Mass communication media (mass media), performing a communicative and informational function and the function of influence, are to some extent a set of speech situations. According to the language and style of the media, especially under the influence of external factors, one can observe the dynamics of internal language resources: new phrases, lexical innovations, Kazakhized terms, calcified combinations requiring codification, actualization of theological vocabulary, the use of dialectisms and professional and colloquial vocabulary, the active use of expressive-figurative phrases, etc., which characterize the current state of speech use, interstitial diffusion in media texts. There is a need to study lexico-functional phenomena that create the linguistic side of modern Kazakh media, contributing to the development of Kazakh media linguistics - an independent direction in linguistics, as well as to analyze empirical media materials in the aspect of the theory of speech culture. Based on the review analysis of the language of the Kazakh mass media of recent decades, the article examines the most specific and characteristic features of the Kazakh newspaper vocabulary (based on its functional aspect).
The article is devoted to the description of the difficulties that, naturally, will be encountered in the transition to the Latin script. These difficulties, of course, are temporary and theoretically solvable; nevertheless, their description and solutions are relevant. This is primarily due to the typological feature of the Kazakh language in the system of world languages.
Prof. A. Zhunisbek writes that in modern Kazakh (Turkic) linguistics, the main problem is the search for new methods for analyzing the sound structure of the language. This should take place within the framework of the revival of national consciousness. «Eurocentrism» is the methods and principles of the analysis of Indo-European languages, where phonology is the theoretical basis for the analysis of phonetics. «Türkocentrism» is the methods and principles of the analysis of the Türkic languages, where the theoretical basis for the analysis of phonetics is syngarmology.
Further, according to the scientist, in order to define and describe the internal features and patterns of the Kazakh (Turkic) language, a specific research apparatus (concepts and terms) is needed. As a result, the original timbre characteristics of the composition and system of sounds, possible modifications of sounds, syllables and morphemes can be discovered. This will make it possible to really determine the composition and describe the system of singharmonic and assimilative modifications of sounds, compose a national alphabet, provide visual illustrations for textbooks and teaching aids, and improve teaching methods.
When switching to the Latin script, the professor warns, it should be noted that in Kazakh linguistics the composition and system of morphemes, their liner value are also described in the mainstream of the Indo-European tradition, as a result, a number of morpheme units and their sound composition are defined and described incorrectly, and spelling and orthoepic rules to correct them.
The results of theoretical and practical research by Prof. A. Zhunisbek will be used as a theoretical basis for compiling the Latin alphabet. The spiritual revival of the nation begins with the revival of the language and the alphabet is the basis of the process: the national alphabet – the national word – the national language.
The language of diplomacy, being a kind of official style that performs an important function in public relations between people, is reflected in international relations in the political, cultural, economic and social spheres. This is his extralinguistic feature, which distinguishes diplomatic discourse from other styles, in particular, from other forms of business style. Although the discourse of diplomacy is largely characteristic of the business style, in the individual discourse of a diplomat speaking to the people, there are elements of a conversational style in a communicative situation. This fact is the object of the article’s research.
The article examines the directions of studying the concepts of «discourse», «diplomatic discourse», «language of diplomacy», gives an overview of the works of Kazakh, European, Russian scientists, defines the pragmatics of the conversational style in the diplomat’s discourse by lexical and grammatical linguistic units, other linguistic phenomena. As a result of linguistic analysis, it is assumed that the manifestation of the conversational style in the diplomat’s discourse increases the degree of intelligibility to the addressee of such features characteristic of this discourse as the sanctity of the profession, which has the character of serving the state, special personnel and organizational structural management, diplomatic ethics and norms of behavior prescribed by the protocol, a significant amount of professional terminology, special forms of professional communication. The article also gives the discourse of the two diplomats and indicates their linguistic peculiarities.
The article describes the contribution to the development of Kazakh linguistics and scientific thought based on the analysis of the scientific heritage of the outstanding figure of the early twentieth century Alash, scientist, physicist, mathematician, translator, talented linguist, one of the founders of Kazakh linguistics Eldes Omaruly. The scientific works of the scientist, written in the period of the 20-30s of the twentieth century, related to many areas of natural science and linguistics, such as history, translation, teaching methods and physics, mathematics, with a total volume of 5-6 volumes, are considered in detail and highlighted in them important problems and topical topics. As a result, the contribution of Еldes Omaruly to the development of Kazakh science, his merits in the formation of Kazakh linguistics will be evaluated. His linguistic heritage, works on phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and spelling, terminology, and onomastics are especially analyzed. Together with the teacher Akhmet Baitursynuly scientific continuity and original searches in the field of linguistics were compared, concrete conclusions were made about the contribution to the development of Kazakh writing and spelling. As a result of this analysis, scientific data from the scientist’s works on problematic issues of Kazakh spelling that arose on the eve of the alphabet reform today will be presented. The article is one of the first special research articles distinguished by innovative conclusions that contribute to the development of «eldesovedenie». The article mainly uses a descriptive method. The structural and comparative methods are partly used in the analysis of linguistic works.
