No 1 (2022)
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3-14 560

Trying to combine speech recognition and natural language understanding to create a system capable of understanding conversational dialogues, we face a number of problems that are not encountered in text processing. Oral speech, as a rule, is more concise, less grammatically correct, less structured and more ambiguous than text, it is characterized by the absence of smooth fluency, processes of assimilation and reduction, divergence of syntactic and prosodic articulation of the speech sequence, temporal characteristics such as the length of pauses, the presence of hesitation pauses. , duration of speech segments, melodic characteristics. The interest of phoneticians is directed to the search for the causes of phonetic variability, to the study of the typology of the variability of sound phenomena of a general linguistic nature or specific, inherent in specific language groups.

In addition, speech recognition systems that attempt to extract words from utterances typically result in word insertion, deletion, or substitution errors due to incorrect speech segmentation and perception. Prosodic means of intonation can be helpful in understanding the structure of a dialogue, as can parsing. This article presents some results of the use of prosodic means to convey semantic nuances in sounding discourse, the implementation of intonation functions and various approaches to the study of intonation ins ounding discourse.

15-26 1093

The various functions of language in society determine the direction of their study. In this regard, this article examines the cumulative function of the language, which has recently become the object of research in sociolinguistics, ethno-linguistics, linguistic cultural studies, pragmatics, pedagogics etc. In particular, the role of the cumulative function of language in the formation of cultural competencies of language learners is analyzed. Why are we considering this issue? After all, it is this cumulative function that makes learning a particular language difficult for language learners. Especially in a multilingual space, this issue is becoming increasingly relevant. Taking into account the language space of the country, it is very important to form different competencies among language learners at different levels, plan and control their activities and implement them accordingly. Therefore, in our article, we will focus on the issue of deep study of such an important phenomenon.

That is, the article discusses the influence of the cumulative function of the language on the linguistic personality in the formation of not only communicative and linguistic competence but also cultural competence.

27-43 490

The article examines the peculiarities of the use of new words and new concepts with term potential – new usages in Kazakh and Turkish newspapers between 1995-2015. The language situation in the media of the two countries was compared and analyzed. The purpose of the article is to study from a linguocognitive point of view the processes of integration // nonintegration of new usages in the Kazakh and Turkish press for a certain period of time (1995- 2015) and in some particular cases the process of forming a term is compared with each other. The only document that records the state of the language at a certain point and the renewal of the language due to the internal law of development is the media. Currently, the process of introducing a new system of new usages is being revived and formed, with the transition of a number of loan words on the daily pages of the Press, television, radio, that is, in the media space of independent Kazakhstan. In Turkey, this process was started by the leader of the nation Atatürk in 1923, after the official proclamation of the Turkish Republic and the campaign to clean the language from foreign elements, which began under the label «Language Reform», is still going on. Comparison, analysis and identification of cognitive models of formation and interpretation of new names in two ethnically related Turkic countries is the most relevant and interesting issue for linguists in accordance with the modern elvel of linguistics

44-54 936

Objects, phenomena, their adjectives, and movements – all are reflected in language. One of the systems formed in language in marking the linguistic image of the world is word formation. The article analyzes the theoretical concepts of verb word formation in the Kazakh language, the formation of action lexical units, including the lexical-semantic nature and grammatical features of compound verbs formed by auxiliary verbs. The word-formation persons involved in the formation of compound verbs, which are the result of the analytical method of word-formation – nouns and imitation words in the leading position and auxiliary verbs that perform the word-formation function are analyzed structurally and semantically. In addition, the characteristics of semantic integrity, morphological integrity and syntactic integrity, which are characteristic of compound verbs, are supported by examples of specific linguistic data. The peculiarities of the compound verbs are determined by comparing them with similar linguistic phenomena, in particular, compound verbs, analytical forms of verbs, idiomatic verbs and complex grammatical forms formed by the combination of auxiliary verbs edi. There is also a paradigm of transformation with the indicators of its verb categories, which show the morphological integrity of the compound verbs, in particular, with the indicators of the categories of mood, mood, tense, positive-negative, the nautre of the movement.

