No 4 (2020)
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3-12 445

In the national corpus of the Kazakh language, word-formation markings are among the linguistic markups that have their own structure, as well as other morphological, lexical and semantic markups. Therefore, when preparing the development of word-formation markups, it is necessary to consider the phenomena characteristic of word-formation markings. In this article, we consider the history of word formation as a separate branch of linguistics. We focused on derived words and word-formation approaches as a structural aspect of word-formation markups.

13-18 443

This article discusses the principles of creating a corpus of audio materials of the eastern dialect of the Bashkir language. The authors are tasked with representative collecting field materials, taking into account the age, gender, level of education, language of communication, national identity of informants and the variety of topics for conversation. The corpus is intended to present audio recordings, to transcribe audio files as transcribed texts, to present their literary version and the Russian translation of the dialect text.

19-28 427

The article defines the subject and tasks of Turkic theolinguistics in general and Kazakh in particular. A circle of sources for studying the religious sphere of the language, Turkic and Kazakhological theology in their historical development is outlined – from primitive cosmological ideas and beliefs and Tengrianism to our time.

29-36 536

The article examines the meaning of the concept of language identity and its role in modern multilingual and bilingual situations. Analyzing the main features of linguistic identity in the works of foreign and domestic scientists, the author emphasizes its significance for the individual and society as a whole or the ethnic group. As it is known, when determining a person’s linguistic identity, the choice is between the native language, as well as the second and third languages. The paper analyzes its preservation in the conditions of bilingualism and polylinguism, its development at its own level, a clear definition of the native language is justified on the basis of the conclusions of linguists. In addition, during the study of this issue, the results of a sociological survey among the city population were presented.

37-42 394

The article is devoted to the study and description of the natural environment and material culture of the pra-Turkic peoples. The article also examines the different views of famous russian turkologists on the paleoculture of the ancient Turks. An analysis of the meteorological, landscape, floristic and faunistic vocabulary of the Turkic languages allowed russian turkologists to localize the ancestral home of the ancient Turks in the territory from the dry steppes of East Turkestan to the foothills of Altai and mountain forests. The considered scientific articles give representations of Turks about the sky, celestial bodies and phenomena, about climate, landscape terminology, floristic vocabulary, types of settlements and the material life of the early Turks; their dwellings are described. The penetration into the reconstruction of the Turkic pralexicon promotes the further study of the paleoculture, ancestral home and external relations of the Turks on the basis of historical and linguistic data, which does not lose its relevance in the 21st century, contributing to the ethnocultural interaction of Eurasia.

43-49 479

The article deals with the concept of valency as a phenomenon lying at the confluence of syntax and lexical semantics. The paper also represents types of valency, directions in which the theory of valency is considered. Valency in the broad sense of the word refers to the capacity of a language unit to enter into communication with other units of a particular order. Objectivity and scientific and practical significance of the theory of valency is determined by the lexical-semantic potential of the word. Semantic valency is based on the logical semes of the word semantics. These semes are consistent with the logical semes of other word meanings, as a result, the given word demonstrates the combining capability with another word. This is considered to be its semantic valency. We have attempted to identify and investigate a peculiar kind of valency in the Kazakh language. We use the concepts of valency and compatibility as synonyms, but in a number of works they are distinguished. Thus, compatibility is regarded as a realized valency, and valency as a potential compatibility of the same language level elements. Сombinability refers to peculiarity of a word to realize in speech its syntagmatic relations in the form of a phrase

50-54 537

The article deals with the etiquette forms of the Kazakh and English languages. The article analyzes the translation of etiquette forms from one language to another, considers the importance of etiquette in professional activity as a means of communication between people. Methods of language translation are presented.

55-59 583

Lexical and phraseological units associated with numerical names occupy a significant place in the word formation of the Kazakh language. Concepts-judgments developed on the basis of everyday life, the life of the people, the customs and traditions formed in this regard are reflected in the stable expressions of language use. The article reflects the national and cultural data that served as the basis for the formation of phraseological units with numerical values and provides the opinions of various researchers. The nature and features of ethnolinguistic language units defined by the concept of number-quantity are identified and displayed.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)