of the Kazakh language, what needs to be done to improve the status of the Kazakh oral language? The purpose of the article was to discuss these problems and consider ways to solve these problems. The article will discuss and answer these questions. For this purpose, the history of the study and the theoretical foundations of the study of Kazakh oral speech were considered. The conclusions of Akhmet Baitursynov on the word production of the Kazakh language, the research of academician Rabig Syzdyk were revised, the language parameters that will serve as the basis for the study were determined. The steps to be taken to improve the quality and level of the modern Kazakh oral language will be determined. To do this, an important step is the need to change the state language policy, the availability of legal force for the use of the language.

85-94 452

This paper describes semantic processes in Kazakh terminology (polysemy, broad meaning (eurysemy), semantic shift (broadening/narrowing), terminization and non-terminization of archaisms and terminization of neologisms, the phenomenon of variability) and linguistic data are given. For example, although polysemous terms are the names of different objects and phenomena in several fields, their meanings are closely related and not far from one another, while scientific definitions of terms with broad meanings (eurysemous terms) are far from one another.

The article also states that the article is based on terms created as a result of the expansion of meaning in terminology, the names of objects and phenomena, actions characteristic of the life of the Kazakh nation, i.e. formed metaphorically on the basis of national cognition.

The main influence on the terminologization and determinalization of archaisms in the Kazakh language are various extralinguistic factors (political situations, change of state formation, etc.).

Neologisms, one of the sources that currently replenish the Kazakh terminological base, are classified into two types: 1) neologisms created due to the emergence of new concepts that have never existed in the language; 2) neologisms created by renewing, modernizing and transforming names that already exist in the language. At the same time, the lexical units belonging to the first group are introductory words, and in the second group are neologisms that arose in the process of term formation based on national cognition, which began to gain priority in modern Kazakh terminology. Currently, the vast majority of neologisms the Kazakh language are terms that have entered the Russian language from English.

At present, in the Kazakh language, the parallel use of terms is widely observed. In industry terms dictionaries, legislation, and scientific works, the terms that have entered the Russian language from European languages are used simultaneously with their equivalents in Kazakh. Such a phenomenon of variability can be divided into the following types: 1) parallel use of the Kazakh language version of a term in Russian from European languages and its equivalent in Kazakh: 2) use of several alternatives in Kazakh for a term in Russian or from European languages.

95-102 384

One of the most urgent problems in modern Kazakh society is the revitalization of the spirit of the people through a comprehensive study of the continuity of native culture and history, formed through the language and preserved in the language. The solution to this problem is directly related to the continuation of the structural system of language research to the anthropocentric direction, which is developing on a large scale in Kazakh linguistics and reflects the national view of the world in linguistic consciousness. In this regard, recent research and published lexicographic works show the relevance of using rich information from cultural and representative texts that reflect the existence of each people. Because such texts, which reflect the individuality and uniqueness of each nation, are the code, priceless precious heritage, and linguistic treasure of that nation as the main indicator of the formation of the nation. That is why collecting, sorting, understanding, and revitalizing cultural texts is a very urgent problem. They will survive from the depths of centuries from generation to generation and serve for the future of the mother tongue. So, if we take an inventory of our ancient cultural texts and create a corpus of the Kazakh language, a modern reflection of national values will be created in the language, and some forgotten or outdated words with dull meanings will be revived and taken a place in the vocabulary. Thus, the vocabulary of the language will become richer, the scope of use of the state language will expand, and the process of term formation will intensify.

103-111 423

One of the types of analysis of a literary text is linguistic poetic analysis, and in linguistics there are several conditions for this type of linguistic analysis. In other words, the following issues should be considered by the linguist researcher: to pay attention to how the author made a selection of language units in accordance with the literary genre of the fiction; to make an analysis of compliance with the norms inherent in the speech samples of the literary text; also to pay attention to the observance of the norms of person and time in the narrative form of speech in a single artistic text; to pay attention and analyze the compositional division of the analyzed artistic text; to give illustrative examples from the studied artistic text and pay attention to the fact that the elements of colloquial speech form a syntagma separated from the emerging patterns of lexical syntagmas in artistic texts, to show that they are able to exist and be in a literary language, since some elements of colloquial speech have potential; to analyze the elements of language that form the imagery of a literary text, as well as to prove that an artistic text enriches the vocabulary, since new words more often generate artistic texts, etc. And also to form an opinion about the individual style of the author.

