No 1 (2021)
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3-10 394

The article analyzes the features of word formation of ethical concepts in the heritage of Abai "Words of Edification". The linguistic referents of ethical concepts as worldview traits are based on axiologisms, which are grouped in the form of values, anti-feelings, and ambivalent values. In the process and as a result of the analysis, negative phenomena in the system of public relations are revealed. From the point of view of the philosophy of the great poet’s worldview, the rationalistic orientation of ethical concepts is anthropocentric, and the position is humanistic.

10-26 826

The article focuses on the issues of dichotomy and polychotomy from the following perspective: a) language and speech; b) language, speech, speech activity; c) language, speech, speech activity, language material.
The author analyzes the works by A.Baytursynuly, the founder of Kazakh linguistics, linguodidactics, methodology and literary criticism, with the purpose of determining and describing his scientific views on the issue of dichotomy and polychotomy. In the scientific heritage of A.Baytursynuly, the issue of dichotomy and polychotomy is presented by the notions and terms – til (language), so'iley (speak), so'ilesu (communicate through speech, i.e. speech activity). The author considers these issues on the basis of the works devoted to the dichotomy and polychotomy by W. von Humboldt, F. de Saussure and L.V.Scherba. The article presents the analysis of terminological nomination of these notions in contemporary Kazakh linguistics, which is characterized by the continuity of terminological traditions of A.Baytursynuly and is closely related to the conceptions of W. von Humboldt and F. de Saussure. A.Baytursynuly differentiated language, speech, speech activity in the Kazakh language in 1914 in the work “Til-qural” (“Language – Instrumentation”) written in Arabic script, i.e. 19 years before the publication of the book by Ferdinand de Saussure in Russian “Course in General Linguistics” (1933). The author of the article puts forth his own terminological designation of the types of speech activity in the Kazakh language, taking into account the admissibility, but undesirability of some synonymous terminological nominations, functioning in the studies of both Kazakh linguists and linguists working on the material of other Turkic languages. 1) Til – language; tildesim – speech; tildesimdik qyzmet – speech activity; til materialy – language material; 2) Tyn’dalym – listening; so’ilesim – speaking; oqylym – reading; jazylym – writing; ishtei tildesim – inner speech; audarma tildesim – translation speech. In the research process, the methods of intralinguistic comparison and inter-linguistic comparison, as well as the semanticstylistic method and the method of linguistic description have been used.

26-37 653

The article is devoted to the scientific heritage of the founder of Kazakh linguistics Akhmet Baitursynuly in the field of super-segmental phonetics. From the point of view of the teachings of Akhmet Baitursynuly, the main components of intonation, their functions in sounding speech are described. A detailed description is given to the components of intonation: melody, tempo, intensity, pause, timbre. The intonation specificity of the language is manifested in the choice of prosodic means and their interaction. According to Akhmet Baitursynuly, the Kazakh prosodic system is similar to the prosodic system of the French language rather than Russian. This is manifested in the nature of the Kazakh stress, which, like in French, falls on the end of the word, in contrast to the different-place Russian stress.
The concept of intoneme, the smallest functional unit of intonation, is explained. Intoneme is a sign that has both form and content. The number of intonemes, as well as phonemes, is limited. On the basis of experimental-phonetic research, 8 intonemes of the Kazakh language were identified. The main function of intoneme is revealed, which serves to differentiate statements.
Particular attention is paid to the intonation of poetic speech. The scientist introduced into scientific circulation such concepts as syllable, verse, line, rhythm through which poetic texts are described. The scientific contribution of the scientist to the development of functional grammar is analyzed. Akhmet Baitursynuly in his research examined the problems of the theory of discourse, for the first time in Kazakh linguistics he explored speech facts in the communicative-pragmatic aspect.

37-43 339

The article describes the life and work of Kulmat Omiraliev, a scientist who was able to explore the issues of language and literature in a large social and humanitarian process. In his research in four published books, the scientist explored various topical issues of literary language, which is a common form of language and literature. He showed the ways of creating the historical poetics of the Kazakh people, revealed its historical, innate origins. He prepared the necessary research sites for future applicants. Undoubtedly, the research of the great scientist, who worked all his short life for the benefit of his country, will be useful for many generations.

43-50 578

Norm is a general language category with many contradictions. The norm must be strictly observed in writing, the person who writes and the person who speaks are two different people; and the speech clearly shows ethnic characteristics. The article tells about the peculiarities of Baitursynuly's phenomenon of direct writing.

50-63 417

One of the important problems in Kazakh orthography is spelling of complex adjectives. Modern written communication provides sufficient material about the dynamic processes and changes in spelling of a number of layers of complex, especially relative adjectives, expressing signs attributed to objects, animals, etc., by belonging, character, as well as various properties.
The article analyzes complex relative adjectives denoting different shades of the horse's color, taking into account the frequency of using their combined or separate spelling in written communication. Also, on the basis of the structural and semantic analysis, a number of recommendations for the unification of their spelling are put forward.

63-66 340

The scientist and great teacher of the nation Akhmet Baitursynuly is not only the creator of the first Kazakh national alphabet, but also the creator of Kazakh orthography. The basic principle of Kazakh orthography was the principle of spelling, which was established by the scientist - the phonemic principle by which the sound is written more independently of the phonetic basis.