The article analyzes the views on the concept of a code in linguistics, the problem of cultural code, the semantics of the code, the equivalence of the concept of a code and the concept of a cipher, as well as the non-identity between them. Among the various functions of language, a special role belongs to the cultural function, this function is performed by the language with the help of vocabulary, texts, and the language becomes the archive of culture, its «memory». And the cultural code is a set of signs, symbols. It conveys important cultural information by collecting all verbal and non-verbal communication. There is a great need for non-verbal thinking or non-linguistic codes to translate information from one form to another. Non-verbal means of communication are auxiliary means performed by communicators, which are used in parallel with words in communication or are located near them. Their functions are different and their application is not always the same. And this diversity is associated with the intentions of the communicators. There are several ways to distinguish non-verbal means from other means, from various psychological actions. These include: make sense in communication, have a role in achieving a certain goal in communication, understandability for the linguistic community, etc. These features indicate the relevance of studying paralinguistics. Examples of non-verbal elements were selected from fiction.
All languages on the planet are responsible for various social situations and phenomena that occur in society. The Kazakh language is also constantly developing, replenishing, and changing. Every day, new words appear in his vocabulary, become obsolete, some of them are out of Use, and some of them change in meaning and are updated again. The recent pandemic and the current epidemiological situation in the country have also affected the language. The covid-19 coronavirus infection pandemic and restrictive measures have brought significant changes to the public life of the whole world, including Kazakhstan, as well as gave an impetus to the formation of new names through the internal resources of the language, the productivity of some wordforming tools, the rapid flow of language processes. In fact, Corona has added new terms to the vocabulary of all languages of the world. Along with the pandemic, many words such as social immunity, masks, vaccinations, distance protection, covid, etc.have entered the vocabulary of Kazakhstanis. The article analyzes neologisms related to the coronavirus pandemic that have appeared in the Kazakh language or whose meaning has been updated. Lexical innovations of the coronavirus era, such as coronaviruses, coronaviruses, and coronaviruses, appeared in the language in 2020 and in a short period of time entered the common language and took a place among the words that form a combination with a high frequency of use.
Language is a social phenomenon that is constantly changing, developing and replenishing. All the changes and innovations taking place in society are brought to life through language. In connection with the transition into circulation and the formation of new language applications, the press service performs a special function. The acquisition of sovereignty and independence by our country, the acquisition of the status of the state language led to a new development of the Kazakh press. In order for the press to find innovations in the development of speech, we must, of course, systematically study its language.
Taking into account the above, the article considers the issues of formation and development of the Kazakh literary language, the language of the press from the point of view of a new stage since the acquisition of sovereignty by our country, where, in particular, the previously expressed theoretical considerations and collected materials on the use of phraseology in the media are analyzed. Phraseological units were collected from the newspapers «Zhas Alash» and «Ontustik Kazakhstan», the features of their use and occasional forms were determined. As a source for our article, the numbers of these newspapers published since 2010 are taken. Scientific conclusions on the use of phraseological units in the modern press were presented.
The article is written on the basis of a research project on grant funding «Written heritage and text studies: orthograms, word formation and linguopoetics of a literary text in journalism of the early twentieth century».
The article reveals the linguistic, historical, cultural, social features of godonyms, their quantitative and qualitative indicators as an important linguistic part of the onomastic space of the city of Almaty. The godonyms of the city of Almaty require special study, since they are the main significant object that forms the linguistic, cultural and socio-ethical consciousness of the population, guests and tourists. Since the city is witnessing numerous reforms and historical processes, the study of linguistic features, streets allow you to identify names of national importance, as well as their development. Onomastic names of the city, including godonyms, freely fit into the world, international information space and are widely reflected. It can be observed on electronic maps google map, Yandex map, mobile applications 2GIS. The city’s godonymic names on these maps are transmitted in international Latin graphics or in Russian. The article carried out a synchronous and diachronic, comparative statistical analysis of the streets of Almaty, determined the proportion of national names and classified by semantic type. Specific recommendations are given on the unification of the city of Almaty’s godonymy (street and metro names).
It is impossible to imagine people’s lives without geographical names. Geographical names are required to distinguish one place from another. Our people have long observed the benefits and harms of each plant in their habitat, using it in their daily practice. Because nomadic life habits required knowledge of the characteristics of each pasture land: climate, terrain, water sources, vegetation, suitability of grazing, seasonal use. In this regard, special attention is paid to the efficiency of cultivation of various types of agricultural products, which are characteristic of these regions. For example, it was convenient to breed cows in A Quiet Place, sheep and horses in sagebrush, in a secluded place, camels in a desert area. It can be seen that the more often phytotoponymic names appear on our Earth, the more influence the cultural code has. Because the culture of the people is inextricably linked with its way of life. By studying the phytotoponymic vocabulary in toponymy, you can reveal the secret of interesting information about the disappeared features of the landscape of a particular region. This article discusses the importance of Geographical Names, draws attention to how the plant world manifests itself in Kazakh toponymy, in particular in the system of oronyms, hydronyms and oikonyms, and provides information about the language code and cultural code of several plants.
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)