112-117 360

This article attempts to analyze the text of R. Powers’s literary work "The Overstory" to identify the author's guidelines for producing the semantic content and new linguistic phenomena that modify the compatibility of significant lexical units in the composition of utterances. Based on the theory of author's consciousness (AC), introduced by the Doctor of philological sciences Butakova L.O., the conducted analysis allows defining the "author's" in the text, referring the researchers to the text producer’s linguistic personality. According to the researchers, the MEMORY concept is an essential component of the producer's concept system, acting as a source of semantic content and a bridge between the past (MEMORY) and the fictional (QUASI MEMORY). The content analysis of the text-discourse is carried out with the identification of markers of the textual content of the "global novel" according to the definition of the Italian researcher of the narrative Possamai D. These markers are precedent names, internationalisms, proper names indicating historical and geographical realities, non-usual verbal usage with a modification of the compatibility of lexical units and signs of sub-genre diffusion, manifested in the mixture of artistic and journalistic styles. The revealed data make it possible to establish the modification possibilities of natural language (English, American version), the degree of its flexibility in "support" of the author's statements, and the formation of new meanings.

118-126 687

Provocative questions are one of the most effective techniques in a political interview. The article considers the communication strategies and tactics of politicians as a reaction to provocative questions, as well as the means of creating a provocation by journalists. The purpose of the study is to analyze provocative questions and responding replica of politicians. The article is a contribution to the study of political interviews as a special genre of political discourse, as well as to the development of a methodology for analyzing communication strategies and tactics. The main methods were the method of contextual analysis and pragmalinguistic analysis in combination with the method of component analysis. The analysis found that the journalist has a limited set of ways to construct provocations in questions of a political interview, in contrast to a set of strategies in the answers of politicians. The provocation of journalists was created with the help of such lexical and syntactic means as metaphors, irony, repetition, parallel constructions. To increase emotional pressure, enumerations with negatively colored pragmes, semantic markers of confidence were used. Politicians' responses included selfdefense, counter-attack, and avoidance strategies. The choice of a strategy and the way of its implementation is the reflection of such factor as the image of the politician. The value of the study and its practical significance lies in the use of its main results for research in the field of political communication, as well as in the practice of disciplines related to political linguistics.

127-134 382

Over the past decades, the development of the digital system has gradually led to the transformation of the information and communication space and interactive interaction with the audience. As a result, traditional journalism is being replaced by digital journalism with a new communication model. The structure of traditional journalism is undergoing changes under the influence of the introduction of digital technologies. The paper most widely covers the key aspects of the activities of a digital journalist, many of which have not yet been described in academic publications. A new phenomenon is considereddigital journalism, and new role models in the socio-cultural status are studied. The goal is to describe the features of the language means of role models in digital journalism in Kazakhstan. According to the author of the study, the neo-digital environment has enriched the communicative space of journalists, which manifests itself primarily in the deviation from the professional ethical standards of traditional journalism. The study of the features of the language means of the role models of communicants in digital journalism makes it possible to create the prerequisites for the formation of a new formula for virtual communication in the process of covering events. The scientific findings and practical significance of this paper lie in the presentation of new role models in modern digital journalism and their application in the study of media discourse in digital format. In the process of writing the paper, the following methods were used: analysis and review of individual cases in the digital space. Based on the results of individual cases in social networks, the following conclusions were made: role models in the digital environment will continue to change, as the digitalization of media is developing at a rapid pace; given the new trends in the transition of traditional journalism to the digital space, Kazakhstani journalism should adopt the experience of advanced countries in training personnel, namely, master new functions of digitalization; language means of digital journalism must meet the standards of new media and train personnel, taking into account the features of the role models of modern digital journalism; various language means are described on the example of cases of digital communication of journalists and network users, forming public consciousness. The study results can be a theoretical foundation for further research in the field of media and linguistics.