55-66 423

Historical lexicography systematically conducts scientific research of historical lexicological, historical dialectological, historical phonetic, historical grammatical works and sources that allow us to study the historical vocabulary and vocabulary of the Kazakh language from a comprehensive linguistic point of view, determines ways, methods and methods of their use in the formation of historical dictionaries. The theory of historical lexicography serves as a scientific and theoretical basis for the practice of creating etymological, historical-dialectological, and historical dictionaries of the Kazakh language and allows them to be improved. At the same time, in accordance with the scientific level of modern lexicography, there is a need to define the goals and objectives, structural features, and principled foundations of historical lexicography in Kazakh linguistics. Due to the development of the scientific and information space in modern society and the improvement of the lexicography industry, the development of historical lexicography and computer historical lexicography also has an impact on the dynamic development. XV-XX centuries of the Kazakh language. one of the most important tasks of modern Kazakh linguistics is the creation of an electronic body of texts and a historical electronic file fund (journalistic, epistolary, from works of art, oral literature, historical records, etc.), dictionaries of a historical character created for different centuries, a historical dictionary of the modern Kazakh language, a historical and etymological dictionary of the Kazakh language, reflecting the manifestation of Kazakh cultural and spiritual, national values in the language. It is necessary to define the main principles of forming a historical and etymological dictionary and create an electronic Historical Dictionary both in the field of Turkology and Kazakh linguistics. This is one of the guarantees of a deeper understanding of the historical layers of the Kazakh language, that our native language will not be absorbed in the era of globalization.

67-81 346

The meaning of stable expressions of a language is often understandable to a person who speaks that language. However, the form and content are not always clear even to those who know their native language. After all, constant phrases, proverbs-sayings are the fruits of a long era. The semantic, symbolic nature of numerals as part of stable phrases and proverbs of the language, as well as the reason for their use as part of stable phrases have much in common with incomprehensible to the people.The fate of the language is connected with the history of the nation. Customs, traditions, social status, cultural level of the people are reflected in the language of this people. Due to the fact that the formation of numerals as part of stable expressions in our language is a historical category, we can say linguistic data reflecting the realities of life, customs, economic, living conditions of past eras.Stable expressions occupy a special place in Kazakh linguistics. By their nature, phraseological units are studied lexically, etymologically, morphologically, syntactically, stylistically, cognitively. However, there are many points that have yet to be explored. One of them is numerals as part of stable phrases in our language, the definition of their semantic, etymological, stylistic, grammatical aspects. The specificity of the topic that becomes the object of research work is that it is connected with the history of the creation of stable expressions

82-89 464

Turks are a nation evenly distributed throughout the world, rich in history, culture and literature. It can be said that most of the Turkic peoples are concentrated in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. In addition, these territories are completely covered by language groups common to the Turkic-speaking peoples. The method of comparative historical research of issues related to the phonetic system, vocabulary, grammatical structure of the Turkic languages also describes the patterns of their development. From this point of view, nouns common to the Turkic peoples represent a unique treasure of the Turkic dictionary. It is important that the Turkic languages have a centuries-old unity and origin, as well as their place in the new language policy of modern society. The article deals with the area of common nouns in the Turkic languages, their linguistic and cognitive nature.