66-73 466

One of the important problems in Kazakh spelling is the spelling of compound words (name of numerals).
The article analyzes the spelling of the name of numerals and complex numerals formed from the word "bir". Based on the structural-semantic analysis, a number of recommendations are put forward for the unification of their spelling.

73-82 318

The ancient Sakas-Scythians had rich heritage and culture, language and customs, which are differentiated by world linguistics, history and philology.

82-94 466

On September 1, 2020, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev presented his message to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action." He expressed his opinion concerning the field of science: “I would like to touch upon the issue of the development of science. Here we need a fresh look, new approaches, reliance on international experience. I instruct the Government to provide internships in the leading scientific centers of the world for 500 scientists annually, as well as provide 1000 grants for young scientists for research under the Zhas Galym project. An important source of funding and support for science are the funds of the largest enterprises, especially the raw material sector. The current norm on the deduction of 1% of capital investments for the development of science and technology is not transparent. Often these funds are simply redistributed within companies. I instruct the Government to ensure the centralization of collection and distribution of these funds through the budget, on the basis of national scientific priorities. A good step on the part of big business would be to take “patronage” over regional universities in terms of their scientific activities. We need a separate program document on the scientific and technological development of the country. Its primary task will be to attract science to solve applied problems of the national level".
Most of the terms that have been translated and formed in recent years have found wide application in the language, and some of them are not widely used. The reason is that such terms were artificial terms that could not meet the requirements of the principles of term formation. In recent years, at the initiative of the head of state and with support of Kazakh society, the issue of returning the former names of terms previously translated into Kazakh has been raised. This indicates that the terms were translated in the process of haste and campaigning. If we often change the approved terms, then the formation of terms will not be carried out.

94-99 429

The article deals with the research of Professor Zh. Mankeeva on the dead root and the problem of its diachronic research. Also, on the example of the study of the dead root, the scientist conducted a historical and comparative study using such works as" Etymological Dictionary of the Turkic languages","The language of the Yenisei monuments of ancient Turkic writing". In her studies, Zh. Mankeeva revealed the nature of the dead root from the phonetic and morphological point of view.

99-102 423

The article analyzes Ahmet Baitursynuly's "Alphabet" published in 1922 and 1925. The differences between these two textbooks are illustrated by examples.

102-108 526

The introduction of information technologies in education has led to the emergence of new forms of education. One of these forms of education is distance learning. This form of training allows one to organize the educational process in such a way that the teacher and student have the opportunity to be outside the premises of the educational institution. The above fact is the main difference between the distance form and the traditional one. Each of these forms of training has its own characteristics of the organization of educational processes and tools used in training. The article provides information about the differences between traditional and distance learning.

108-114 3165

This article focuses on phraseological units in Kazakh and English, which can be used by people in various domestic and legal relations. Phraseological units in two languages have been generalized, their origin and scope of use have been analyzed.

114-120 382

In the course of studying this topic, three authors, using various methods, express their opinion on the level of transmission, coverage range of Abay's work in local Russian-language school textbooks, draw conclusions and make suggestions as linguists. All Russian-language textbooks for 1-11 grades were considered. This research work was carried out in honor of the anniversary of "Abay – 175 years", and the report "Abay's dictionary and Abay in school life" was made at the online round table. The article was prepared on the basis of that report.

120-125 378

This article discusses the need for the formation of the communicative environment and development of students' competencies, the organization of students' interest in learning English in the modern process of teaching and education.

125-134 2556

This article examines the features of translation of English newspaper articles in the context of language development. The life of a modern person is changing rapidly. The language we use when we exchange information responds quickly to these changes. The journalistic style is more receptive to these changes in comparison with other styles of speech. Since the concept of journalistic style is broad, we will consider one type of journalism - newspaper style. In the era of globalization, international relations are developing at a faster rate. That is why this topic of the article is relevant. Through the prism of newspaper texts, we see the development of a foreign language, especially the changes taking place in it. With the help of an adequate translation of newspaper texts, the reader can see the changes in the social life of the English-speaking countries and in the English language in the most detail.

134-139 327

When compiling the world political map, some effective ways of mastering foreign-language geographical names were considered. Due to the fact that foreign-language onomastic names are represented in places of state administration, international affairs, diplomatic, international relations, in the world information space, in school textbooks, the laws of the Kazakh language become the main reference point in the new Kazakh alphabet.

139-148 524

The article provides the research and definitions of Kazakh, Russian and foreign scientists on the equivalence of translation. The article also considers the correspondence of M.Auezov's story "Turbulent Times" to the literary translation into Russian made by the translator A.Pantielev. The purpose of the article is to analyze the quality of the transmission of the work in other languages. Despite the fact that the works of the great writer M.Auezov have been studied and analyzed, the translation of them in other languages remains insufficiently studied, - in this regard, the topic of the article remains relevant. Also, our research deals with the problems of transmitting the aesthetic effect of the original content, the problems of translating artistic reality into Russian, stylistic features, and the unity of the content of the story “Turbulent Times", based on a real event line in our history.
One of the most important concepts in translation theory is equivalence and its types. The correspondence of the original text and the translated text to each other, the determination of the correct equivalents of the original parts in translation is important today from the point of view of the Kazakh translation science and the history and practice of literary translation.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)