135-143 417

The article provides brief descriptions of 9 subcorpuses being developed as part of the National Corpus of the Kazakh Language with a fund of electronic texts in 40 million word usage, and also analyzes in detail the cultural and semantic markup of the linguistic and cultural subcorpus. For the first time, the experience of introducing a linguocultural subcorpus into the national corpus of the Kazakh language is being practiced.

The linguistic and cultural subcorpus is one of the tools for deeper knowledge of the ethno-cultural development of the Kazakh ethnic group and its spiritual and material values, ethnographic, cultural and cognitive concepts, and as the most important mechanism of cognition that characterizes the unification of the population in the functions of language. The main purpose of cultural and semantic markup is to identify folk knowledge, which is based on the cultural significance of linguistic units. Along with the lexical meaning of the word, ethno-cultural semantics, systems of cognitive knowledge, precedent content knowledge, which is the basis of the word, are no less important.

Analytical, descriptive, ethnolinguistic and lexico-semantic methods were used in the study of this problem. The scientific significance of the article is a reflection of the prerequisites for the introduction of a linguocultural subcorpus into the national corpus of the Kazakh language and models of interpretation of cultural codes hidden in ethnomarker language units. Practical significance. The linguocultural subcorpus of the national corpus of the Kazakh language will be a useful linguistic tool for obtaining lexico-semantics, cognitive meaning of a certain ethno-cultural unit in the Kazakh language.

144-152 469

The onomastic subcorpus is relevant for a number of sciences, especially for linguistics, geography, and cognitive science. The basic basis for the development of the subcorpus was the defended dissertations and scientific monographs and works on Kazakh onomastics. The article provides an overview of the history of the development of Kazakh onomastics and discusses the role and significance of the creation of the onomastic subcorpus. The types of onoms included in the subcorpus and the characteristic features attributed to them are discussed. The article points out that the onomastic subcorpus includes linguistic information and metainformation of proper names. The onomastic subcorpus can be used both for scientific and practical purposes. First, the content and functions of proper names found in texts of different genres are revealed. On the other hand, this subcorpus as a comprehensive dictionary provides the user with comprehensive information about the geolocation of the toponymic object, place of birth, name, flora and fauna, etc. The main purpose of the onomastic subcorpus is to systematize a variety of scientific, cultural information that is contained in the onomastic name. Proper names are a social phenomenon, closely connected with the life of society, due to which its semantics is often dominated by ideological load. Each onym refers to a certain period and preserves its historical character. Therefore, it contains non-linguistic information, namely geographical, ethno-cultural, and historical information. The task of the onomastic corpus is to collect, systematize, and make this information publicly available in electronic form. The proper names included in the corpus are characterized in terms of word formation, grammatical regularities, as well as in terms of semantic, etymological, orthographic, etc.

153-162 345

The article discusses the problematic issues of discourse analysis and presents information about the existence of important works and different points of view of foreign linguists, which many researchers should know: students, graduate students, doctoral students, scientists and others. Special attention is paid to the controversial issue of discourse analysis (Diskursanalysis), discussion of definitions, interpretation of text units, models of interactions of certain categories, such as social activity, information competence, etc. The cognitive-psychological approach to discursive analysis is one of the popular presentations of the latest achievements of linguistic science. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the article is to illustrate the methods of discursive-linguistic research aimed at conducting own analysis. In this regard, the work includes key questions, theoretical discussions from the point of view of Germanic, practical and classical examples, scientific concepts, definitions recognized by many researchers, criteria for arranging texts, personal observations. In the article, there was a place for the main concepts and other information that contributed to the disclosure, deepening, and updating of some discourse units. A significant contribution is also the point of view of the authors, bringing special arguments and concepts for understanding and scientificlinguistic application of the discourse. The benefit of various types of research is to create a basis for applied linguistics that goes beyond functional pragmatics. We hope that these or other principles of analysis will help to understand the problems, they will also be prerequisites for the heuristic/search hypothesis, for the development of ideas in the study of language paradigms of related studies.