90-99 658

Language is a means of communication that brings people and nations closer together and allows them to understand. Language teaching is one of the most difficult tasks. Therefore, the teaching of the Kazakh language to other nations requires a psychological basis. The psychological characteristics of a particular nation play an important role in learning another language. Therefore, when planning the teaching of a language as a foreign language, in the selection of educational materials, first of all, age and psychological characteristics are taken into account. The study of psychological problems of teaching common languages as a foreign language dates back to the last century. As psychology is a branch of science that studies human behavior, it is closely related to the fields related to each methodology. In this regard, in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, the doctrine of psycholinguistics emerged, which considers the relationship between psychology and linguistics, human speech, the importance of mastering the native language, a foreign language. When a person learns another language, he experiences various psychological processes. Therefore, the teacher should closely monitor the psyche of the student and help him to master the language without any harm. Therefore, the learning process is a process of interaction between teacher and students, because learning, by its psychological nature, is the result of interaction between teachers and students. There is no doubt that teaching a teacher only when he is well-versed in psychology and takes great responsibility for his profession will give certain results. The article considers the methods of teaching the Kazakh language as a second language, psychological features, the fact that the teacher is a leading specialist in language teaching, ways to improve the abilities of the student. Mental types of language learners are identified

100-111 425

New research should be conducted in Kazakh linguistics in order to identify the potential and functioning of the modern written language in society. The language of the periodical press is an actual form of communication between society and government, communicative and informational activity, as a vivid expression of the written language. Therefore, it is important to analyze changes in the language and the dynamics of language development using newspaper vocabulary. An important structural part of the newspaper is the newspaper headline. The headline in the newspaper discourse is designed to realize its main functions: influencing, evaluative and informational. Journalists, as subjects of speech, use various linguistic means that can most fully realize the planned communicative goals. At the same time, special attention is paid to the title, which, being both a component of the text and an independent unit of speech, should attract the attention of the addressee to the publication, encourage him to read the published information. The headings are very indicative in this regard precedent texts, as well as a precedent name. This article examines the effectiveness of the newspaper headline and semantic features of the vocabulary

112-122 1075

The article touches upon the tradition of assigning Kazakh nicknames. The study will consider the nicknames of the khans-sultans, leaders, scientists, as well as the nicknames of contemporary art and sports figures. According to these stages, the reasons for the use of nicknames, motives and pragmatics, the continuity of traditions are determined. Attention new research in the field of nicknames, one of the branches of Kazakh anthroponymy. This will contribute to the revival of ethnolinguistic, historical and phonosemantic research in the field of onomastics. The study used comparative historical, descriptive methods. The lexical and semantic similarities of historical and modern nicknames, the continuity of traditions and historicity are revealed. Nicknames from ethnonyms and euphemisms are described as a special group of nicknames. It turned out that the origin of nicknames dates back to antiquity and is directly related to social structures. The research results can be used in ethnography, cultural linguistics and sociolinguistic research. The fact that nicknames are more common among men than among women is explained by the national mentality, as well as from the point of view of the national and human social structure. Attention is also paid to the role of the individual and society in the tradition of Kazakh nicknames. The place and function of nicknames in society are compared from the point of view of different eras. As a result, the lexico-semantic, pragmatic features and continuity of each era in nicknames were identified.

123-140 697

Toponyms are a valuable source of language learning in diachrony, they also carry the features of national culture, national identity. Their appearance, change and disappearance are associated with the development and change of certain phenomena of the historical process. However, the value of toponymic data is not limited to the value for science and cultural studies, they also have applied value: in solving national economic problems, in the development of tourism and the formation of a single integral tourist image of the region. Taking into account the relevance of toponymic data, the article discusses the principles of creation and structure of toponymic data in the Republic of Bahskortostan. When determining the structure of the base of toponymy itself, the authors of the article consider it necessary to determine the choice of the type of classification of toponymic material. In the article, based on the consideration of existing classifications of toponyms, a database is proposed that includes the following linguistic and non-linguistic information fields: toponym in Russian, toponym in Bashkir language, object class, object subclass (object type), etymology, variant of the object name (used in language of the local population), the etymology of the variant, the type of word formation, the nature of the nomination, documentation, administrative referencing, geographical coordinates, historical and cultural content, illustrative content. The authors of the article disclose the current state of the process of creating a database, determine the stages of the upcoming work.

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)