The article is devoted to the scientific heritage of the founder of Kazakh linguistics A. Baitursynov in the field of super-segmental phonetics. From the point of view of the teachings of A. Baitursynov, the main components of intonation, their functions in sounding speech are described. A detailed description is given to the components of intonation: melody, tempo, intensity, pause, timbre. The intonation specificity of the language is manifested in the choice of prosodic means and their interaction. According to A. Baitursynov, the Kazakh prosodic system is similar to the prosodic system of the French language rather than Russian. This is manifested in the nature of the Kazakh stress, which, like in French, falls on the end of the word, in contrast to the different-place Russian stress. The concept of intonation, the smallest functional unit of intonation, is explained.
Intonema is a sign that has both form and content. The number of intones, as well as phonemes, is limited. On the basis of experimental-phonetic research, 8 intones of the Kazakh language were identified. The main function of an intonme is revealed, which serves to differentiate statements.
Particular attention is paid to the intonation of poetic speech. The scientist introduced into scientific circulation such concepts as syllable, verse, line, rhythm through which poetic texts are described. The scientific contribution of the scientist to the development of functional grammar is analyzed. A. Baitursynov in his research examined the problems of the theory of discourse, for the first time in Kazakh linguistics he explored speech facts in a communicative-pragmatic aspect.
- Baitursynov deeply knew the phonetic and grammatical laws of the Kazakh language. Knowing the laws of the Kazakh language, he perfectly understood that the old Arabic script created inconveniences for the Kazakhs, and, having reformed the graphics, he created a new Kazakh alphabet, called “tote zhazu». So he became a reformer of the Kazakh alphabet. In 1913 - 1918. the newspaper “Kazakh» was published with the use of the new alphabet of A. Baitursynov, and in it this alphabet was tested. The peculiarities of the new spelling in the article are confrmed by reliable linguistic data, examples from newspaper texts.
The study of the structure of the historical vocabulary of the Kazakh language is one of the most important priority tasks in Kazakh linguistics. In the historical vocabulary of the Kazakh language, in addition to the Turkic words, there is a whole layer of borrowed words. This article examines the functional features of punctuation marks used in the dictionary of borrowed words of the historical vocabulary of the Kazakh language
In the national corpus of the Kazakh language, word-formation markings are among the linguistic markings with their own structure, as well as other morphological, lexical and semantic markings. Therefore, when preparing the development of wordformation markings, it is necessary to consider the phenomena characteristic of wordformation markings. In this article, we will focus on the history of word formation proving that word formation is one of the areas of linguistics.
This article provides information about derived words and ways of word formation as a structural aspect of word-formation markup.
The article deals with a specific period of ethnolinguistics, as well as the role and contribution of Professor Zhanpeisov E. to the research of Kazakh ethnolinguistics, scientific works of the scientist, including the last monograph of the scientist entitled “Kazakh eskilikteri». Some lexical units are subject to linguistic analysis. The article examines the work of Professor Zh. Mankeeva’s recent contribution to the field of ethnolinguistics, revealing the semantics of linguistic units, ethnocultural meaning.
The problem of transition of the Kazakh writing system to the Latin script is very important in modern linguistics. In this regard, there is a need to issue dictionaries in Latin script. Currently, the work “Development of a parallel orthoepic dictionary in Cyrillic and Latin graphics» is being carried out. The article deals with the features of the orthoepic dictionary in the Kazakh language based on the Latin alphabet
The article deals with the cognitive-pragmatic potential of a periphrase – language instrument that influences the public consciousness. The purpose of the article is to preserve the depth of use of the new periphrase in people’s memory and to identify the reasons for its widespread use. The strength of manipulative, pragmatic actions in the content of imaginative, random applications that change the opinion of society is confirmed by successive examples. The reasons for the transfer of new usage in modern media of the periphrase, metonymic periphrase, metaphor, occasional periphrase will be revealed. As public opinion grows, changes in public consciousness can be observed. The article says that only accurately describing the stereotypical ideas of people about the knowledge of the world can affect the public consciousness. The article uses linguocognitive, lingvosemantic, semantic methods of analysis.
The article provides a brief overview of the scientific works of Professor S. Myrzabekov, in which the scientist’s attention is focused on the problems of the orthoepy of the Kazakh language, on the need to introduce this subject into the curriculum of secondary and higher education as a compulsory subject and preliminary training of teachers. Prof. S. Myrzabekov believes that it is necessary, first, to consider in detail the patterns of pronunciation of the Kazakh speech, having also studied the history of the problem; secondly, to strive to form a scientific research base; thirdly, to carry out a phonetic substantiation of pronunciation: fourthly, to compile a dictionary of the pronunciation of Kazakh words.
This article discusses the use and features of case endings in the Kazakh language. The use of case endings is analyzed using examples from P. Lebedev’s textbook “Chemistry” translated by the scientist Koshke Kemengerov, who made an invaluable contribution to the science of linguistics at the beginning of the XX century.
The article examines and clarifies with examples the methods of transferring and parsing the category of voice in textbooks published at the beginning of the twentieth century. The article also reveals the classification and types of the category of voice in the period after the formation of national linguistics.
At the beginning of the 20th century, many textbooks started appearing in the Kazakh language. They can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of original textbooks written by Kazakh scientists, the second one consists of translated textbooks. In any case, these textbooks can provide valuable information about the specifics of using language units at the time period under consideration.
The article analyzes the forms of participles and their use in the textbook “Botany» by Omar Sarbatyr uly.
Many toponymic names served as information and reference to a specific object even before the advent of writing system. The close connection of toponymy with geography, history, ethnography confirms the fact that this is an area of cultural value. Particular attention should be paid to the correct formulation of foreign onomastic nominations in accordance with the sound system of our language and their transliteration in accordance with the single standard.The article deals with the issues of transliteration of exonyms in the Kazakh language in the development of a world political map and a directory of foreign geographical names.
The article discusses the harmony of the word in the Kazakh language and the manner of speech. The need to pay attention to the modern literary pronunciation of the word, speech styles and culture of speech is affirmed. The article reports on the works of Kazakh scientists, in which the scientific and practical problems of Kazakh spelling are deeply analyzed and highlighted.
The Kazakh morphology has always been one of the key research topics in the Kazakh linguistics, as well as a key matter in the Kazakh teaching methodology. Nevertheless, it is evident that some of the topics related to Kazakh verbal morphology still require a thorough research. In particular, creation and use of the modern software for morphological analysis, as well as outlining more comprehensive methods of teaching Kazakh as a second/foreign language [1] may require a different approach towards the morphological analysis. Even though the analytical morphology pattern outlined in this paper does not contradict the internal structure of the Kazakh language, it has not been in consistent use either in the academic grammars, or in the KSL/KFL teaching methodology.
The paper provides a consistent distinction between primary and secondary finite forms. The former denote a temporal and personal meaning in every single context, regardless of any peculiarities thereof, whereas the latter are essentially based on verbals (also known as non-finite verb forms) [2]. In terms of a strictly morphological approach the “secondary tenses» are predicative forms of verbals. The tense meaning conveyed by these forms lies rather in the field of semantics than in the field of morphology
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)