163-172 366

The base of a certain national corpus is not limited to information in the form of meta descriptions and metadata of entered texts. It is also necessary to develop linguistic markup. Linguistic markup is a linguistic information that is cataractarized to each lexical unit in the text according to spelling, phonetic, lexical, grammatical features. However, the development of the linguistic markup of the historical subcorpus is one of the complex tasks that require in-depth research. This is due to the fact that most of the texts included in the historical subcorpus are written in Arabic graphics. And the texts of the Middle Ages written in Arabic graphics were transcribed in different ways. The development of a historical subcorpus has difficulties both theoretically and technically, compared with other subcorpuses. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to consider the issue of linguistic markings for the texts of the historical subcorpus, which are being developed for the first time at the Institute of Linguistics named after Akhmet Baitursynula. Tasks: to identify linguistic, lexical and grammatical markup for transcribed texts; to take into account the experiences of other countries in the development of lexical and grammatical markup; to analyze transcribed texts from Arabic graphics to Cyrillic graphics; to identify the variability of transcribed words; to describe the mechanism of functioning of the lexical and grammatical markup program.

The study uses descriptive, historical-comparative, linguotextological, linguostatistical methods. As a result of the study, when developing the markup, the experiments of the development of the historical subcorpus of the Russian language were considered; transcribing texts written in Arabic graphics of different periods of the Middle Ages were anasized; lexical and grammatical markup for transcribed texts were determined; the mechanisms of a lexical and grammatical search system for transcribed texts were described.

Practical significance. The development of lexical and grammatical markup for transcribed texts included in the historical subcorpus will be a useful linguistic tool for studying the evolution of a certain lexical unit.

173-183 888

Toponymic names, in addition to language and a specific historical situation, have other common features that to a certain extent reflect the social, economic, and geographical aspects of human society. We can reveal this feature inherent in geographical names in the process of semantic analysis of toponymic vocabulary. This paper is dedicated to the study of the semantics of geographical names of hydronyms of the East Kazakhstan region, the Altai territory.

In this study, an attempt will be made to systematize the hydronymic identification by defining the semantic features of the names of rivers, streams, sources, and lakes flowing through the Altai region of the East Kazakhstan region, because the saturation of the hydronymic system with names is determined primarily by the requirements of the nomadic economy for natural water sources. It follows from this that the significance of water in the nomadic lifestyle of our ancestors and the hydronymic names that had a very early place in history were determined and comprehensively analyzed from a linguistic point of view. One of the main problems identified during the analysis of the semantics of geographical names of hydronyms of the East Kazakhstan region, the Altai region, is the absence of ethno-toponyms in this region characteristic of the Kazakh nation. The study discusses and analyzes its main causes. Also, as a result of a comparative analysis of the names of geographical objects of other regions facing the East Kazakhstan region, the main difference between the hydronyms of the Altai territory from the names of hydronyms of other Kazakh regions was revealed. Hydronyms were classified with systematization on a semantic basis into 14 groups, including names indicating physical and geographical features and characteristics; hydronyms containing phytonyms; hydronyms containing zoonyms; hydronyms associated with the social life and spiritual culture of the population; hydronyms containing anthroponyms, and hydronyms with an emotional connotation.

184-191 502

The article is intended to determine the features of the state language during the process of digitization in the public social life of the citizens of Kazakhstan. Digitization of Kazakhstan is going on intensively. The rapid development of IT technology has made changes to the structure of the language. In this regard, the article considers the social, political, and economic reasons for determining the peculiarities of the Kazakh language in the field of digital technology. Language units collected from texts on social networks, state portals, media channels, business platforms were taken as materials of the article. Socio-linguistic methods were used in the article: the method of external observation on field research, the method of synchronous analysis in modeling the features of language in society, general linguistic methods (description, analysis, systematization). The current state of the Kazakh language was described using the method of external observation, the sociolinguistic phenomena that occurred in the linguistic situation of the Kazakh language in a heterogeneous linguistic environment (linguistic situation, language conflict, mixing of languages, bilingualism, multilingualism, language choice, recognition of language status, etc. ) was determined. It has been proven that the use of IT technology and digital system products contributes to the expansion of the functional scope of the Kazakh language. Although the "Digital Kazakhstan" program is not directly related to the implementation of the language policy of the state, it was determined that it had a positive effect on the development of the state language.

192-199 507

The paper defines all the linguistic means denoting political vocabulary. Linguistic concepts such as "political communication", and "political discourse" are considered, and several linguistic units that express them are defined. It is established that language and politics are not considered separately from each other, the analysis of the political system in Kazakhstan of various natures using the language, positions, and statements of public and state figures, and political leaders should be carried out at the junction of political, philological and linguistic research.

A number of basic terms and methods covering the main problems of political linguistics are defined, and an explanation is given for each. In Kazakh society, the place of Alash leaders and activist S. Seifulin in the political discourse is characterized, and recognized based on their works by political leaders, and statesmen, conducting political discussions of a democraticeducational, educational-revolutionary orientation. So far, the language of political leaders has not been studied and cognitively studied only on the basis of their works.

The relevance of our research lies in the study of the political linguistic personality of public figures who lived in Kazakh society within the framework of political discourse, the formation of a political linguistic personality based on slogans, reports, journalistic articles of socio-political content using stylistic structures and types of tropes of the artistic and political image in the language.

The practical significance of the conclusions formulated in the paper is relevant for linguists, Alash scholars, literary critics, and other readers.

200-209 370

This study analyzes the compatibility and semantic valence of the word "camel" in linguistic science. The purpose of the paper is to propose ways to verbalize the semantic valence of the word "camel" of the conceptual knowledge that served as the basis for it. Camel is a conceptual concept that has formed the image of the Kazakh ethnic world. It has more than 500 combined complex concepts. Because the camel occupies a special place in the life of the Kazakh people. The natural qualities and functions of the camel are the most important quality, endurance and tolerance and a tendency to a semi-desert zone have been widely recognized due to the combination with the word "camel" in the language system. There is also a special way to formalize and verbalize some concepts that represent the ethnic picture of the world on linguistic resources. Thus, it is quite possible to make a separate subcorpus of conceptual names representing the ethnic image of the Kazakhs from the National Corpus of the Kazakh language. The National Corpus provides effective ways of expressing the conceptual image of the concept, including the ethnic one. The cultural code of phrases semantically combined with the word camel is revealed. Why is the abundance of ethno-marked names related to camels determined in the Kazakh worldview? Since the concept of "image of the world picture" is the subject of interdisciplinary research, it is studied from different angles in each field. Since the worldview is an indicator of mental interpretation, it serves as a cognitive unit that asserts each nation has different knowledge about an abstract concept for a person. Having determined the ability to combine the word "camel" with such potential, we were convinced that the types of camels, the nature of the camel, the functions of the camel, and the connotative attribute that is actively used in describing a person, plant, animal, appearance, and character of a person. Automatization of the text related to the word "camel" is also carried out through a search system. By linking texts to the word "camel", it is quite possible to link them to the semantic designation in the sentence in which the phrase is involved.

210-220 390

The present paper is dedicated to solving problems at the intersection of linguistics and the legal sphere. In particular, the study presents the experience of linguistic expertise of phonograms in solving the issue of distinguishing the specific semantics of the oral speech of a suspicious person in connection with homonymic phenomena between linguistic units manifested in the judicial process. The process of using the PRAAT computer program to determine the intonation contours of a subject's word is described and the level of reliability in solving the task is assessed. To make an objective conclusion about the semantics of the subject's speech, which has the same sound composition, i.e. the same form, but can express different meanings depending on the features of the prosodic complex, such as intonation, voice intensity, duration, all his speech acts become the subject of research. In this regard, in the linguistic examination of phonogram texts, the method of linguopragmatic analysis is applied, which is aimed at studying the words of the direct addressee (speaking subject), the addressee (listener) and the nature (style) of their interaction, the speech situation, strategies, and tactics of the speech of communicants (addressee and addressee). The paper emphasizes the importance of scientific conclusions in the theory of language in the field of forensic examination.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)